Uncle Deyun

Chapter 346

Chapter 346
"The domestic first animation film The Return of the Great Sage broke through [-] million box office in a single day!"

The topic of Dasheng's return can be seen in all news sections. As the first successful anime, the attention is not generally high.

In the past week, the box office of The Return of the Great Sage has reached 12 million. Before the draw, it was estimated that the box office would be around [-] billion. No one expected that the least valued animation would create such a good result.

"Hurry up and make cartoons. This year, I will hand over all my stuff to you. You can handle the details yourself."

Yi Yang doesn't plan to be busy in the new year. Last year, he didn't spend time with his family, mainly his daughter-in-law. He pays more attention to family than career. If it wasn't for the company's problems, he would still be working now. Woolen cloth.

"Daughter-in-law, let's take our parents out for a walk. I haven't gone out seriously in these years. It just happens that I have free time this year. When we come back, we will start filming. The book is finished, and we will shoot together."

Thus, Yi Daqian and Yi Xiaoqian found themselves abandoned. Their parents took their grandparents to visit the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and left them at home. The most annoying thing is that they often take pictures of them, send videos, and show off happiness.

"Dad, let's go climbing and let my mother rest for a while."

"Let's go."

Regardless of his age, the old man is a martial arts practitioner, and his body is very good. At the beginning, Yi Yang wanted to give way, but in the end, let alone give up, he tried hard for a long time and couldn't keep up. When he reached the top of the mountain, the old man and People are chatting.

"Brother, is this your son?"

Father-in-law smiled complacently, just waiting for someone to ask.

"Not the son-in-law, my son-in-law, let me tell you..."

Yi Yang has listened to this plot many times, and sometimes he wonders if his father-in-law has a script book, which is full of words to whom he meets. Listening to his father-in-law seems to criticize, but in fact If he wanted to show off, he finally knew why the old man had fewer friends, and he probably wouldn't want to hear it.

After a while, a few old men came up the mountain. Yi Yang walked to the side by himself, looked down at the scenery below the mountain, and looked at the white clouds. He suddenly thought of a short play, which was about what happened on the mountain. The series of stories, it is said that because of this, there were fewer people climbing the mountain.

After more than half an hour, it was probably finished. The old man asked Yi Yang to go down the mountain. His wife and mother-in-law didn't come up, so they probably went back directly.

At the bottom of the mountain, the two of them were sitting there resting.

"How is the view from the top of the mountain?"

"Very good, daughter-in-law, I have a new idea just now, do you want to listen to it?"

"What idea, mysterious."

"Come on, let me tell you..."

Yi Yang shared his thoughts, and Zhou Ziyi laughed after hearing this. If his parents knew about this idea, they probably wouldn't come to climb the mountain anyway, especially with their son-in-law, it's too creepy.

"Do you want your parents to act together?"

"That's right, anyway, it won't take long, and there's no scene involved, so it's just fun to shoot."

Zhou Ziyi thinks about it too, and according to the personality of the old couple who likes to show off, they must be very willing. After all, many subjects have been talked about many times, and the sense of pride in showing off is gone. If there is something new to show off, they will probably like it.

The two of them have decided on this matter first, and the specifics need to be prepared before telling them. Now Yi Yang thinks of the old couple reading the script after reading the script, and thinking of the expression on the mountain climbing today, Yi Yang wants to laugh.

Time flies, Yi Yang and his daughter-in-law walked for two months with the two old people. They really traveled all over the great rivers and mountains of the motherland. Basically, they went to all the places they wanted to go. Many places did not have time to go this time. Several people agreed that they will come out together next year.

The reason why he was in a hurry to come back was because his son, Zhang Han's parents were coming to the capital, and asked Zhang Han if he had time, Zhang Han told Yi Daqian about it, and Yi Daqian naturally told Yi Yang and the others.

They are both parents. They understand this. Zhang Han’s parents just wanted to meet them. Of course, they mainly wanted to meet Yi Daqian. There are so many, he still has to take the postgraduate entrance examination, and everything is in a hurry. He originally planned to take two days to visit during the May Day holiday, but Zhang Han's parents came first.

Grandpa and grandma have never met Zhang Han before, but they have only seen photos. By the way, they posted a video about the Chinese New Year. They saw the person, and they recognized this granddaughter-in-law. Anyway, there is nothing to do when they go back, so they went back together. the imperial capital.

"Mom, there's no need to be so grand, right?"

Yi Daqian looked at the arrangements made by his parents as if welcoming the leader.

"What do you know? This is respect. Remember, respect for others can't just be in your heart, but also on your face."

Yi Yang has always disagreed with the so-called respect that should be kept in mind. If you don't say anything in your heart, who knows whether you respect or disrespect. If you do it on the bright side, everyone will be happy, so why not do it?

"My daughter, this imperial capital came when I sent you to college. It's been three years. I think the buildings are getting taller and the roads are more congested."

"Mom, this changes every year. By the way, Daqian's experiment can't go away. We'll go to school first. I'll take you to eat, have a rest, and then go to their house at night."

"Okay, you can arrange it."

Yi Daqian really felt that his daughter-in-law was about to be lost. In the future, when his father-in-law and mother-in-law came, he would not be able to pick him up in person. The leaders of the leadership department, professors and tutors all came to do a large-scale experiment together, and specially explained that no one could be absent. Two of my hairs fell out, but it was of no use.

"Son, don't worry. I'll be at the train station soon. I didn't say you. If you have something to do, you can't say hello in advance. If you can't, I'll find the principal. Your principal still owes me favors. Besides, you tell me in advance so that I can come to the station to pick you up." , it's good now, I'm so nervous."

"Dad, don't complain about me, just focus on driving. I can't reach Zhang Han. She said the bus is at 01:30, and it will arrive at the station in 10 minutes. Hurry up."

Yi Yang hung up the phone, stepped on the gas, and sure enough, his children are all debts.

Zhang Han had just left the station, and was preparing to take a bus on the side of the road. She originally wanted to take a taxi, but her parents disagreed, so she had to take the bus anyway, so she could only follow her parents' wishes.


Zhang Han saw a car parked in front of him, and even called out to him, and it turned out to be Yi Daqian's father.

Yi Yang got out of the car and closed the door.

"I'm sorry, Yi Daqian told me that I rushed over and almost missed."

Zhang Han's parents don't know who this is yet.

"Mom and Dad, this is Daqian's father."

"Ah, father? It's not like, it looks like he's in his 30s."

"You're complimenting me. I'm over 50. Get in the car quickly. The food at home is ready, and I'm just waiting for you to come."

(End of this chapter)

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