Uncle Deyun

Chapter 309 Yi Xiaoqian's Story of Buying a Car

Chapter 309 Yi Xiaoqian's Story of Buying a Car
"First, in view of the concealment of certain facts by my parents, which caused Yi Xiaoqian, that is, myself, mental and physical torture, as well as financial torture for a period of time, so I need a sports car to comfort me. Second, because Yi Xiaoqian It’s still me, during filming outside, my parents turned a blind eye to me being bullied, plus the first one, double the mental damage, need a set of brand-name bags, and the third..."

Yi Yang fell asleep when he heard it, Zhou Ziyi was looking at his phone, and Yi Daqian listened most seriously, because he was thinking about whether he should raise the price if his parents agreed to his sister.

"To sum up, it's Yi Xiaoqian's own appeal. Now, please give a positive response to my parents. Dad, Dad, it's your turn to speak."

Hearing his daughter's cry, Yi Yang woke up suddenly. He had just dreamed that his daughter had grown up and didn't want money anymore. He opened his eyes, um, it really was a dream.

"Baby girl, you don't know Dad, you are penniless, how can you have money?"

Yi Xiaoqian thought for a while, and felt that her father was right.

"My lord, please speak."

Zhou Ziyi didn't even raise her head.

"The company belongs to your father and has nothing to do with me."

Facing her parents' indifference, Yi Xiaoqian was deeply hurt.

"Well, Mom, you can bargain, or you can pay back the price?"

"Ha ha."

Yi Xiaoqian, who was sneered by her mother, looked at her father again.

"Dad, give me a price."

"My daughter's request is reasonable, and I support it, but Dad really has no money, and your brother has it. Your brother got a lot of money from home and asked him for it. Wife, the upstairs window is broken. How did I hear that?" Wind, go up and have a look."

Looking at the resolute backs of his parents, Yi Xiaoqian turned his anger towards Yi Daqian.

"Tell me, did Dad write a will and give you all the property?"


Next, Yi Daqian admired his face-changing stunt for a second.

"Brother, I don't want property, you can buy me a sports car, and invest in two heroines for me, brother, okay, brother, brother, okay?"

"That dad really didn't give me any money, so he promised me to set up a laboratory."

As soon as this remark came out, it was another face-changing show.

"Yi Daqian, the sofa is messed up, you clean it up, I'm going to sleep."

After finishing speaking, the aunt also left. Yi Daqian looked at the unpacked snacks his parents had eaten and the things his sister brought back. He didn't understand why he became a sinner in the end...

The next day, Yi Xiaoqian carried out another bombing, but to no avail.

On the third day, still no results.

Day [-]...

"Daughter-in-law, buy it for her. I'm going crazy. Tang Seng doesn't bother her, so you just promise her."

Yi Yang couldn't take it anymore, as long as he was at home, there was never a minute of silence, he had no choice but to play hide-and-seek, and Yi Xiaoqian got a loudspeaker from somewhere, and the whole building could hear it when he yelled.

"Promise her anything, those requests can't be fully agreed."

Zhou Ziyi put down the book, in fact she couldn't stand it, but she had to save face and not compromise first.

The two discussed it, and agreed that it was impossible. In the end, it was a sports car and a bag. Yi Xiaoqian finally got the answer, and couldn't wait to go buy a car with Yi Daqian.

But I was very excited when I went there, and I was upset when I got there, and I don’t know why I just recited it like that. I happened to see the school’s rival, Bai Fumei, because Yi Xiaoqian was pursued by someone she liked, and she often looked for trouble.

"Yi Xiaoqian, are you here to work part-time? Oh, by the way, I know this store very well. Do you want to give you a little more salary?"

No one in the school except Yi Xiaoqian's good sisters knew that Yi Xiaoqian was Yi Yang's daughter, so Miss Bai Fumei didn't know yet.

"Bai Jing, you really don't match your name. Your name is Bai Jing. You have a dark heart. You won't even eat a dog if you take it out."

After speaking, I went directly to the store.

Bai Jing was so angry that she also walked in.

"Miss Bai, you are here, your car has been maintained."

Bai Jing's family conditions are really good. She bought a sports car when she was in college, but the price is not very expensive, more than 200 million, but it is also very cool.

"Manager Yu, I said that your store is full of high-end cars, but be careful, don't let some people come in and break the car if they can't afford it. If they can't afford it, you are at a loss."

Yi Xiaoqian originally thought that people would not offend me, and I would not offend others, but Bai Jingran would still find trouble. Her temper was already very hot, so she rushed over directly.

"Bai Jing, this store is run by your family. You don't care if I can afford it or not. Let me tell you, today Miss Ben insists on buying one."

"Then be careful, you will be sued if you don't pay the loan."

Yi Xiaoqian almost made a move after hearing this, but Yi Daqian held her back.

"Don't make a fuss, and leave as soon as you finish shopping."

"Manager Yu, you can check it carefully, so that they don't repay the loan by then."

Seeing Yi Daqian take a step back, Bai Jing got more excited, but immediately slapped him in the face.

"Miss Bai, I don't think you need to worry about this problem. These two are wearing Mr. Fan's custom-made models. A set costs at least 10,000+. This gentleman's shoes are limited-edition custom-made models by the British master Bru. I remember correctly that the price should be 20 a pair, and it is in US dollars. This lady is dressed very low-key, but her companion has extraordinary taste. The most important thing is that not everyone can have the honor of customizing the works of the two masters. "

Hearing Manager Yu's science popularization, everyone was shocked, not only Bai Jing, Yi Daqian and the others were also shocked, they couldn't even walk, wearing more than 100 million shoes under their feet, it was exciting to think about it.

"Yi Daqian, it seems that Mom and Dad are still very kind to us, and give us such expensive clothes to wear. By the way, I remember that Mom bought you a lot of clothes before and you broke them in experiments. Where did Mom put them?"

Yi Daqian also came back to his senses.

"It's over. Mom threw it all away. It's all my mother's fault. Tell me it's so expensive, so I won't wear it anymore? No, I'll go back and look for it to see if there are any left. I'll cut it down and put together one."

The two were whispering, and Bai Jing also realized it.

"Manager Yu, are you reading that right?"

Manager Yu smiled and said:
"Miss Bai, what we learn at the beginning is taste. We need to understand the taste of rich people. In fact, we don't deliberately understand many brands. On the contrary, we will take a good look at those without brands, so I trust my own judgment."

Bai Jing left in a daze. She couldn't accept the fact that she was not as good as Yi Xiaoqian. She always thought that as long as she was better than Yi Xiaoqian in everything, she would be able to defeat her and let the person she likes look at you more. Now, Her pride was shattered.

"You two, I don't know what car I want to choose, let me introduce it to you two."

Manager Yu won the favor of the siblings, picked a car worth more than 500 million yuan, and went home. On the way, Yi Daqian was holding on to the seat belt tightly, and his voice was almost hoarse.

"Yi Xiaoqian, if I take your car again, I will be your younger brother!"

(End of this chapter)

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