Chapter 118
After Lei Ran told the two of them, Jiang Nuo immediately ran into the woods, and then there was a sound of water. Just now, Young Master Jiang also walked for a long way with that person in his arms!Before Leisurely could tell him that the worm can only be transmitted through blood.

When Youran asked Yi Shuihan to clean the Gu worms in the bucket, Yi Shuihan's face turned green, but you can't ask a little girl like Youran to go, because the person in the bucket is naked.Thinking of this, Yi Shuihan gritted his teeth, rolled up his sleeves, and rushed into the tent, leisurely looking at Yi Shuihan's heroic face, he felt a little sympathetic, but there was no other way, the Gu worm had to be taken out and burned, otherwise it would be a disaster.

After Yi Shuihan cleaned up the Gu worms, he lay down on the side and vomited as soon as he got out of the tent, and when the gall was almost vomited out, he ran into the forest again, and then there was another sound of water, and he shook his head leisurely and helplessly. What's more, it's difficult for the prince who is pampered.

Lei Ran condensed a ball of fire, and the Gu worms in the basin immediately turned to ashes.

It wasn't until noon the next day that the two men who had collapsed in the water came late. If the two didn't come back, You Ran was going to jump into the river to find someone.

As soon as the two came back, Youran hurriedly asked them to go in to see how the man was doing. Because of the terrifying experience of fishing for Gu worms last night, Yi Shuihan would not go in even if he was killed, so Jiang Nuo had no choice but to bite the bullet and go in. At that time, there was no smell in the tent, but there was a faint fragrance. Even so, Jiang Nuo still felt nauseous, and looked at the man's wound no longer as disgusting and festering as it was last night, and now it was just a normal wound. Now, Jiang Nuo endured the nausea, and after helping the man dress, he rushed into the river again. There was no way, the scene last night was too impactful. It's hard to die.

Leisurely checked the man's pulse and stuffed another elixir, the man faintly woke up.The man seemed a little dazed, looked around, saw You Ran who was smiling and sat up immediately, and when he was about to get up, You Ran hurriedly held him down: "Don't move, you are hurting a lot now!"

"Who are you? Why am I here?" Xu Shi didn't speak for a long time, his hoarse voice startled himself.Then leisurely told his story, when he talked about Gu worms, he obviously saw the man's body tremble, it seems that these things have a big shadow in his heart.

After hearing Youran's words, the man immediately got out of bed and knelt down: "My Majesty, Mo Ye, thank you for saving me, and I will never hesitate to repay Miss's kindness in the future. However, I want to avenge my revenge before following Miss."

Leisurely helped him up: "Revenge? If you were capable of revenge, would you get this field? But, I want to hear your story!"

Hearing Youran's words, Mo Ye lowered his head a little dejectedly, and after a long silence, he opened his mouth and said, "My wife and I lived a happy life of traveling around, and one day we arrived in the city of Unforgettable. The city lord took a fancy to my wife and forced her to be his thirteenth concubine. Our husband and wife were so angry that those people fought. Originally, they were not our opponents, but suddenly a man in black robe appeared People, knocked me out with one blow, and when I woke up, I was taken to a cave full of Gu insects, and my wife was missing."

(End of this chapter)

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