Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 65 The world is so perfect, but unfortunately the ball is dead

Chapter 65 The world is so perfect, but unfortunately the ball is dead

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkles all over the high-rise buildings, and the reinforced concrete metropolis gives people the desolate mood of the desert.

"This city is dead."

Standing on the top of a tall building, looking down at the turbulent crowd below, Jiang Feng, who was bathed in the last sunlight with the big black cat, let out a sigh of emotion.

In other words, he was already tired of seeing the same scenery.

Whether it's "Resident Evil 6: The Final Chapter" or "Terminator 3" that was baptized by Jiang Feng with the T virus, the scenes are similar to the world he is currently in.

"Big black cat, hold on tight."

As soon as Jiang Feng finished speaking, the big black cat that was squatting at his feet kicked its hind legs like a spring that suddenly unfolded. It jumped high and landed on his neck, straddling it like a child. Saying, "The cat is ready!"

Taking a step forward, Jiang Feng ran quickly, running down the [-]-degree vertical tall building like walking on flat ground.

It was "The Illustrated Record of the God of War", which endowed Jiang Feng with athletic abilities far beyond normal humans.

Jiang Feng walked like flying, and the airflow generated by the strenuous exercise made the big black cat's ears and whiskers flutter behind his head. It was very funny at first glance.

In less than ten seconds, Jiang Feng fell down from the hundreds of meters high building, and stood firmly on the ground. His body was able to send and receive freely, and was not affected by inertia.

His control over his power is perfect.

There is a street under the tall building, the scene is in a mess, there are abandoned vehicles everywhere, and there are all kinds of sundries.

Not far from Jiang Feng's side, there was a large group of slow-moving and strange people wandering around aimlessly, each of them looked like they had lost their souls.

These people, some of whose intestines flowed out of the hole in the abdomen, dragged on the street, covered with dust;

Some have missing arms and legs, or the front is complete, but a big hole is broken in the back, exposing bloody human bones.

These people are definitely not human beings, or it should be said that they are definitely not living people anymore.

Zombie, see zombie again.

Or should they be called "dead bodies" "they".

Walking among the dead bodies, Jiang Feng pointed to a dead body of a woman and said to the big black cat, "Did you see it? Big breasts, which are rare in our world, are rare in this world." It’s commonplace and you can see it everywhere.”

The big black cat stretched out a small paw and drew a circle, "That's right, among the dozens of female zombies that appeared in our sight, none of them had breasts below the D standard."

I have to admit that although "Apocalypse of the Academy" is worthless in terms of power, it is a paradise that men dream of.

Turbulent waves and overlapping peaks are the best adjectives for this world.

Not a big boob.

Not a bunch of big boobs either.

But the whole world, all with big breasts!
Unfortunately, it was destroyed by Gou Ri's dead body virus.

If Jiang Feng traveled to the time period before the plot of "School of the Dead" hadn't started, he could still think of a way to save the big breasts here... Well, it's the world.

However, the big black cat was able to get the coordinates of the world of "School of the Dead" because there were newcomers from the infinite team who had visited here before, so when Jiang Feng came to this world, the dead body virus had already belonged to the men. Dreams are destroyed!

Most of the big breasts have already died, turning into dead bodies that can be seen everywhere.

What a pity, what a pain!
Jiang Feng felt really uncomfortable. Just at this moment, a dead body swayed over, blocking his way. In a fit of anger, he was kicked and flew away, like a bowling ball in motion, accompanied by a series of broken bodies. With a sound, no less than a hundred dead bodies were knocked down one after another, blood and flesh were splashed, and stumps and broken arms were scattered all over the ground.

The dead bodies around them let Jiang Feng and the big black cat continue to shuttle freely among them, turning a blind eye to everything that happened.

"There are only two types of people in this world, not big breasts."

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand and pointed to a bloody dead man wearing a police uniform of the Republic of Japan a few meters away. The dead body of a little loli in a floral dress.


The big black cat sat on Jiang Feng's neck, its eyes rolled mischievously.

"Big black cat, determine the location of the protagonist and his party."

"It's still in Bed Lord City, but it's moving fast. It is estimated that the other party has a vehicle."

"Then let's find a car instead."

Jiang Feng took a fancy to a police car whose police lights were still flashing, the driver's door was wide open, and the words Metropolitan Police Department were written on the body. He walked forward a few steps, but suddenly his gaze sharpened and he stopped.

In his ears, he heard a gunshot that normal people would never hear.

Almost at the same time, a stream of air flowed across the air in front of Jiang Feng's eyes, and something shot from afar, and it disappeared in a flash.

A bullet from a sniper rifle pierced a dead body near Jiang Feng, and there was a dull sound when the body was penetrated by a high-speed bullet.


The dead body that was shot was knocked down to the ground, but because it was not shot through the head, it quickly got up, and continued to wander around like a normal person.

Jiang Feng turned his head to the right, and cast his cold gaze on the roof of a building 500 meters away.

The bullet came from there.

"Hmph, looking for a dead end!"

The big black cat opened its mouth bored.

Suddenly, Jiang Feng raised his right hand, and there was something between the two fingers.

It was the second bullet fired by the opponent, which was caught by Jiang Feng with two fingers.

The person who attacked Jiang Feng was also shocked by the scene he saw through the binoculars.


"Ba... Bakara!"

"I have a bad feeling, we are going to die soon, at the hands of that monster in camouflage uniform!"

"Ino, stop talking nonsense!"

"Satou, let's run! You know, my intuition has always been accurate. If I hadn't pulled you away from Gaocheng's house early, we would have been wiped out with Youguoyixinhui long ago!"

"Baga! The Imperial Kingdom lost the war decades ago because there were too many cowards like you who only knew how to escape. They were defeated by the hateful Americans and established the Great Asia Empire for a thousand years. It was also destroyed in the hands of the Americans! I hate it so much, I must kill that man in military uniform!"

"Then you go and die yourself, I won't accompany you... Ah! What's going on? Those dead bodies became violent and rushed towards us like sea water! What should I do? I don't want to die yet!"

"Ino, think of a way, I don't want to die either! By the way, run, I want to run away immediately!"

"It's already surrounded by water, where else can we go?"


A few minutes later, two shrill howls of human beings on the verge of death echoed in the already seething city.


"Kill them."

With a careless word blurted out from Jiang Feng's mouth, the originally lifeless neighborhood, like an active volcano erupting suddenly, came alive in an instant.

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(End of this chapter)

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