Uncle Deyun

Chapter 376 Preparations Before Entering the International Market

Chapter 376 Preparations Before Entering the International Market
The performance went smoothly, and the burden rang. When Yue Yue finally stepped off the stage, he couldn't stand still. Yi Yang supported him and walked off the stage slowly. The audience was still shouting, and some voices were hoarse. Yue Yue turned his head He waved his hand and walked off the stage.

"Uncle, thank you."

"Why are you being polite to me, take good care of your health, you are blessed, your child is filial, and there are so many senior brothers with you, don't think about it."

Yue Yue hummed, and wanted to cry a little. In fact, in front of elders, even if you are older, as long as the other party gives you some comfort, you will feel very comfortable in your heart. Only elders can give you this feeling.

Having fulfilled Yue Yue's entrustment, Yi Yang didn't stay any longer, and went home directly to prepare for his own work.

"Fleur, where do you think we should go to test the waters after we finish this film?"

Yi Yang has officially entered the working state, and the film has entered the shooting stage. He will make a plan with Fleur before it is released, and then edit a part of the film to go to the foreign market. For the first time, both he and Fleur will definitely go. of.

"The United States, I think this is the best choice. Although they are weak in accepting foreign films, I think this film can completely impress them, and it is very suitable for American tastes. I think the first stop is to go to the United States."

Yi Yang admired Fleur's ability very much. To be honest, this film was made in the United States in his previous life, but Yi Yang changed the main line to make it more in line with the identity of a domestic film.

"We coincided with each other. Tell me about the market situation in the United States."

Fleur introduced the current market in the United States in detail. Yi Yang had heard of these companies. They wanted to distribute, so it was impossible for them to talk to each other for the first time. Instead, they needed a springboard. In fact, when foreign films came to China Also, as I said before, many people proposed to ask Easy World to help with distribution, but they didn't do it at that time.

"So Liger Pictures is now the local leader."

"It can be said, but there are some differences in foreign markets. For Huaguo, our company is the leader, and that is the real leader. However, in foreign countries, although many companies are said to be leaders, they are generally slightly stronger. It is impossible The main reason for having an overwhelming advantage is that everyone’s home court is different, so the real leader has not yet been recognized by everyone.”

Yi Yang did not expect that the foreign market is so divided now. Although the domestic market is very competitive, the general practice is to leave food for others, just like Yi World, unless there is a grudge, everyone is already on the opposite side, otherwise it will not Deliberately prevent someone's film from being released.

"Then you mean we go to Liger to help us publish?"

Fleur shook his head.

"Although lions and tigers are relatively strong, they are not the best choice. Boss, there is a saying in Huaguo that the store is bullying customers. It is also applicable in the United States. If the United States is the first stop, I suggest going to Mina Films."

"Tell me why."

"Mina Films is a company in the United States that specializes in distribution. Although they don't have theaters and they don't shoot themselves, it is undeniable that they have a wide network and they are very professional in distribution. I have dealt with them a lot. , as long as they can accept their conditions, they can do anything.”

Yi Yang was curious, a company that only distributes works without works is so powerful.

"for example."

"If he can accept their request for a 80.00% share, he can guarantee that the filming rate of the work will be above 60.00% within a week."

Yi Yang took a breath after hearing this, Yi World is already very strong in China, but the highest rate of filming is about 45, and it is impossible to reach [-], and Mina Films can do this, so they have to Said, this is definitely strength, although the conditions are very harsh.

"This is the real lion's big mouth, but according to what you said, they are so strong, why do they only do publishing?"

"Because they only do distribution, everyone thinks that he is not a big threat, so although Mina is only a medium-sized company, it has always been able to do well in the market. After all, no one wants to offend a company that has no threat and may even cooperate. .”

Yi Yang thinks about it. The domestic market has also stabilized after several shocks. It is because they know that there will be no danger if Yi World is not provoked, so they naturally choose to give up their actions against Yi World. It's hard to say.

"Then it's settled. You should get in touch with the other party first to see what they think. It is estimated that we will leave for the United States in July. You can ask the people from the foreign office to go there and get to know each other."

"Okay, then I'll arrange it."

Yi Yang actually admired Fleur's energy, he was only a few years younger than himself, and he felt very energetic, as if he didn't know how tired he was, unlike him, who came to the meeting for two hours, dizzy and exhausted.

Because the movie requires a lot of special effects shots, the shooting is actually not the most difficult thing, the most difficult thing is the special effects production, basically the whole scene special effects, this is the first time this kind of film is shot in China.

The outside world also pays a lot of attention to the new film of Easy World. Needless to say, ordinary audiences are looking forward to it. They also want to see if this company, which has broken records frequently in China, can do the same abroad. Everyone hopes in their hearts. To be successful, there is a saying that is good and honorable. If Yi World is successful, everyone feels that they are also illuminated by the halo of success.

When he had time, Yi Yang went to the site to have a look. Once he entered, it seemed like a construction site, with everything on display. When he entered, he felt like he was in a repair shop.

"Why don't you clean up this thing?"

"Clean it up right away, boss, you don't know, this and that scene have to be used differently, sometimes I feel that I don't need it, I don't know where I need to make it up, I pull it away today and bring it back tomorrow, there are so many things, it's really frustrating people."

Facing the staff's complaints, Yi Yang can understand.

"What you said is right, but have you ever thought about just putting it here like this, what if someone gets hurt? If you do this, go get a metal house and put things in it, just say I let you do it, This way, there will be no problem, and when the time comes, you can take it out of the box and put it in the car when you move it away.”

The employee thought about it too. How simple this method is. So many people didn't expect that they wanted to flatter the boss, but when they looked up, the boss went inside.

"I missed this opportunity for nothing."

Yi Yang didn't know the inner activities of his employees, so he went inside and took a look inside, not to mention, they looked good, and they looked quite realistic.

(End of this chapter)

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