Uncle Deyun

Chapter 368 Fleur

Chapter 368 Fleur
Zhou Ziyi expressed her thoughts, and everyone looked at Yi Yang.

"Don't look, let's go."

Dean Feng has been very idle recently. Since he helped Yi Yang find an experienced nutritionist, he hardly answered the phone frequently, but he sneezed several times today.

"Dean, do you have a cold? Let me get you some medicine."

"Maybe, you go... wait, come back, no need."

The assistant didn't know what happened, but Comrade Lao Feng heard a familiar voice, and he already knew why he sneezed.

"Brother, I'm here again."

Yi Yang left the door open and walked in directly.

"As soon as you walked to the gate, I started to sneeze. I knew it was you 800 meters away. Tell me, who else is pregnant."

"Be careful what you say when you are old. The children are all here. Besides, is sister-in-law not in good health?"

Lao Feng forgot, this guy is still an amateur cross talk talker, so he can say such things casually.

"You, that's all right, let's talk about something."

When Yi Yang explained the situation, Lao Feng was also surprised. If this is the case, the family would be very lively. Thinking about the four children running at the same time, they didn't know which one to chase. He was worried about Yi Yang's future.

I quickly contacted here, the doctor was stunned after the examination, this family's genes are too strong, twins, indeed it is another pair of twins.

"It's true, our family's genes are too stable, Daqian helped your daughter-in-law and went home."

Yi Yang didn't expect his parents to be gone when he came here. The relatives in his hometown have gone away all these years. Thinking that he will be full of children and grandchildren in a few months, the corners of Yi Yang's mouth almost reached his ears.

Zhou Ziyi is also very happy, she also gave birth to two, and knows the pain of being pregnant with two, among other things, the weight is unbearable, and it is difficult to bend down. The treatment I have received, and my sister-in-law and I exercise, eat and rest according to the plan every day, so this life is not to mention how happy it is.

Sometimes Zhang Han will suddenly feel sad, especially when he sees Li Hongyang following Yi Xiaoqian's buttocks, and when he looks at himself, his mother and mother-in-law don't come back often. It can be seen that the family secretly shed tears when they were alone in the room at night. At first, the family didn't know about it. Later, the nanny Zhou Ziyi hired found out when she was washing the sheets and quilts, so she told Zhou Ziyi about it.

Zhou Ziyi understood what was going on when she heard it. Yi Yang basically never went out when she was pregnant in order to accompany her. She also knew that no matter how well they took care of them, it was better than her husband being by her side. Yi Yang came back at night Just talked to him.

"Then what should we do, let Daqian come back? I said I wouldn't let him learn from those bosses in the laboratory. You insisted on agreeing. If I let them all go into business according to my idea, it would be great to run the company again."

Yi Yang complained that he obeyed his children in everything, and he didn't agree to go to college. As a result, the children knew that what he said didn't count, so they all went to their mother for help. They didn't know what happened, so Zhou Ziyi agreed in a daze. up.

"What's the use of talking about that now, it's better to think about what to do. Daqian doesn't know who he looks like. You were considered romantic back then. Why didn't your son understand anything? You said that experiment, how important is a wife. "

The two talked for a long time, but there was no result. Besides, they couldn't decide directly on this matter. After much deliberation, they should ask their daughter-in-law's opinion. If the daughter-in-law wanted Daqian to come back, then Yi Yang could only let him His son had given up his dream of experimenting. As long as he wanted to, Yi Daqian would never have the opportunity to go to the laboratory in his life.

During dinner in the morning, Yi Yang asked Zhou Ziyi to tell, Zhou Ziyi didn't tell, let Yi Yang tell, it was even more impossible for Yi Yang to tell, and then the target was locked on his mother-in-law.

Zhou Ziyi gave her mother-in-law a look, and her mother-in-law received it, and began to chat as she had prepared.

"Mother-in-law, you said that Daqian hasn't come back from his experiments for many days, and Xiaohan has no one to accompany him at home. We are old and can't stay with young people, so we just take care of them."

"Mom, what are you talking about? Daqian is busy with business."

The plot is steadily developing in the expected direction.

"Mother-in-law, Daqian is also working, but this kid is outrageous, I told him not to experiment, what's the use of doing those things, and take over the company in the future, Xiaohan, Xiaoqian and Hongyang, don't they work well together? Husband, or you can find their leader and get your son fired."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Han became anxious. She originally thought that it was her mother-in-law who told Daqian to come back to see her and she would not speak. If you leave the laboratory, you will definitely be unhappy, and even a little bit of serious depression is possible.

"Mom, I'm fine. I don't need him to come back. I miss him a little these days, but I know that the project is at a critical moment. I hope he can complete it. If it wasn't for the impact of the later experiments on the baby, I would also like to to participate."

Yi Yang has always been very curious, what kind of experiment is quite mysterious, and he never asked before.

"Xiaohan, what are you doing?"

"Dad, it's very important anyway, so let him experiment with peace of mind, and it's considered fulfillment of one of my wishes."

The daughter-in-law said this, so everyone stopped talking, but Yi Yang still decided to talk to his son and come back to see more when he has time, that is to say, Xiaohan understands her, and if she was replaced by Xiaoqian, she would have already started arguing .

But Xiaoqian's life is good, she found a good husband, her parents-in-law are also good, she basically comes here twice a week, and every time she comes, she buys a lot of things, Yi Yang knows that they just want to do their part, so they don't stop her .

Yi Yang finished writing the script in his busy schedule, but because Yi Xiaoqian's pregnancy has not yet completed the establishment of the international department, Yi Yang himself cooks and takes care of the family every day, so he is not in the mood to do it. There is a saying, lazy People are lazy, Yi Yang felt that there was no hope for this year, and suddenly there was a lucky star.

"The boss is Fleur, an Englishman. He has been engaged in film distribution for more than [-] years. Last year, he terminated his contract with Universal Pictures and went home to take care of his mother. His mother passed away three months ago. He plans to work again. But his mother said that he likes our country, and he wanted to fulfill his mother's wish, so he took the initiative to contact several domestic companies."

Yi Yang looked at this person's profile and found that he was indeed in line with the current company's development, and he had enough experience and a good understanding of the international market.

"Contact him immediately, we want this person."

(End of this chapter)

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