Uncle Deyun

Chapter 538 Extra Story 8

Chapter 538
"After half a year, we are standing on the cross talk stage again."


"A lot of audiences came today, good friends, to join us. Originally, my uncle and I didn't prepare a show today. We said that it was Mr. Yue who came. I didn't expect Mr. Yue to be unable to come due to something. I just got off the show. My teacher Uncle also just finished directing a play, what a coincidence."

"What a coincidence? Aren't we in a play?"

"Don't say it, the audience won't know if you don't say it, you don't cooperate at all."

"Then we're not a play."

"Just now I said yes and no, who can believe it, I don't want to cooperate with you."

"You don't want to cooperate with me?"

"Everyone may not know that we are not willing to cooperate with my uncle."

"What's wrong with me?"

"First of all, let me say that he is not a professional, he has never studied, and he is all supported by the audience."

"That's the right thing to say, but the praise from the audience shows that what I said is okay."

"Yes, you are dying."

"What's the matter?"

"I mean there's an important reason besides that."

"Tell me and I will listen."

"You are too unfriendly to the environment."

"Why am I not environmentally friendly? I just took a shower before going out."

"Does that have something to do with the environment? It's a hygiene issue. When I say not environmentally friendly, I mean something you do."

"Then let's talk about it in detail, I really don't agree with it."

"First of all, how did you come here?"

"Then how can I get here, drive."

"Listen, everyone, drive, is this environmentally friendly?"

"Why is this not environmentally friendly? Don't everyone drive on the street?"

"Driving will emit exhaust gas. The exhaust gas is carbon dioxide. It increases our temperature and affects the environment. Do you think it is environmentally friendly?"

"It's really not environmentally friendly, so I'll take a taxi next time I go out."

"Listen, everyone, this is to show off your wealth, and you still take a taxi. Is it environmentally friendly to take a taxi?"

"Then I can't walk here?"

"By the way, walking is environmental protection."

"From my house to here? It's more than 30 miles away. The audience will leave when I get halfway."

"You're being ridiculous. Walking is a way of traveling in an environmentally friendly way. Taking buses, subways, and riding bicycles are also ways of traveling in an environmentally friendly way."

"Oh, you mean to say that taking public transportation or non-polluting transportation is considered environmentally friendly travel?"

"That's right, these are considered environmentally friendly travel."

"That's fine, isn't it just this shortcoming, if I change it, it will be fine."

"It's easy to say, just this one."

"Any more?"

"Of course."

"Then I really don't know."

"Just one thing, you went to the supermarket to buy something, how did you get it back?"

"I asked this question, and everyone thought you were a fool if they didn't know. Of course you brought it back in a bag."

"What bag?"

"It's just the plastic bags that cost [-] cents and [-] cents apiece in the supermarket. They all use this."

"It's not environmentally friendly."

"Why is this not environmentally friendly?"

"It may be better in modern times. All major supermarkets use biodegradable plastic bags. They used to use the traditional ones. They have been buried in the ground for many years. This is like putting plastic bags in a person's skin. Can you be comfortable putting something on your body?"

"That's uncomfortable."

"So, isn't this not environmentally friendly?"

"That's true, then I'll take a bag with me next time."

"now it's right."

"That's right again, so am I okay this time?"

"Or not."

"Why not?"

"Because you still have places that are not environmentally friendly."

"and also?"

"Let me ask you, do you usually take a bath at home?"

"That's the question, everyone at home has to take a bath."

"Then let me ask you how you wash it."

"It's not easy for me to demonstrate, I said it is easy to be taken away directly."

"Don't talk about the body, just talk about how to wash."

"What's the matter, just turn on the water, wait for the water to heat up, and then wash."

"Do you use shower gel?"

"Use it."

"Did you apply the shower gel with the water turned off or with the water turned on?"

"Wipe it with boiling water."

"Here comes the problem. Everyone knows about shower gel. Applying shower gel is to make the body refreshed and clean. It needs to be applied on the body to rinse with water. Does it still work if you rinse and wipe it on?"

"What's the matter, just put more on it."

"Then why don't you turn off the water and wipe it?"

"It doesn't cost much water."

"If one person saves a bottle of water, even if [-] million people take a bath every day, how much water will be saved?"

"He's right about that."

"Still, you are a waste and not environmentally friendly."

"Then I'll change it. Next time I'll turn it off and wipe it off. You've been asking me for so long. It's my turn to ask you."

"Everyone, he still wants to ask me. I'll tell you guys, I'm really not afraid of being asked by him. Cross talk, pay attention to the four subjects, talk about learning..."

"Is this over?"

"what happened?"

"I haven't asked yet."

"I won't let you ask?"

"Then, my question is..."

"That's right, it's about learning to sing. Don't say it, although I'm not a professional, I still know the four subjects."

"Who asked you this, what I asked is..."

"I'm not afraid of anything you ask."

"What I'm asking is..."

"You just ask me how old you are when you die, and I dare to say."

"I'm not asking this, I'm asking..."

"You said..."

"Let no one speak?"

"You ask."

"Let me ask you how did you come here today?"

"I came by car."

"Then what do you pack when you go shopping in the supermarket?"

"Take the convenience bag."

"Then how do you use shower gel in the shower?"

"I always put the water in the pool until it's full."

"That's what you still say about me?"

"I'm different from you."

"What's the difference?"



"I'm a professional."

"Go to hell."

Amid the shouts of the audience, the two returned to the stage again.

"What I said just now doesn't really mean anything else. It's just to talk about the environmental protection issues that everyone pays attention to now."

"Yes, everyone is talking."

"We were filming together, and my uncle told me about it. He said that he would make a movie or a TV series about environmental protection in the future."


"In fact, what is said in the cross talk is all false, and some are surreal, and may not be achieved. It can only be said to be one of our ideas."

"That's right."

"Yeah, you want to travel, the big villa where my uncle lives."

"Why are you talking about that?"

"I'm not talking about the house, I'm talking about the land boundary. There are no buses, and taxis are not common. He can't go out without driving."

"There is indeed a problem."

"So we just have to be environmentally conscious when we can."


"Let's take my uncle as an example."

"What example do I have?"

"My uncle has thought of many ways to protect the environment."

"any solution?"

"I'll just say one of them."

"Tell me."

"You don't need paper in the large toilet."

"So disgusting?"

"The most important thing is that he doesn't wash his hands to save water."

"That's it."

 The plot of cross talk requires a certain amount of imagination, otherwise there is no way to find it funny
(End of this chapter)

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