Chapter 87
Mission 5: The strongest monster in history
Explanation: Use your invincible power to ravage human beings, to flog human beings, to hang and beat human beings into a group of trembling M, and admit that you are the strongest monster!

Mission 6: The Leaping Clown

Explanation: The pioneers keep sending monsters to the earth to make trouble, posing as a mastermind behind the scenes.But in the eyes of you, the real villain, they are just a bunch of clowns.Go ahead, go to the homeland of the pioneers and beat the shit out of them!

Current status: Hyper-evolved leatherback turtle

Mission Reward: Super Evolved Ridgeback Character Card X1
"Big black cat, this is a posture that requires me to fight humans and pioneers at the same time!"

Jiang Feng raised his hand and wiped his nose, "I can't complete any of your two tasks at present."

Leaving aside the pioneers who barely show their faces in the movie, just humans, Jiang Feng, a level [-] monster, although powerful enough to destroy a human metropolis, is as easy as a child digging out an ant's nest, but he didn't hang up. Fight against the strength of all mankind.

If it was just humans before World War II, and the nuclear bomb hadn't been invented yet, just a level [-] monster could beat all humans to their knees and call daddy.

But humans in the 2025 era, even if they lost all the hunter mechas in active service, they still have nuclear bombs.

If they really want to force the opponent to death, humans are not afraid to use nuclear bombs, and Jiang Feng will be able to teach Jiang Feng to be a man again in minutes.

"so what?"

The big black cat lay on Jiang Feng's head, staring at a pair of big eyes shining with cold light, and asked.

"Of course it's about getting up and developing for a period of time, and then go to push the tower."

Jiang Feng replied as a matter of course, focusing on the alien-tailed mouse hovering above his head, indifferently, "Big black cat, your little brother, do you want more?"

"You can figure it out, Jiang Feng."

The big black cat understood Jiang Feng's plan in seconds, and said indifferently.

To control this little brother, it has to keep transforming into the Alien Queen.

And the Alien Queen, how can there be a cat that is handsome and cute?
The big black cat controlled the Alien Mouse to fly down from the sky and stood in front of Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng stretched out his right hand, opened his palm, and grabbed the head of the alien-tailed rat.


In an instant, the strange-shaped body of the squirrel became transparent, and then slowly overlapped with Jiang Feng's body before disappearing.

The whole process lasted less than five seconds.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, a poison sac in the style of a squirrel grew on Jiang Feng's chin, and a pair of wings in the same style as a squirrel grew on his arms.

super evolved leatherback turtle
Height: 82 meters

Weight: 3000 tons

Speed: 13 Strength: 12 Armor: 17 Toxicity: Very Poisonous
Fusion: Integrate all organisms into one's own life, enhance one's own attributes, and obtain the other party's natural abilities.

Parasitism: control the parasites in the body, and parasitize all intelligent machines.

"The fusion ability is really too buggy, but I like it!"

Just by fusing with a squirrel-tailed alien, Jiang Feng obtained the power of the super giant monster that was bigger than the mech in the last movie.

So, Jiang Feng has never worried about whether the task given to him by the big black cat can be completed.

Jiang Feng is the great villain, the kind of villain in the true sense, whose strength can completely run rampant in the plot world and beat all the villain bosses!

At this moment, the dark clouds cleared and the heavy rain stopped.

On the horizon in the distance, there was a glow of dawn.

The red sun rose slowly.

A new day begins.

And the time also came to the stage in the movie, where the dangerous wanderers independently solved the two monsters that invaded Hong Kong.

"Big black cat, according to the plot, there will be three bigger monsters coming to Earth from the breakthrough point. I want to integrate them all into my body."

Jiang Feng's gaze shifted to the direction he came from, "Besides, because humans have lost the opportunity to destroy the breakthrough point, in the future, there will be more monsters coming to the earth from the breakthrough point."

The big black cat that has taken back the Alien Queen character card, "But they can only be the nourishment for you to strengthen yourself."


Jiang Feng roared loudly, spread his wings, and flew into the sky.

He has to rush to the breakthrough point to sit on the sidelines and wait for the rabbit to fuse with monsters over [-] meters tall such as the "poisonous woman" in the movie.

One level five monster and two level four monsters.

Flying between the blue sky and white clouds, Jiang Feng arrived above the breakthrough point in the depths of the ocean in just ten minutes.

He circled in the air, and when he was about to plunge into the sea, the big black cat suddenly warned: "Jiang Feng, at twelve o'clock, there are twelve tactical nuclear warheads flying towards you."

It turned out that the United States, which was beaten the worst by monsters before the hunter mechas were put into use, finally couldn't sit still after receiving the news that the four hunter mechas in active service had been completely wiped out. From the air force base in the Republic of Japan, Six B1 "Lancer" strategic bombers were dispatched, carrying twelve tactical nuclear warheads, to destroy Jiang Feng before the situation expanded.

"Americans? Humph, I will repay your enthusiasm."

Jiang Feng completely dismissed the twelve tactical nuclear warheads that were heading towards him.

Soon, twelve tactical nuclear warheads hit Jiang Feng almost simultaneously, and twelve dazzling little suns burst out in the sky.

"Sir, the monster has been hit, and the results are being counted."

"Has the monster been killed?"

"Confirming... NO! The monster... The monster is still alive and unharmed!"

"God, even twelve tactical nuclear bombs can't destroy the monsters. Could it be possible to use strategic nuclear bombs?"

Bathed among the twelve little suns, Jiang Feng at this moment is like a demon god from hell in the eyes of human beings, causing their liver and gallbladder to tear apart, almost peeing their pants in fright.

The first monster ax that came to the earth before was just a mere second-level monster with less than 4 points of armor, and it required humans to use three tactical nuclear bombs to kill it.

And Jiang Feng's armor was as high as an astounding 17 points. Not to mention twelve tactical nuclear warheads, perhaps hundreds of tactical nuclear warheads hit him at the same time, and it was just a gust of warm wind.

With a twitch of the corner of his mouth, Jiang Feng showed a smile that was about to go on a killing spree, and he stabbed down, stirring up a water column hundreds of meters high, and swam towards the breakthrough point.

The United States doesn't have long legs, and it won't be too late to deal with Lao Mei after Jiang Feng fuses the monsters that emerge from the breakthrough point.

Ask for collection, ask for recommendation!
(End of this chapter)

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