Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 97 I, Goblin!

Chapter 97 I, Goblin!
On the day when Chief Bazooka led [-] soldiers and launched an attack on the territory controlled by the Somali government forces, Jiang Feng and the big black cat traveled to a world of animation.

Because Jiang Feng thinks the plot is very interesting, and the big black cat happens to have the coordinates of this world, so Jiang Feng wants to come and see for himself.


This is a wonderful world, why?

Because the whole world is a chessboard.

And the intelligent races living on it are living pawns.

The legendary gods are chess players.

The fate of the chess pieces is decided by the dice in the hands of the gods.

Except for a man who bears a blood feud.

Others call him Goblin Slayer.


Water capital.

From the border town of this world, walk eastward towards the vast plain for two days, and you will come to this ancient city.

In the lush forest, on the sandbar of the lake that governs many tributaries, stands the ancient city.

This city, which was founded on the remains of the fortress of the Age of Gods, has gathered many travelers due to its superior geographical conditions.

On the beautiful lake that stretches across the city, ships come and go, merchants and goods are crowded, and various languages ​​are mixed together, chaotic and prosperous.

Located in the west of the kingdom, the capital of water in the east of the border region, deserves to be the largest city in this area.

The emblem carved on the majestic city gate is a symbol of the God in charge of the law.

This sacred emblem, composed of scales and swords, is a symbol of law and justice.

Even on the frontier where monsters and villains are rampant, the authority of the law is still everywhere.

Even if it only works on the table, as long as you have these laws, no matter if you are a mortal, elf, or miner, you can live with peace of mind.

The premise is that there can be no goblins.

The bigger premise is that there can be no Jiang Feng.

At this moment, Jiang Feng and the big black cat were standing at the gate of the city of water.

"Ah! There are goblins!"

Just as Jiang Feng regained consciousness, screams echoed in his ears one after another, just like the hysterical screams of a lady who saw mice, cockroaches and bugs on TV.

He glanced casually, and saw that beside him were many humans wearing costumes similar to Europa's medieval fantasy style, and they were pissing away from him, both men and women.

Jiang Feng's eyes were sharp, and he saw that among these people, there were people with pointed ears, or those who were disabled in the second grade, who did not exist in reality, and were also screaming and running away from him, as if they were going to eat them if they ran too slowly.

"Big black cat, give me the mirror."

Jiang Feng took a mirror from the big black cat, which reflected his face at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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