Uncle Deyun

Chapter 373

Chapter 373

Yi Yang made an appointment to go to his sister-in-law's house for New Year's greetings on the second day of junior high school, and he called and said it, but in the end he didn't wait for the meeting.

On the first day of the first day of junior high school, his in-laws were gone, Yi Yang didn't make any food, ate some leftovers, and rested at night, and received a call from Da Lin at eleven o'clock in the evening, telling Yi Yang that his mother had left in a tearful voice.

"What? How?"

Yi Yang sat up all of a sudden, maybe because he got up too fast, he was dizzy for a while, and he was still doing well in posting videos during the Chinese New Year, so why did he go all of a sudden, this made him unbelievable.

After hearing this, Zhou Ziyi sat up and grabbed the phone:

"Da Lin, is it true?"

The tone was also full of disbelief, and when they got an affirmative answer, the two of them got up quickly, Yi Yang called Yi Daqian to drive, and the three of them went straight to his sister-in-law's house. By the time they arrived, many people had already driven, and many of the apprentices had arrived, but there were still many who didn't arrive. Also rushing to the past, Yi Yang entered the mourning hall and it was already set up, his sister-in-law was lying in the coffin, his son, daughter-in-law and grandson were all crying.

"sister in law!"

Zhou Ziyi yelled, her feet swayed, and she couldn't stand still. Fortunately, she was helped by her son. She hated herself. Why didn't she come to see her for so long? She still remembered that when she was young, her sister-in-law taught her many things. Unfamiliarity has become a good sister, but she is not worthy of a good sister. It has been half a year, and she hasn't been here once, so what kind of good sister is she.

Zhou Ziyi cried while sitting next to the coffin, but Yi Yang didn't persuade her, he knew his daughter-in-law needed to vent.

"Brother Yue is here."

Xiaoyue is 71 and walks on crutches. Two people helped him in. When he got inside, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed. His feelings for his master and wife are no different from that of a son for his parents. He almost fainted when he heard the news. past.

"Brother, control your emotions."

Lao Yue nodded, indicating that he was fine. Everyone helped him up and sat on the chair, tears still lingering.

"I don't know how old you are? Don't get too excited, I know you're sad, but you have to control your emotions and take a rest behind."

Yi Yang asked someone to help him away, and if he stayed here, people would come in later, and when others cried, they would be easily moved, and if something really happened, it would be too late to regret it.

Yi Yang didn't understand these things, they were handled by others, so he just sat there, and the elders came to help him receive him. In fact, he felt extremely uncomfortable, but he didn't show it. He couldn't fall down at this time, he promised Brother Guo, take good care of my sister-in-law. Now that my sister-in-law is gone, he wants to see her off for the last time.

After a while, the photo was brought back, and when the photo was hung up, the mourning hall was considered complete. Looking at the young sister-in-law in the photo, Yi Yang felt very uncomfortable.

He remembered that at that time, his sister-in-law asked him to go to the house to make some delicious food, worrying that he would not be able to eat well at home, saying that the food made by his aunt was not as good as hers, so he always went there, and when he got angry talking with Lao Guo, it was because of his sister-in-law. In the middle of harmony, the eldest sister-in-law is like his mother, really taking care of him like a mother.

After the coffin had been parked for two days, and it was safe to be buried in the ground, Yi Yang knelt on the ground and kowtowed a few times in a well-mannered manner, sending his sister-in-law away.

"Uncle, we will see you off."

"No, the few of us can do it. You just need to take care of yourselves. If you have anything to do, please contact me. Don't carry it on your own."

"Sure, then slow down."

Everyone sent him to the car, and Yi Yang felt his world spinning as soon as he stepped into the car.

"Uncle Master!"

"Dad! What's the matter with you, Dad?"

As soon as Yi Daqian got his seat belt fixed, he heard someone calling from behind. Looking back, his father had collapsed. This time, everyone was in a hurry, and several people rushed Yi Yang to the hospital.

"It's not life-threatening, but it's too depressing. It can be said that it is a rush to the heart. It must be the impact of the ups and downs of the mood. Take a good rest."

When Lao Feng heard that Yi Yang was ill, he took an expert to see it himself, and he was relieved when he heard that there was nothing wrong.

In the middle of the night, Yiyang started to have a fever again. The doctor checked it and said it was normal. Zhou Ziyi didn't sleep all night, and no one could persuade her. The family didn't know about it yet. Her daughter and daughter-in-law took care of the child, so she didn't let her tell.

When the fever subsided in the morning, everyone felt relieved. Lao Guo's apprentices didn't leave, and stayed with him all the time. They remembered the goodness of the uncle. Although they didn't say anything, they were afraid that the uncle would leave too. Over the past few years, the elders have gone a lot.

Yi Yang didn't wake up until noon, and more than 20 hours had passed.

"Wake up, how do you feel?"

"It's okay, I'm getting old, and I even fainted. I want you to take care of me here for one night, Daqian, and send your mother home to have a good rest."

Seeing that Yi Yang was fine, Zhou Ziyi felt relieved, and her body really couldn't bear it.

"I'll get you something to eat when I go home. What do you want to eat?"

"Don't send it away, it's not good for the children to find out, and you can say that I went to the company."

Zhou Ziyi thought so, and Yi Daqian helped his mother back.

"Master, you and your aunt have such a good relationship, and your aunt will cook for you herself."

Yi Yang probed to make sure that the person had really left, and patted his chest.

"What's the matter, your aunt's cooking is terrible, you can go to the restaurant and get some for me, just light."

And at this time the door...

"Mom, you are too powerful, how do you know that Dad thinks so?"

"When you and your daughter-in-law reach our age, we will know. Let's go home and deliver food to your father later."

"Didn't my dad say no to eating?"

"If your father wants to eat, I won't give it away."

Yi Daqian: ...

Well, don't meddle with your parents' affairs, it's easy to get hurt.

After waking up, Yi Yang observed for another 24 hours. During this period, he received his daughter-in-law’s love meal. Not to mention, it was really unpalatable. He asked his son why he suddenly delivered the meal again. Yi Daqian didn’t dare to tell the truth, so he said I don't know, so Yi Yang just asked.

"It scared me to death, and I almost didn't say it."

The next day when Yi Yang came home, his daughter and daughter-in-law didn't know he had been admitted to the hospital. Yi Xiaoqian asked him if the company's affairs had been dealt with. Yi Yang is also an old actor, so it is impossible for him to be seen through.

But after fainting this time, Yi Yang found that his body was really not as good as before. When he got home, he took out all the exercise things in the small warehouse. Zhou Ziyi watched him move things back and forth.

"Didn't you plan to rebel and buy these back then? Why did you take them out?"

Yi Yang took out fitness equipment. As for the rebellion, he felt that he was weaker than his wife at that time, so he lost face and decided to exercise hard. However, he also had six-pack abs, and he was still defeated by his wife, so he gave up later.

"Exercising, with my body, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on to work later on. I still have to watch the children grow up, um... No way, daughter-in-law, pick it up quickly, it's not so heavy."

Zhou Ziyi took it with one hand and put it on the ground. Looking at her husband's adoring gaze, she secretly rubbed her arm.

(End of this chapter)

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