Transmigration into a villain

Chapter 99 The Goblin Who Dined in the City of Water

Chapter 99 The Goblin Who Dined in the City of Water
Jiang Feng and the big black cat stepped over the soldier's corpse, crossed the empty city gate, and walked into the water capital openly.

When walking past the soldier's corpse, Jiang Feng kicked away a standard long sword hanging from the corpse, took it in his hand, and held it in front of his eyes for careful observation.

A lot of useful information can be seen from this weapon of this world's soldiers.

"Just like the setting of ordinary fantasy worlds, the productivity of this world is at the level of Europa in the Middle Ages. This sword is made of steel, but if the impurities are not quenched, it will break if you can't cut a few people."

With a flick of a finger on the blade, the long sword broke in two, and Jiang Feng also threw away the half of the long sword in his hand.

After Jiang Feng entered the city of water, suddenly a few guys dressed as adventurers appeared from nearby, trotting to the side of the soldier's corpse, frantically picking up the leather armor, long sword and other weapons from the corpse.

"Shhhhhhhhhh, the water capital guards are equipped with expensive steel weapons. I've wanted a long steel sword for a long time, but I'm too shy to buy it."

"That's right, I also want a long steel sword, but I don't have the money to buy it. I can finally pick one up for nothing today. We can sell extra leather armor, helmets, spears, etc. to weapon shops. Earn a windfall."

"By the way, the goblin with the black cat is really terrifying. He wiped out the soldiers of the Water City Guard with a single blow. This goblin should have silver-level power, right?"

"It's hard to say...I have teamed up with silver-level adventurers before. Silver is very strong, but it definitely doesn't have the strength to instantly kill a dozen fully armed soldiers."

"Hiss... Could it be that Goblin... is a strong person with a gold rank?"

A few adventurers chattered, while nimbly packed up Jiang Feng's scorned scraps of metal like treasures, then oiled their feet, and slipped away with the loot they got from groping the corpse.

The so-called adventurers are just some unemployed vagrants who earn a living by taking the tasks issued by the adventurers union.

Except for the silver level, life is easier. Brass and the like below the silver level are similar to odd jobs in reality, and they can't make much money by working hard.

In "Goblin Slayer", there is a plot where a young adventurer lost a long sword during a mission, and because he had no money to buy a new one, he risked his life to find it in a monster-infested place.

This shows how miserable the life of most adventurers is.

As for the third rank in the adventurer rank, the adventurer is at the peak of the folks, and it is a cowhide silver. It is not that the adventurer union releases tasks early every morning, and rushes around to grab the task like a dog. Asshole.

Only Platinum and Gold are the ones who really stand at the apex of this world, with status and status. Strictly speaking, neither Platinum nor Gold can be classified as adventurers.The real adventurers are actually below gold, a large wave of day laborers struggling to do odd jobs at the bottom of society.

Jiang Feng stepped into the Water City, but he didn't see anyone in his field of vision.

No, it should be that people hid in the house, sneaked through the cracks in the door and windows, and looked at him with horror in their eyes.

Jiang Feng knew about these peeping eyes but didn't care.

Walking straight along the deserted street with deep wheel marks on the ground, Jiang Feng came to the square of the water capital not long after.

The sun rising high, swaying the sun generously, the sun has reached noon.

There are a whole row of vendors doing tourist business around the square, exuding all kinds of smells that stimulate appetite.

There is the aroma of fat dripping from the grilled meat, and the sweet aroma of roasted chestnuts.

From ubiquitous food to never-before-seen exotic dining options, it can be said to be varied.

After all, Goblin Slayer is a very different world from Earth.

"Ah, there are goblins!"

Seeing Jiang Feng appear, the stall operators also screamed and ran away in all directions, especially the female stall owners, who ran so desperately that their parents would give them extra legs.

Whether it's a beautiful woman, an ugly woman, or a fat woman, they are all afraid of being captured by Jiang Feng and locked in a dark cave to give birth to a little goblin.

"I'm so scary?"

Jiang Feng stretched out his hand and patted his green face lightly, grinning.

Except for his green skin and pointy ears, he's human, okay?How can it be confused with those short and frustrated goblins?
The big black cat drooled and twitched its black nose, "With these unheard-of delicacies, this cat is worth it."

The cat ran on all fours, ran to the nearest food stall like a whirlwind, jumped up and buried its head in a food that had never seen before, exuding a tempting aroma, and devoured it.

Jiang Feng also walked to a stall, picked up a dish made of meat from an unknown animal with a strong aroma, and ate it slowly.

After eating a full stomach, he drank another glass of alcoholic drink from another world, brewed with fruits not found on earth, Jiang Feng sat side by side with the big black cat, patting his bulging stomach comfortably.

I dare not say that the culinary skills of the other world are better than that of the earth, but it is better that the dishes are not available on the earth. Based on this alone, Jiang Feng and the big black cat are very happy to eat.


With a flick of his finger, Jiang Feng flicked three cat-head gold coins issued by the Big Black Cat Empire to the stall they had patronized.

Paying for meals, even villains are no exception.

From Uchiha Madara to Gu Aotian, when did you see them eating the overlord meal?

He was lazily basking in the sun, when suddenly there was the sound of heavy footsteps, and soon, more than 20 knights wearing heavy metal armor, holding a large rectangular shield, and holding a shiny steel long sword appeared in Jiang Feng's eyes .

Behind these people's buttocks, there were hundreds of Water City soldiers who had been taken care of by Jiang Feng before.

The gleaming weapon aimed at Jiang Feng who had already narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Masters of the Temple Knights, this is it! It is this goblin who killed eleven of our brothers! My lords, you must decide for us!"

A Water City soldier wearing metal armor, who should be the leader, pointed at Jiang Feng and yelled in the tone of a bullied child complaining to his parents.

(End of this chapter)

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