Uncle Deyun

Chapter 343 The Daughter-in-Law Visits

Chapter 343 The Daughter-in-Law Visits
"Hello, uncle and aunt, I'm Zhang Han."

"Come in quickly, come in quickly, Yi Daqian is carrying something, come as soon as you come, what to buy, besides, right?"

Yi Yang thought about giving the money and it was over, but suddenly remembered that this was not a friend, but a future daughter-in-law, so he stopped talking.

"Hi sister-in-law, we talked on the phone, Yi Xiaoqian."


Talking with peers was not so tense, Zhou Ziyi pulled Zhang Han to sit down, and Yi Daqian walked to his sister.

"It's very face-saving today, I know it's called sister-in-law."

"Sister-in-law is sister-in-law, and you are Yi Daqian."

Yi Daqian was used to his younger sister's attitude, shrugged his shoulders, and sat next to Zhang Han.

"I found out about you and Daqian, and I was looking forward to your coming. As a result, Yi Daqian always said that you were doing experiments and didn't have time. I think it's because he didn't take you seriously. If he bullies you in the future, you can talk to Auntie." Say, auntie clean him up."

"I can help too."

Yi Xiaoqian liked everything about Yi Daqian.

"We'll have dinner at home at noon. Your uncle and Daqian are cooking. Has Daqian cooked for you?"

"No, if you don't tell me, I don't even know he can cook."

Zhang Han really didn't know, Yi Daqian had never told her. She still remembered that she said that if the two of them were together in the future, they might have to rely on takeaway for meals, and Yi Daqian also agreed.

"He's just lazy. Usually, his father and I can't eat at home, and I don't know what's going on with this kid. His advantages are like mine."

Yi Yang always felt that he was referring to himself in these words. The advantages are like his mother, and the disadvantages needless to say, it must be like him.

"Son, let's go cook. I'm afraid your mother will put all the bad things on my head if I stay for a while."

The two men huddled together to cook dinner, and the woman was chatting in the room. Zhang Han was a little nervous at first, but she didn't expect that the tension was gone when she talked. She didn't expect Daqian's mother to be so approachable, and she didn't look like her mother's age group People who can talk about everything now, when she comes home, what her mother said is not in the same era as what she said.

"I have time to bring your parents over to play for a few days. I have nothing to do now, I just have more time. Xiaoqian is almost finishing filming. You young people have time to go shopping or something."

"Auntie, you can join us too. You are not much older than me."

When these words are used to praise others, there is always a suspicion of flattery, but when used on Zhou Ziyi, there is no such feeling at all, and it is taken for granted.

Soon the meal was ready, and several people sat down on the table, ready to eat.

"Dad, which dishes did you cook?"

Yi Yang heard her daughter ask about black lines, and her daughter knew that she must pick out her own cooking. If there is no dish made by her son, his cooking is delicious. If there is a comparison, they will only eat his son's food Not to mention, this kid has the same material, but the food he makes is better than him.

"Come on, let's eat. You can pick what you like. Our family is very strict. Take care of Daqian."

Yi Daqian nodded in agreement, and then took a plate and kept putting vegetables in it. Yi Xiaoqian pretended not to care about what he took. She thought that Yi Daqian would definitely bring his own dishes to his girlfriend, and put a small bowl in it. , and then Yi Daqian gave the food to his father, and raised his eyebrows at Yi Xiaoqian, who looked at the bowl in his hand and didn't know what to do.

"These are for you, eat them quickly, they will be eaten by some people in a while."

Yi Daqian got food for Zhang Han again, and Zhang Han understood it, but she didn't say anything about this kind of thing, she just smiled secretly, and enjoyed the meal, except for Yi Xiaoqian, and she also got a brush Bowl work.

Zhang Han stayed at home for one night and spent a whole day together. She has become more confident in this relationship. When she came here, she also made up a lot of plots in her brain, such as whether she will be given a card to let her go The kind, or not talking to her, putting her aside or something, but none of these happened, and everyone got along very happily.

After Zhang Han's parents found out, they were also very happy. After all, if their daughter finds a husband's family with good financial conditions and a good family, they will be relieved. In the end, they asked their daughter to hurry up and take their future son-in-law back. I have to say , Yi Yang and Zhou Ziyi gave their son a lot of extra points.

In November, the leaves turned yellow, the weather turned cold, and the bad news came. After all, Mr. Yu didn't pass this year, so he couldn't wake up at night and went with his old partner.

Yi Yang also went to the funeral. Although he didn't get along with Mr. Yu much, his relationship with Teacher Yu was naturally very deep after so many years. It never occurred to him that within a year, the two cross talkers would leave, and they were still partners. A mourning event was launched on the Internet, and an era of Deyun has come to an end this time.

"People are really strange. Last month, Mr. Yu called and asked us to go there. We agreed to be together on New Year's Day, and we left in a blink of an eye. That's what it means to be impermanent."

"Don't think too much, you are only over 50, even if you live to the age of Teacher Yu, you still have decades to go, why think so much, maybe your grandson will be an adult by then, it will be fine if you close your eyes."

"Daughter-in-law, do you want me to go first or you to go first?"

Zhou Ziyi held Yi Yang's hand.

"Go first, I will live two more years."

Yi Yang didn't say a word, looking at his wife, he knew that there was more to say.

"If I leave, who cares about you? At that time, the children will take care of the children. I am younger than you. You go first. If anything happens before you leave, I can still take care of you. When you leave, I will take care of you." Pack it up, I'll probably go find you, we'll still be together by then, and you can wait for me on Huangquan Road, don't drink Mengpo soup and not recognize me."

The two of them were suddenly overwhelmed by this topic, but one day they will leave this world, like Teacher Yu, who just talked about it and never woke up again. Perhaps this kind of ending is the best Bar.

In December, The Return of the Great Sage officially announced the completion of the production and started the promotional work. The animation is not like a real person, you can hype it up, this kind of thing can’t be hyped up, but you can talk about patriotism, but Yi Yang doesn’t like to use patriotism to Promote your stuff.

"Everyone, don't worry about it. It's just normal publicity. We are satisfied with the work. Whether the market and audience will like it or not depends on them. Besides, hasn't the theater line already given [-] films? There's no need for everyone to frown."

The [-] given by the theater chain is actually purely out of face. If it weren't for the face, animation movies would have been given [-]. After all, everyone would be afraid of the last one.

(End of this chapter)

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