Chapter 106 Grandpa Missing 9
After listening to Youran's face turned cold, it seems that he must not reveal the fact that he owns the God of Medicine King. After such a thing, it is no wonder that grandpa was so angry when he heard that he could make alchemy.But why is this medicine king's chapter in Xu Qingyun's hands? If grandpa is a descendant of the Shangguan family, the medicine king's chapter should be in the hands of grandpa!Perhaps only Yun Niang, who was written in Xu Qingyun's letter, knows the answer to this question. It seems that it is necessary to take a trip to Sunset Cloud Valley.

Yi Shuihan waved his hand in front of Youran's eyes, and Youran woke up from his own thoughts. Looking at the three people with concerned eyes, his heart warmed up: "I see, I need to trouble you a lot about my grandpa."

"Don't worry, it will be much easier to find if you have clues." After Yi Shuihan finished speaking, he leaned back on the chair lazily, fanning his fan leisurely.

"Okay, it's getting late now, I should go back, if you have any news, please go to Liujia Village and let me know." After finishing speaking, You Ran got up and said goodbye.

As soon as I got home, Youran entered the space and prepared to refine the Soul Gathering Pill. Although this Soul Gathering Pill is difficult to practice, but with Youran, a wonderful flower, it only took a little effort to practice it. Start your daily practice.

It wasn't until dawn that Youran opened her eyes, put away her gestures, and when Youran left the room, Chunhua Qiuyue and others had finished tidying up, and even Shangguan had finished washing up, and she waited for Youran to wake up with everyone in a formal manner before setting off. Uphill training.

Youran walked to the main seat, sat down and said: "As soon as Grandpa has news, I will go to Sunset Clouds Valley. During this period, you must train hard, and I will choose the best among you." Those who come with me, this is a good opportunity to practice, so you all have to work hard."

As soon as Youran finished talking about Chunhua, she eagerly said, "Miss, why don't you take us with you? Miss, let me and Qiuyue take care of you."

"If you want to go, you can only beat other people. Of course, for the sake of fairness, Chunhua Qiuyue and Dongyu Xiaxue will compete in a group of four women, and the remaining men will compete in a group. From today onwards, one person will be left at home to wait for me. Who of you will keep the news about grandpa?"

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all saw reluctance in each other's eyes. Everyone wanted to train with Miss to become a strong person who could dominate themselves.

Leisurely saw the meaning in everyone's eyes, and then said, "Tell me, why do you want to be trained?"

"Become a strong man who can dominate himself and protect this family," Qiu Yu replied weakly.

"Very good, to be a strong person. Not only must you have a strong body, but you must also have a serious and responsible sense of responsibility. This home is our base camp. We must have someone to guard him. If everyone goes to After training, the family recruited thieves. May I ask why you want to train to become stronger? You should never forget what the ultimate purpose of your training is. It is all for this family, so those who stay, don’t think that housekeeping is an insignificant Only by guarding your own home can those who are fighting for this home in the front have no worries."

Everyone was a little ashamed when they heard this, "I have lived a long time, and I don't understand it like a teenage lady"

Seeing that everyone understands, leisurely continued to speak: "Since everyone understands, let's take turns guarding, starting from the first day of junior high school."

(End of this chapter)

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