Uncle Deyun

Chapter 340 The Return of the Great Sage

Chapter 340 The Return of the Great Sage
The news that Yi Yang is going to make an animation is the first to know inside the company, and the inside knows it all. Will the outside be far behind?So in less than half a month, the circle and even the general public knew about Yi Yang's animation, and some experts even used their mobile phones to take pictures of the masses and conduct interviews.

"What do you think about Easy World making an anime movie?"

The answer to this question is also varied.

"A domestic company, maybe I'll have a look?"

"Anime? Movie? Hehe."

"In fact, I am very supportive of domestic animation. I think this is a good phenomenon, and for the current domestic market, animation is still an untapped market that is worth developing."

"Why are you trembling?"

"It's okay, here's a call, let me answer it, brother, what are you doing, cosplay, which anime character? Nonsense, it's still Japanese, I'll pretend to be that one, sorry, I'll go first, then I have something to do, domestic animation, come on, see you later, ah, I didn’t talk about you, what are you pretending to be, don’t you like the United States, okay, okay, let’s talk about it later.”

The people who had vowed to support domestic animation before let the filming master know what insincere words are.

Indeed, domestic animation has really failed these years. The people of the whole country have two projects, and they have never held out hope. The first is football, and the second is animation. Let alone, it is quite reasonable.

People in the industry have different views on Yi Yang’s decision this time. To be honest, all big entertainment companies have tried to make animation, but they all ended in failure. They hope that Yi World can succeed, although they succeeded. It is the enemy who benefits the most, but on the whole, they are one, and they have heard what the Japanese guests said, so this attitude must be annoying to them.

"What subjects do you think can be photographed? Let me tell you that this time it must be a success. You have seen it. When this person came to visit, his disdainful tone was close to saying that we can't do it. Let's discuss it together."

This is Yi Yang's first meeting after he decided to make animation. He already has an idea, but he still wants to see what everyone thinks about this matter. Although he doesn't know how to listen, there are ready-made successful cases. He I'm not stupid, I still think about it myself, and at the same time, I secretly thank this world for the book Journey to the West, otherwise I wouldn't have copied it if I wanted to.

"Boss, there are two kinds of animations now. The first one is adult animation, the age group is between 16 and 36 years old, and the other one is under 16 years old. It looks a little childish. I think we should put our heart in it. to adults."

As soon as the adult anime was mentioned, Yi Yang, who is in his 50s, actually drove a car in his heart. It was a bit scary. Fortunately, he didn't say it. If he was in his 20s, he would definitely bring these people into the car .

"What you said makes sense, please be more specific."

"Okay, the content of anime that adults watch is roughly the same now. One is to shoot some novels in the form of animation. Among them, there are more types of love, and there are virtual heroes. The representative of Japan's very successful one is Ottoman. The Terman series, and the American ones..."

Yi Yang is listening carefully. To be honest, there are many things in Japan that have not yet appeared in this world. He also has archives, but he doesn’t want to copy other people’s things to deal with them. Cough, that’s not right, only domestic products are transported, people, you still have to be persistent.

Stretching, looking at the scenery outside the window, not to mention, the scenery on the twentieth floor and the first floor are completely different. The twentieth floor has a feeling of watching other people's lives, and the first floor is life itself.

Sitting on the sofa, Yi Yang found that since his 50th birthday, he has been too busy and his life has been completely reversed. Others work hard when they are young and enjoy life when they are old. He only enjoys life when he is young. Get big and get busy.

Recently, he also found that his body is really not as good as before. After a day of meetings, his back is sore and his back hurts. Before he was 50 years old, he was no different from young people. He has been in this world for more than 20 years, and he will have no regrets when he sees his grandson grow up.

One night, Yi Yang sorted out all the things related to Journey to the West in this world. Except that there is no six-year-old boy, the others are almost the same. There are various adaptations and filmings, but there is no classic version of another world. It's a pity to be able to tell people in this world, because it is impossible for him to copy all the classics. Sometimes the classics talk about the right time, place and people, but everyone still recognizes this work.

"This is the book. Let's make a plan according to this. Hurry up and get in touch with the artist or something. After everything is over, I will practice retreat with them. On the first day of the new year, I must go online."

Everyone nodded in agreement, Yi Yang stayed up all night, turned around and left, leaving only the notebook there, which read: The Great Sage Returns.

"Senior brother, we..."

"Didn't you agree to call me by my name?"

Yi Daqian frowned. He felt that he might have a fake girlfriend. This girlfriend was much more serious when doing experiments than when he was dating him. There was nothing wrong with the things in the laboratory, but his name needed to be changed frequently. remind.

"Didn't I forget it? Well, let's do it quickly. I'm going to have dinner with my roommate later."

The male god has changed from a senior to a boyfriend, Zhang Han still hasn't adapted to it, but she has changed a lot, for example, acting like a baby, in the past, she would not dare to do this kind of thing in front of Yi Daqian even if she was killed.

"Forgive you once, this should be changed, you see it can't reach now..."

The teacher in the laboratory looked at the seriousness of the two people and shook his head. This is not a relationship, it seems that he has found a partner, but think about how beautiful he was when he was young, his wife was gentle, considerate, and beautiful , Speaking of the previous life, it was really beautiful. As for now, the teacher took a peek at the untouched laboratory bench in the corner, where he hid cigarette money. Life, ups and downs, is so fast.

Zhang Han's roommate had met Yi Daqian before, but he didn't dare to speak. Yi Daqian was nicknamed the laboratory madman, the cold-faced prince. Back when Zhang Han was able to communicate with Yi Daqian at close range, his roommates were all in admiration. Still together.

"My roommates Jiang Yiyi, Wang Zixuan, Zheng Ting, my boyfriend, Yi Daqian, you all know each other, let's sit down, senior brother."

Several people said hello to each other, looking at Yi Daqian in a white shirt, he fits the prince's temperament very well, why does it feel like Zhang Han has picked up a treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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