Uncle Deyun

Chapter 354

Chapter 354

After the interview, Yi Yang tidied up one by one, just joking of course.

"The relationship between you and the team is so good, I finally know where your confidence comes from."

"Feelings are always temporary. If you really want to keep someone, it's very simple. I understand. As long as you understand his thoughts and support him, no one wants to leave such an environment."

"Great Wisdom, I look forward to having the opportunity to interview you again."

Yi Yang handed over the matter of the cloud system to other people. Now mobile phone manufacturers from all over the world are flocking to them. Looking at the United States, they are all losing their hair, but it is useless. Under Yi Yang's instruction, The cloud system has sold the right to use it to many manufacturers. The market is so big. It is hard to imagine who is the most difficult to use the cloud system at this time.

It's another New Year, but this time I don't have to go to my grandparents' house anymore. There are no two elderly people. Although the house is big, it lacks the flavor of the New Year. Fortunately, Yi Xiaoqian is active in the atmosphere, so I don't cry.

"Xiaoqian, will that friend of yours make it? Your Uncle Liu has always wanted to introduce someone to you. If it doesn't work out, I will promise you Uncle Liu."

The one who went to chase Yi Xiaoqian in the film crew, is still chasing him now, this spirit Yi Yang is touched, the young man looks good, he inquired, there are teachers at home, that is the school Yi Xiaoqian went to when he was a child , I just don’t know which teacher it is.

"Mom, look at my dad, he just likes to worry. Tell him about it."

"Don't act like a spoiled child, I think your father is right. You said that your child is already thirty. Don't worry. Your brother will prepare for the new year. And you, don't talk about people, get me a I recognized the monkey when he came back."

The one who was complained by her mother couldn't refute it. Of course, she refuted it, but in her heart, if she really wanted to bring a monkey back, she would probably be beaten to death.

"Xiaoqian, your mother and I are getting old, and your brother will have his own family in the future, in case we are like grandparents one day..."

"Dad, what did you say?"

"Okay, don't tell me, Dad is wrong. Dad is worried that no one will take care of you in the future. To tell you the truth, your mother and I have a lot of gray hair because of you. In fact, we don't have to ask you to do something. At least give me an accurate answer." The news, tell others if it succeeds, this child spent a lot of thought chasing you."

Yi Xiaoqian understood what her father said, but she herself couldn't figure out how she felt about that person. If she said she didn't like it, she would be disappointed if she couldn't see him for a few days, but if she said she liked it, it seemed that she couldn't achieve it.

"Dad, Mom, I know you are doing it for my own good. I'll think about it again and tell you when I think about it."

Yi Yang didn't say anything else. When he was young, he also felt that love was not in a hurry. Now that he is a parent, he understands the feeling of being in a hurry when his children are older. Living alone is freedom, but if you can find someone you like People who live together, it is not only freedom, but also happiness.

After the Chinese New Year, Yi Yang began to prepare the dowry. The last time he prepared it was for himself, but this time he did not expect to give it to his son.

"Daughter-in-law, tell me how fast time is. I still remember the scene when I went to your house and was surrounded by a group of people. In a blink of an eye, my son was about to get married. Now that I think about it, I was pretty stupid at that time. The dowry gifts were all valuable. , I'm not afraid of you running away."

"You are afraid that I will run away, but you don't even know that, in my father's heart, ten houses are not as good as me."

"Just tell me, I've asked my father, and my father said that he was afraid that you wouldn't get married, so I was very satisfied when I went. Later, my father and mother discussed it. As long as you give me a piece of jewelry or something, as a symbol, I will let you Take it."

The old couple quarreled while thinking, maybe this is the happiness of a married couple for a lifetime. Others don't understand that quarreling can not only make the relationship better, but also make life harmonious.

"Sister-in-law, how did you go to see the status recently?"

After Lao Guo left, Zhou Ziyi would go to see it from time to time. Even if she was not in the imperial capital, she would make videos and come over when she had time. The two of them went to see it a year ago, and their mental state was not very good.

"Senior Brother has been like this for the past few years. When the children and grandchildren come back, it may be okay for us to see them. They are almost eighty, and it makes people feel distressed."

"Hey, it will be ready here in a few days. You can go and stay with my sister-in-law for a few days. She has no one to talk to at home. She will feel better when you go. I am a man, so it's inconvenient. Senior brother treats me so well." , I have nothing to repay, so you should repay for me."

"If you give something in return, you will put gold on your face. I went because we have a good relationship. What does it have to do with you? I found that you are older and thicker than when you were young."

Yi Yang: ...

The dowry was almost ready, so Zhou Ziyi went to live in Lao Guo's house, and stayed with her sister-in-law for a week. Not to mention, she seemed to be in better spirits, so Da Lin came here to find Yi Yang for a drink.

"Uncle, if it's convenient for you to let my aunt accompany my mother, now we go back and my mother doesn't like to talk. She is happy when my aunt is gone. I also know that you have a lot of things to do. Just go and have a look at it when it's convenient. "

Yi Yang took a sip of wine, he knew that Da Lin was filial, he was not his own mother, but had a better relationship than his own mother, and his sister-in-law was unhappy, so he was anxious.

"It's nothing inconvenient. I told your aunt about it. Don't worry, it's not easy for your mother. Forget it, how is your brother's place now?"

After that time, Erbao invited many veterans to play, and his performance recovered a lot. Later, Yi Yang left the imperial capital and didn't ask much. It's not good to ask too much when the child is grown up.

"It's okay, Tao Yang has been helping, and the young one has also woken up, so it looks pretty good now."

"That's good, come on, don't talk about that, drink today."

Yi Yang is getting older, and his addiction to alcohol also grows. It's okay if no one drinks, but he can't stop when someone is with him. Once he drinks, he gets drunk again. When Zhou Ziyi came back, he only saw two people, knowing that he was lying on the sofa, knowing that he was in the On the ground, he directly gave Yi Yang a blow, but unfortunately, he was so sleepy that he didn't feel it at all.

"I really don't know where the wine is good. I have to clean up at such an old age."

Zhou Ziyi complained about it, and she even took the initiative to bring wine when people came. In fact, although Yi Yang is addicted to alcohol, he usually doesn’t drink when he is alone, so Zhou Ziyi doesn’t care when friends and relatives come over, it’s annoying If a good friend comes, he must be drunk to the point of unconsciousness, and he doesn't know what's wrong. Fortunately, the wine is good, otherwise Zhou Ziyi would definitely throw him on the road.

"Are people gone?"

"Upstairs, I will withdraw the uncle first."

"Let's go, I remember the matter, I will find you for a drink later."

Da Lin got up and ran away. After a long time, the two of them had already woken up. They pretended to be drunk when they heard someone open the door. Yi Yang was afraid of being scolded, and Da Lin was afraid of being beaten. Fortunately, they were not found and ran fast.

 There's a typhoon today, I'm shivering
(End of this chapter)

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