Uncle Deyun

Chapter 361 Who Forced Who

Chapter 361 Who Forced Who

Yi Xiaoqian's head was swollen and his body was exhausted. He felt as if he had run eight hundred miles. That's right, whether it was miles or meters. He habitually touched the phone next to the pillow, and suddenly felt a furry thing, and squeezed it hard. He clicked twice, and there was a humming sound.

Xiaoqian opened her eyes, and a handsome face was in front of her eyes. One second, two seconds, three seconds, Yi Xiaoqian kicked him to the ground.

"Who, what are you doing?"

Furry also opened his eyes, and then saw Yi Xiaoqian who was not wearing any clothes. He looked down and saw that he was not wearing any clothes. Before Yi Xiaoqian could speak, he yelled:

"Rogue, return my innocence."

Yi Xiaoqian: ...

"I should be the one to say this. Wait a minute, Li Hongyang, explain to me why you are in my bed and have...that with me."

Li Hongyang also died of injustice. He just came to accompany him for a drink, so why did he set him up? The most important thing is that he has no memory at all, but the two of them look like this, and they have to be believed if nothing happened.

"Wait a minute, let's have a good memory. Yesterday, we attended your brother's wedding, and when we got home, you asked me if I wanted to drink, and I agreed, and then we chatted. You told me not to chase you, I If you say no, just pour me wine... Why do I feel more and more that you did it on purpose, hey, don't hit me, you don't have any clothes on."

After hearing this, Yi Xiaoqian quickly returned to the quilt.

"I did it on purpose, and you don't even ask about it. There are too many people chasing girls, and you can't even get the name. I did it on purpose. Let me tell you, since we can't remember it, let it be nothing." It happened, forget about it."

"That won't work. I'm a man, and I have to take responsibility."

"You are in charge, what are you responsible for...Wait, someone opened the door, no, it must be my parents are back, hurry up and get dressed."

The two hurriedly put on their clothes and tidied up the room. Li Hongyang looked at the red color on the bed and his eyes flickered.

"Go to the next room. If my mother asks, you just say that you slept in that room last night. Hurry up."

Li Hongyang took his clothes and ran to the next door, at this time, Yi Yang also went upstairs.

"Little Qian, are you up?"

"Ah, Dad, get up, and I'll open the door for you."

Yi Xiaoqian pretended to just wake up.

"Dad, you are back."

"Who did you drink with? It smells so strong."

If Yi Xiaoqian didn't have a guilty conscience, she would definitely talk about her father's drinking first, but when she heard her father talking about her, she immediately forgot about her guilty conscience.

"Dad, you smell worse than me. You have said to take care of your body and drink less. Are you drunk again?"

"What are you taking? Your grandpas and uncles are all there. It's not appropriate not to drink. No, I ask you or you ask me. I ask who did you drink with?"

Just as I was asking, the door next door opened.

"Uncle? Uncle, I'm sorry, I drank too much yesterday, so I slept here."

Yi Yang knew Li Hongyang and had met them many times. He looked at the two of them, and it seemed that nothing happened, so he was relieved.

"It's okay, so it was the two of you who drank, Hongyang didn't eat, I'll make you something to eat, you pack up and go downstairs."

"Okay, thank you uncle."

Yi Yang went downstairs and talked to his wife.

"Will the two of them meet yesterday?"

"No, I saw that Xiaoqian is sleeping in her own room, and she seems to be fine, probably because she drank too much. I'll take a shower, and you wash the dishes. I'll cook when I get down."

The two of them came down before Yi Yang finished washing, and helped tidy up the house.

"Hongyang, take a rest when you're tired. Xiaoqian doesn't know how to entertain guests, so how can you make them work? Hurry up and pour me a glass of water."

Yi Xiaoqian reluctantly went to pour a glass of water.

"Here, take advantage and drink water."

Zhou Ziyi didn't hear anything else, but took advantage of it.

"What's cheap?"

"Ah, Mom, I said that when he comes to our house to drink, it's fine if he doesn't take anything, and he doesn't work, taking advantage of our house."

"How does this child talk? What's the point of eating and drinking? Don't listen to her, Hongyang, just sit and wait for the meal."

"Okay, thank you auntie."

Several people ate breakfast at [-]:[-] pm. Everyone was very hungry, and the food was delicious. Yi Xiaoqian secretly kicked Li Hongyang several times, but no one looked at her at all.

"Uncle and aunt, then I will come to see you again."

"Okay, slow down on the road, Xiaoqian, send Hongyang off."

"Oh, I know."

Yi Xiaoqian sent the person out, and when she saw her parents closed the door, she immediately changed her face.

"Let me tell you, I must forget what happened today, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

"If you're welcome, you're welcome. It's not like I haven't seen it before."

"Have you met? When?"

"Huh? I mean heard, heard."

Yi Xiaoqian threatened again, and then let him go. I don't know why, although she and Li Hongyang got drunk, she didn't feel that she was at a disadvantage or anything, and she recalled some scenes during the meal, which seemed to be true. Actively...

"Hurry up, your son and daughter-in-law will be here in a while, it's so slow."

"Then you come? Really, I still drink tea, and I'm not the wife of the landlord's family. Besides, I can just get a cup, and I want to drink it well. I didn't do anything all morning, I just made tea."

"What do you know, I heard the movement of the car, is it someone coming, have you fixed it yet?"

"OK OK."

The two pretended to sit down as if nothing had happened, and Yi Xiaoqian drove to pick up the person by himself.

"Mom and Dad, we're back."

"Well, I'm back, sit down quickly, ahem."

Yi Yang was kicked as soon as he finished speaking. Yi Daqian and Zhang Han knew that there was a tea ceremony, so they were not surprised. Yi Xiaoqian acted as the hostess and passed the tea over.

"Dad drink tea."


"Mom drinks tea."


After the tea was finished, the two of them couldn't pretend anymore, so Zhou Ziyi took Zhang Han's hand.

"How about it? I'm not used to sleeping there. If you're not used to it, you can go home and live. There is a place at home. Let your dad cook for you. Yi Daqian is lazy, unlike his dad, who is willing to cook."

This is the compliment Yi Yang is most unwilling to hear.

"People and children have lived in a two-person world. Why do you always ask people to come back? Don't listen to your mother. When you have children, I will go and take care of you."

Zhang Han listened and remembered what her husband said to him when he came.

"Daughter-in-law, when you get home, mom will definitely let you go home. You can just keep silent, because dad will take action, but dad is the kind who makes arrangements in advance. He will definitely talk about us having a child. Don't talk at this time , leave it to me to deal with them."

Looking at it now, my husband knows his parents too well, and what he said is completely correct.

(End of this chapter)

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