Uncle Deyun

Chapter 349

Chapter 349
"Yi Yang, I think this drama is very good. The more I play it, the more I feel that it is too close to life. Congratulations in advance for another success."

"Did you call me the nickname of Bubuhuo for nothing? No kidding, thank you for supporting me, come on, everyone go one by one."

When a play is finished, the actor seems to have gone through another life quickly. No matter how experienced an actor is from the play to the reality, as long as he puts himself into it, he will be a little confused about reality and the play.

"Grey hair again, so soon, 54, daughter-in-law, you say I am so old, why do I still like to toss around? It's movies, TV dramas, cartoons again, I really think of what to do, if I used to I never imagined that I could work so hard.”

Zhou Ziyi would pull out Yi Yang's gray hair for the first two years, but now she doesn't. After her 50th birthday, she also started to have gray hair, and she has to admit it when she gets old.

"My son is going to graduate school next year. I think he will be busier and busier. Why don't we move to our parents' place to save the old couple from being alone? If they don't want to come over, we can take care of them in the past."

Zhou Ziyi pressed Yi Yangtou's hand for a while, and then continued to exert force.

"Husband, you are really kind, I am very happy to find you."

"Me too."

Three years passed in a flash, and Yi Yang disappeared from the public eye, leaving a lot of speculation, but it is undeniable that whether it is anime, movies, or TV series, people will always remember it. This is a person There is a saying that often says that although people are not in the arena, there are always legends circulating in the arena.

In three years, Zhang Ming retired, and the upper echelon of Yi World was replaced by young people. Yi Xiaoqian returned to the company and started to take care of the company's affairs. She couldn't help it. Come here, and the housewives sing and husbands follow, and Zhang Han has also been successfully admitted to the graduate school. It can be said that he is a couple of top students.

"Little Qian."

"Dad, what are you doing? Why do you have time to call me?"

"You go to school to pick up your brother, and Zhang Han is also brought here, your grandmother is not in good health."

Yi Xiaoqian went to the school crying. Yi Daqian was doing an experiment. He knew that his sister would not come to him if it was not urgent. After hearing the news, Yi Daqian's body began to tremble.

The three rushed to the place by plane and went directly to the hospital. Fortunately, grandma was still there.

"Grandma, here we come."

The old lady is 81, and she has been in good health. This time she suddenly became ill. The doctor said that her body functions could no longer work, and it was time for her to die.

"Daqian, Xiaoqian, Xiaohan, come here quickly, grandma is so happy to see you, but it's a pity that I can't go home, otherwise grandma will make fruit boxes for you, I've gotten better recently."

Although she knew she was going to leave, grandma didn't have any fear at the last moment. Her daughter and son-in-law had been with her for three years, and the old man had been with her for the rest of her life. When she was about to leave, her grandson, granddaughter, and grandson-in-law all saw her, and that was enough.

"Grandma, cook for us when you are healthy."

Yi Xiaoqian tried not to let herself cry, and grandma patted her head.

"I'm afraid it won't work this time. I'll ask your grandfather to do it for you later. He's been trying to steal my skills, but he didn't succeed. I'll leave it to him this time. You don't have to be too sad. I've lived a pretty good life. Wonderful, when I was young, I accompanied your grandfather to dance knives and sticks, and when I was middle-aged, I enjoyed the treatment of a top-notch old lady, and my daughter found a good son-in-law, and I have children like you, I have no regrets."

Looking at the old man on the bed, Yi Yang seems to have returned to that summer, when he went home for the first time, his mother treated him warmly, and later treated him better, better than his own son, because he likes to eat walnuts, so he specially recited them He said that he looked better than the one he bought. Every time he went home, his busy back told him that this was the feeling of home.

"Mom, don't worry, Dad. I will take care of him when the time comes."

Yi Yang still wanted to say something, but he choked up when he said it. He didn't want the old man to see him crying at this time, so he held back the words.

"Okay, you are all good boys, old man."

"I'm here, am I tired, do you want to rest for a while?"

"I'm tired. Come and sit with me for a while and let the children go out."

A few people went out and left the room to the old couple. There was no movement inside, and no one spoke outside. After half an hour, the alarm sounded in the house, and Yi Yang took the lead to rush in. The line on the monitor had been leveled, and the doctor came over. Yi Yang waved his hand, at this time, there is no need to rescue him, as the rescue will only damage his body.

"Dad, Mom is leaving."

"Well, let's go, your mother still threatened me, saying that if I don't listen to you, she will beat me when I go. She doesn't know that my martial arts are amazing."

The old man stood up, and the little one went to support him, but was pushed away by the old man.

"It's okay, I can go by myself, let's bury the old woman first, and when the person is gone, it's just a matter of burial."

Yi Yang and the children were busy with these things, Zhou Ziyi stayed at home with her father and listened to him talking to her.

"Your mother bought this dress for me, but I'm not even willing to wear it. You know, your mother bought it for me through rags. She thought I didn't know, but I knew it. I just didn't tell her. And this wine , it’s full of water, and she told others that I can’t drink it, I just don’t want to drink.”

Every thing the old man took out was like a treasure.

"Do you remember this? Your mother threw away your nunchuck. You cried for a long time. In fact, your mother secretly took it back and gave it to you because of embarrassment. Later, I forgot about it. I saw it, and told me it wasn’t the lost one, she didn’t know, but I carved your name on it myself.”

Zhou Ziyi liked nunchakus very much when she was a child, but they often hurt people by mistake. Later, her mother refused to let them practice, so she threw them in front of her, but she picked them up again later.

"Your mother said that you should have money at home at all times, and you can take it out in case of emergency. This passbook is the emergency money, and the password is the birthday of the three of us. Let me see how much money is left. It's not a lot. Look, 9 More than 30 yuan, don't worry, there are more than 200 yuan on it, all of which are given by you, and we don't spend it, all are left over. These two cards are for two children. Each card There are [-] million in it, which is their birthday, your mother said, this cannot be confiscated."

The old man cleaned up all the things in the house, and told Zhou Ziyi when he came across a story. The nagging father made Zhou Ziyi couldn't help but burst into tears, and hugged her father.

"Dad, you must be well."

(End of this chapter)

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