Uncle Deyun

Chapter 78 I Have a Little Aunt?

Chapter 78 I Have a Little Aunt?

The mother and son were dumbfounded watching the back of the man leaving. After a while, the young man finally came back to his senses.He looked at his mother with a determined expression.

"Mom, I think I'm old, and I should take on my own responsibilities, so I can't worry you and Dad anymore."

"Xiao Tian……"

Sun Xiaotian looked at his mother with tears in his eyes, he grew up suddenly, he didn't complain about his father who left, and he didn't complain about his mother who angered his father, he knew that if it wasn't for his willfulness, his parents wouldn't be angry either.

"Mom, I'm going to apologize, and I'm going to take on my responsibilities."

Sun Xiaotian rejected his mother's idea of ​​going with him. He wanted to be a man and face this matter independently. However, when Sun Xiaotian found the doctor's office, he saw his father who had passed away through the glass. Standing in front of Lao Guo... bowing and apologizing.

Lao Guo was really angry at first. He didn't expect the family members of the perpetrator to say such things. It's just that when he came here, this man chased him and kept apologizing to him. He hoped that Lao Guo would not pursue his son because His son is still young, and he still has a lot of futures. Lao Guo is also very uncomfortable seeing a man standing in front of him bowing his knees, but he can't make a decision. He can understand the mood of a father, but he knows better. His son almost killed Yi Yang, he is not qualified to make decisions for Yi Yang.

Sun Xiaotian looked at his majestic father, and at this moment he kept bowing his head and apologizing. He was very angry. He was not angry with others, only himself. If it wasn't for himself, his father wouldn't have to do this in front of others. If it wasn't for himself, his father wouldn't have to look at others The role, tears burst, he slammed the door open.


Looking at the son who came to hug him, the man was surprised, but he didn't speak, he just patted his son on the back.

"Uncle, this matter is my fault, I am willing to take responsibility, sorry uncle."

Sun Xiaotian, who stopped crying, apologized to Lao Guo.

"You don't need to apologize to me, you just need to apologize to this girl and the people lying in the ward. As for whether to pursue you, this matter is up to them."

Sun Xiaotian hurriedly apologized to Zhou Ziyi, Zhou Ziyi was not in the mood to deal with him at all, she hadn't seen Yi Yang until now, and she still didn't know what happened to Yi Yang, how could she be in the mood to see their father and son's deep love, let alone listen to him What an apology.

"Don't apologize. The traffic police have already checked the scene. Let the police handle the specific matters. Mr. Guo, I'll ask the doctor Yi Yang if he can eat when he wakes up. I'll go buy some."

Lao Guo nodded, Zhou Ziyi went out, and unexpectedly saw Sun Xiaotian's mother standing at the door crying, obviously worried that Sun Xiaotian was alone, so she followed her secretly, Zhou Ziyi still remembered what she said just now, and ignored her, He found the doctor who hid directly, and asked the doctor what he needed to prepare for Yi Yang. The doctor explained what he could eat, and Zhou Ziyi went out. As she walked, Zhou Ziyi's tears welled up again. conversations in .

"It's serious. Fortunately, the person is fine. Look, it's crashed here. If it's an ordinary car, the cab might be gone."

"But it doesn't seem right. Look at this position. Normally, when a person is in danger, the first reaction is to avoid danger. It should be the other side."

"This may be the driver subconsciously protecting the co-pilot. It is estimated that the co-pilot is his wife. This is the real feeling."

Zhou Ziyi didn't listen carefully to what was said later. When she heard these words, she didn't understand why Yi Yang did this. She wanted to know if Yi Yang was really hurt to protect her. At this moment, What Zhou Ziyi wanted most was for Yi Yang to wake up quickly and ask him personally.

In the end, the traffic police took Sun Xiaotian away, and Sun Xiaotian's parents left after paying the medical expenses. The young master rushed over anxiously. He was in a hurry when he received the news, but the audience outside had come, so he couldn't leave. It's okay, it depends on the audience. When Xiaoyue came to the stage and received bad news, he still insisted on finishing the performance. Lao Guo persuaded him and didn't persuade him to leave. Since ancient times, it is difficult to have both loyalty and filial piety. The audience is their parents. But as a person in this line of work, the understanding is very deep.

It's just that his speed on the stage has obviously accelerated. Yan Hexiang didn't hold back after several times, and his state was obviously wrong. Some audience members in the audience could see it. After getting off stage, he called his father. Lao Guo said that his life was not in danger, so he was relieved, but he is the pillar of the stage today. He has to wait for the curtain call. He can't leave yet, and pick up the actors behind him After talking about this matter in the middle, the audience knew what was going on, and when the young master took the stage to call the curtain, everyone applauded to express their understanding.

The people in Deyun also understand the young master, because if the entire Deyun is looking for someone who can play best with Yi Yang, it must be the young master. When he was young, the young master accompanied Lao Guo to Yi Yang's house, and Yi Yang always took him with him when he was at home. He ate something, and I didn't see him for a few years. Later, when Yi Yang came to Deyun, Mr. Guo asked him to have dinner at home. The two of them became more familiar. Yi Yang took him to film together, and the two of them became more acquainted. , so he was really worried about Yi Yang's accident.

Not only the young master came, but also the actors who performed backstage today. Yi Yang is Lao Guo's younger brother. Now that they know, they must come.

"Dad, how is my uncle?"

Lao Guo looked at his anxious son and the apprentices who followed behind, and smiled on his serious face. The apprentices have this kind of heart, and he is very happy to be able to come.

"It's okay, don't worry, your uncle is asleep, the doctor won't let too many people in."

"Then I'll go and stay with my uncle today, I need someone to take care of me."

Lao Guo patted his son on the shoulder. The child didn't think much of it when he looked at it normally.

Lao Guo said a few words to him, and the young master's expression changed from surprise to surprise.

"Dad, so I may have a little aunt."

There was excitement in the young master's voice.

"No, Dad, then I can't go anymore. My uncle is hiding this matter from me. I have to wait for him to wake up and ask. Don't lie... It's impossible not to take the initiative to ask him to compensate me for something."

Lao Guo knew that Yi Yang had nothing to do, so he didn't stop his son from messing around. It's okay to go and make trouble. He saw that Yi Yang and Zhou Ziyi weren't boyfriend and girlfriend, so he happened to throw an accelerator, which might be extraordinary. As for the result of the process, let Yi Yang have a headache.

(End of this chapter)

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