Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 54 The big black cat has been upgraded

Chapter 54 The big black cat has been upgraded
He clearly knew the truth of the matter, but he was powerless to change it.

This is the sorrow of the weak.

Since "Judgment Day" is irreversible, the only thing John Connor and others can do is to keep their useful bodies for the future.

Robert Brewster firmly believed that his daughter would never deceive him, so he ran to his office, took out a red document from a safe, and took his daughter and son-in-law to fly to Crystal Peak in his own small private plane, It is also the place where the final battle between the governor and TX in the movie is, and the nuclear war shelter hides.

The hero and heroine ran away, and Jiang Feng didn't watch the show, so he turned his attention to the big black cat, which was still sleeping in a ball on a big bed in a luxury hotel in Los Angeles.

Bored, pinch the three-petal mouth of the big black cat to reveal the small fangs inside; or open the cat's mouth up and down to make a roaring posture of a tiger.

It was getting dark gradually.

In the meantime, because Robert Brewster just made an excuse to run away, the "Yse" who killed 30 billion people in the movie was finally pushed down by a secondary character.

In less than a second, Jiang Feng controlled the military network of the United States of America.

He can now use the entire nuclear bomb of the United States as a second kicker, and launch it towards any region on the earth at will.

But Jiang Feng didn't.

On the contrary, he went into a latent state in a very face-saving manner, pretending that the "super computer virus" had been killed.

"Who can save the world, only me, the United States!"

Just when the bigwigs in the United States gathered together for a celebration banquet, and at the same time were thinking about how to collect "hard work" from the rest of the world, they didn't know that the death of all human beings was coming.

Because, when the moon rose, the big black cat woke up.

"Jiang Feng, this cat is very hungry."

The big black cat opened its eyes, raised its little paw, and pointed to its own three-petal mouth.

Jiang Feng naturally knew the cat's owner's preferences. This is a pure carnivore, so he immediately took the big black cat out of the hotel to eat a special delicacy from the United States.

Rat meal!

According to "Osaka", in the violent cities of the United States (maybe Chicago, maybe Detroit, who knows?), there is a kind of rat that is bigger than a dog. can be eaten alive.

After Jiang Feng became "Skynet", he had a wealth of information sources. He accidentally learned that in a small town in the United States, there was the only rat restaurant, and the rumored big rats were used for cooking!

Hearing that such a big mouse can be cooked and eaten, the big black cat's saliva is about to flow out.

The awesome mouse, which is much bigger than a cat, must be very exciting to eat when cooked.

After using the iron-blooded spaceship to cross half of the United States, Jiang Feng and the big black cat have already sat in this unremarkable restaurant.

The big black cat took a breath, ordered ten big mice, and started to eat them. It was a scent.

After eating and drinking enough, the big black cat shaved its teeth with its paws, and said triumphantly, "Jiang Feng, this cat has gained a lot of benefits from an existence called Lord God."

Jiang Feng's appetite was whetted, and he hurriedly asked what benefits did it get?

"First of all, the world we have traveled through before is no longer restricted to travel once a day. Now we can travel at any time, but only between the original world and the plot world."

The big black cat said happily that it can eat a delicious meal whenever it wants now, "It is not possible to travel directly between the story world and the story world. In addition, if we want to open a new instance, as this cat The price of the upgrade is that you can only travel through it twice a month. But this cat has turned on the item storage function, with unlimited capacity; it can also recruit subordinates to help us take risks in the new instance.”

Jiang Feng began to digest the meaning of the big black cat's words. Generally speaking, he still took a small loss and made a big deal.

The big black cat has an infinite storage function, which means that Jiang Feng can carry far more things than before, and return to the original world; it also means that he can carry props and shuttle to the new plot world, but There is also much more room for choice, and to a large extent, he can get rid of the influence of the use of designated character cards on him.

As for the opportunity to time travel from once a day to twice a month, Jiang Feng actually didn't mind.

Because of the many time travels and living in the plot world for a long time, Jiang Feng gradually had an unreal feeling about the original world, just like in a dream.

But in the original world, he has too many precious memories, Jiang Feng does not want his hometown to become an illusory dream.

Now that he can live longer in the original world, Jiang Feng can only feel happy.

"Recruiting subordinates? How to ensure the loyalty of the other party and not betray us?"

Regarding the recruitment of subordinates, Jiang Feng had doubts.

"Hmph, if they are disobedient, this cat can kill them with a single thought."

The big black cat jumped onto the dining table and said, waving its paws.


"that is……"

"I understand. It turned out that the three new reincarnations who were missing should have been obliterated by their main god for some reason."

Jiang Feng smiled and said, "No wonder they disappeared without a trace in this world."

"If I can recruit subordinates, I have a good candidate."

In an instant, Jiang Feng thought of a plot character, a very useful character.

"Benmao has also taken a fancy to someone, the chef in this restaurant."

The big black cat ordered five more big mice, opened its mouth to gnaw, and said, "I like the mouse dishes he made very much. I have decided to accept him as a subordinate."

It's just a chef, Jiang Feng doesn't care.

However, what's the matter with the strong Majin Buu's sense of sight on the big black cat?

"By the way, this cat also got a few good things, Jiang Feng, look."

After gnawing off the five big mice, the big black cat wiped its three-petal mouth with a napkin, and took out two simple-looking but atmospheric books from the void, as well as a seemingly ordinary emerald green The jade pendant was handed to Jiang Feng.

"These are the three items with the highest value among the items that this cat got by accident from the two dead reincarnators."


Jiang Feng took two ancient books and a piece of ancient jade curiously, and three lines of information appeared in his mind.

"Congratulations, you have obtained the Celestial Martial Arts Secret Book "Qinglian Sword Song"."

"Congratulations, you have obtained the martial arts secret book "Yi Jian Shu" at the level of a grand master."

"Congratulations, you have obtained the Wu Po Void-level martial arts secret book "The Illustrated Record of the God of War."


(End of this chapter)

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