Uncle Deyun

Chapter 352 The advent of the cloud system

Chapter 352 The advent of the cloud system

"There is no problem. Everything is created independently by us, without using any foreign patents. Congratulations, it's a success."

A group of people exclaimed from Yi Yang's secret base. Although they had tested it themselves, they were more confident now that they had the affirmation from above.

"When we came, we told us to handle special matters, give us the patent application documents, and go back to go through the procedures immediately. It is expected that the energy saving will have results before November."

After sending these people away, Yi Yang looked at his soldiers, and everyone looked at him. No one knew how much effort they put in to finally make something that they could be proud of for the rest of their lives.

"Not much to say, today's carnival, Xiao Ma, you go to arrange it, the money is brought, everyone must have the money today, and have fun, let's go."

A group of people boarded the bus at a pace of disbelief, and the secret base was temporarily closed.

About four years ago, Feng Jian took the initiative to provoke Yi Yang. Later, Yi Yang summoned these people. Everyone thought it was to fight back against the feudalism. However, four years later, Yi Yang did not take any action. No one knew. Doing something big.

On October 25th, the United States officially implemented the decree to control the application of operating systems to domestic mobile phones. On this day, the whole country was worried and felt that this was a cold period for the domestic mobile phone industry, including the industry.

What people don't understand is that the Ministry of Commerce said that it would continue to coordinate, but then nothing happened, and now everyone doesn't know what to do.

On October 26, Cloud World held a press conference, attended by leaders led by the Minister of Commerce, and Easy World also released a message, acknowledging that Cloud World is a subsidiary of Easy World.

The invited ones were the journalists. Those in the business world who were not in the entertainment circle were all from the communications industry. Everyone was wondering why an entertainment company would invite them to a development conference. But the bosses of the Ministry of Commerce came, and no one would refuse this. invite.

"The press conference of Cloud World is starting now. Leaders and guests are invited to take their seats. Next, we invite Mr. Yi Yang, General Manager of Cloud World, to deliver a speech."

Yi Yang stepped onto the stage, dressed in a rare formal attire, standing in front of the microphone, the audience gave warm applause.

"When I was in my twenties, I started to develop in the entertainment industry. It can be said that I have worked in this industry for decades. I always think that I have reached the pinnacle of this industry. No matter what aspect, I have succeeded. However, , I will think, some industries are stagnant or no one is doing it, I have an idea, can I do it, so there is a cloud world."

"What is the concept of the cloud world? I think the cloud is elusive. It can change in many forms, just like our network. Even if you have operating instructions, many things still cannot fully follow the instructions. At this time, we need to explore. , so the cloud world appeared, and the cloud world concentrated the top computer talents in China. I dare say that many of them should be ranked in the world. However, because of our goal, they gave up their honor. Simply, today we It worked."

All the big brothers were confused and anxious, and they didn't know what Yi Yang was talking about, and what was the relationship between Cloud World and them. Fortunately, Yi Yang didn't let them continue to be confused.

"Everyone may be wondering, what does this have to do with you? Let me tell you now that our team was established four years ago. Our goal is to create a mobile operating system with independent property rights, and to do it well. do the best."

Everyone was taken aback for a while, and then reflected, no, just now Yi Yang said that the goal was accomplished, that is to say...

"Mr. Yi, so we have our own system?"

It is not only the questioner who wants to get an answer, but many people can even feel their shortness of breath.

"That's right, let me introduce our system to you. Its name is Cloud. It's very simple. To match our name, the capabilities of Cloud are beyond imagination. It is more than ten times that of the existing system. What I'm talking about is In terms of intelligent matching, it can increase the speed of the processor by four times, which means that with it, even if our processor is low-level, it will become high-level in an instant, and the cloud is..."

Yi Yang has carefully understood everything about Yun these days, just to explain it to everyone today. If the boss in the audience hadn't had a leader present, he probably would have rushed to pull Yi Yang down to discuss cooperation and increase the processing speed by four times. item, spike all current systems.

"The following are the test results made by our national agency. Welcome the leaders to speak on stage."

The applause sounded, and the minister came to the stage to announce the results, confirming the truth of what Yi Yang said. At the same time, the foreign journalists had already sent out the news. This incident will not only affect one country, but many countries. As long as the system There is no problem with authenticity. I believe that all manufacturers will choose the cloud to match the mobile operating system in the future.

"Mr. Yi, no matter what the cost we use, I can accept it as long as it is less than twice that of the foreign system."

"Yes, as long as we use it as soon as possible, we have no problem, and the fee will be settled immediately."

These bigwigs are also in a hurry, who would have thought that Liu Yinhua would come to light so quickly, and it was really a surprise. Thinking about what the minister said before returning to China, it seems that he already knew about this matter.

"Now let's talk about our usage fees. Everyone knows that Cloud World is a company under E-World, and E-World has a very important goal, which is public welfare. We are serious about public welfare. The use of cloud is free, but we It is required that every mobile phone that uses the cloud, 5.00% of the profits generated should be given back to the society. This cannot be offset by your original plan. I can tell you clearly that the cloud has left a back door. As long as the mobile phone is equipped with the cloud, there is no power-on activation. Next, the cloud can be automatically uninstalled, which is considered as a means of supervision for us. When we talk about cooperation, we will discuss in detail. Today’s press conference is here. Thank you for coming. We have prepared lunch, and you can go to eat.”

At the same time as the press conference ended, the news about the cloud had been released on the Internet. The first foreign country to know was the United States. At this time, the top leader of the United States was throwing things on the table on the ground.

"Why there is no news, now I know what you are doing, you are really terrible, the worst people I have ever used."

"Your Excellency, they were in the entertainment industry before, so they are not under our supervision. What should we do now?"

"A press conference will be held immediately."

At [-] pm domestic time, the United States held a press conference, one of which announced the cancellation of restrictions on the use of mobile phone systems, and said that what was said before was just a joke.

"Just kidding, hehe, interesting leader."

(End of this chapter)

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