Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 56 The End of "Terminator"

Chapter 56 The End of "Terminator"
"Now the cat can go."

The big black cat jumped off Jiang Feng's lap and transformed into a predator.

When the two of them came out of the box, they also caused a commotion among the diners outside.

After all, the Predator is not human at first glance, can the diners not be disturbed?
"Go away!"

Jiang Feng and the big black cat unceremoniously pushed away the human beings blocking their way. Many humans were injured and screamed.

Humans in this world no longer have a bright future, and Jiang Feng doesn't need to be polite to people who are dying.

After knocking down dozens of people, Jiang Feng and the big black cat walked out of the restaurant, summoned the iron-blooded spaceship, and disappeared into the vast night sky.

"God, it's a UFO!"

"It turns out that there are really aliens in this world, and the aliens even eat out with us!"

"The government is definitely hiding the truth about aliens, such as the Roswell incident, and Area 51. As citizens of the United States, we have the right to know the truth!"

Anyone who chased after them from the restaurant and saw Jiang Feng and the others rushing away in the iron-blooded spaceship were all stunned, and soon they had a collective orgasm, shouting loudly.

Flying at an altitude of thousands of meters, the big black cat suddenly slapped its head, "Well, I forgot to pay the bill after eating, and this cat ate a king's meal."

"It's not like eating a king's meal.

Jiang Feng said in a tone of explaining the truth, "Because this world is about to perish, money is still useful! It doesn't matter if you give it or not."

"That's what he said."

The big black cat nodded, and had already forgotten about recruiting chefs as his subordinates.

A mere chef can have as many as he wants, and he and Jiang Feng are not worthy of being his subordinates.

Don't talk about being a subordinate, you don't even have the qualifications to be a slave.

If you want to be a slave to Jiang Feng and the big black cat, at least you have to be like Wieland in the world of "Alien vs. Predator". You must be a big boss. Only with money and power can you be qualified to be a slave.

"Let's start with this small town."

Jiang Feng ordered in a tone of "Have you eaten today?"

"Jiang Feng, which version of the T virus do you use?"

Jiang Feng thinks that the slow-moving zombie is the most classic, "I'm a soft-hearted person, so I'll just use the old version."

At this moment, Jiang Feng was like a god.

He is about to transform the world, transforming the world of "Terminator" into a world like "The Walking Dead", or "School of the Dead".

According to Jiang Feng's instructions, the big black cat diffused the gaseous T-virus to the clouds above the small town, and then artificially rained, covering the entire small town with the rainwater containing the T-virus.

All of this is done in less than ten seconds.

It took less than 5 minutes for the iron-blooded spaceship to leave this small town that had been infected by the T-virus. It was horrifying, as if the howls from the deepest part of hell were resounding all over the small town...

According to legend, God created the world in seven days.

In reality, it also took exactly seven days for Jiang Feng to destroy the world.

Seven days later, the whole world fell. Zombies and various T-virus infected bodies spread all over the earth. Human beings were chased by zombies everywhere. They only hated their parents for losing two legs.

Before the doomsday, the number of human beings was as high as 70 billion. After the doomsday, the survivors could not even make up 1000 million.

Compared with the so-called "Judgment Day" of the annihilation catastrophe, it is really too childish.

"How could it be? How could it be like this?"

In the nuclear war shelter located in Crystal Peak, John Connor heard the news of the fall of the world from the radio, and his brain froze instantly.

The end of the world still happened, how is it different from what his mother Sarah Connor told him from the novel?
Although there is no nuclear war on a global scale.

But your sister, this biochemical crisis is more ruthless than a nuclear war, and almost all human beings rushed to the street, and there are less than 1000 million people left alive.

And the number is still decreasing.

"My intuition tells me that the biochemical crisis that destroyed the world must be the work of Skynet."

John Connor smiled wryly, "Although Skynet is playing robots, it doesn't match the style of Resident Evil, and it doesn't make sense logically, but I trust my intuition."

This is the end of the game. In the face of the next war launched by "Skynet", human beings are absolutely dead.

The reason why in the future world, under the leadership of John Connor, human beings were able to defeat the Terminator Legion of "Skynet" by relying on their inferior equipment, was because the number of "Skynet" was far more than ten times higher than that of the opponent, and the "Skynet" was heaped to death. ".

In every "Terminator" movie, there will be clips about the battle between humans and the Terminator in the future world. It is obvious that humans need to pay several times, or even ten times the sacrifice, in order to eliminate a part of "Skynet" combat unit.

In the movie "Terminator 1", in Carl Reese's memories, there was even a Terminator, holding a rapid-fire plasma machine gun, and almost wiped out a scene of a human resistance camp.

A soldier of "Skynet" can change several human lives casually on the battlefield, so the war is still lost.

It can be seen that the quantitative advantage of human beings has overwhelmed the quality advantages and technological advantages of the Terminator robots.

To explain in terms of the game, "Skynet" loses because of the lack of explosive troops, and the explosive troops are not as strong as John Connor.

But now, there are less than 1000 million human beings left, so it's still a hammer!

If it's playing games, John Connor has already played GG.

"Then what should we do?"

Kate Brewster, panicked.

"No matter what happens, we must leave this shelter."

Robert Brewster sighed, "Because since the end of the Cold War and high-level officials judged that a global nuclear war could not be fought, it has basically been idle. The stored food and water have expired, not to mention the quantity. Not much more. If we don't leave, we will starve to death in the shelter."

John Connor didn't want to die yet, "That's the only way to go."

What else can I do without eating or drinking?
Even if he knew that it was the end of the world and all kinds of terrifying monsters were everywhere, he had to take a risk in order to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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