Chapter 123 Sunset Valley 4
After hearing this, the owner of the valley raised his eyebrows and said: "Oh? Family secret medicine? I want to see what family secret medicine can break my fascination. Hand it over, and I will spare you the crime of trespassing on Luoxia Valley. Otherwise, the consequences are not something you ignorant juniors can bear."

Leisurely thought to herself, 'This beauty really has a bad temper'

"Senior, we broke into Sunset Clouds Valley by accident, and please ask the owner of the valley, Haihan." Jiang Nuo hurried out to smooth things over.

"Women talk, it's not your man's turn to intervene." The owner of the valley threw out a water whip after speaking, Jiang Nuo quickly blocked it, and You Ran and others hurried forward to help when they saw the sound of fighting. Join the fray.The owner of the valley used a water dragon to go out to sea, intending to trap Youran, and Youran quickly condensed a tree wall to block the ferocious water dragon of the owner of the valley. This girl can actually use fire spells. She is a good seedling who can block my water dragon at such a small age. Unfortunately, she met me today and was frozen at a very high speed." Congealed into ice cubes.Lei Ran transformed into raging flames that enveloped her whole body, and frozen her surroundings.This flame is illusory to You Ran, but to other people or things, it is a real flame, and this flame can burn everything in the world, not to mention the ice.But Jiang Nuo and the others were surrounded by girls rushing in from outside the hall, and couldn't get away for a while, watching the battle between You Ran and the others, they could only turn around anxiously but there was nothing they could do.

Gu Zhu nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, dual-element spells, you girl is starting to impress me, but it's a pity that the fire is not enough, the sky is full of snow dances." With the unfolding of Gu Zhu's spells, tens of thousands of ghosts flew out from behind her. Snow flakes, no matter where the snow flakes passed, Youran hurriedly used Ye Yufeihua to resist. Although Youran's spell progressed rapidly, it could not resist the long-time Sunset Valley Master who had practiced for a long time. Leisurely Ye Yufeihua was hit by Snowflakes. There was not one piece left, and before Youran could use the second wave of Ye Yufeihua, the blade-like snowflakes had already flown in front of your eyes, Jiang Nuo and Yi Shuihan rushed towards Youran, screaming "(Little) Youran, be careful! ".

In the blink of an eye, a huge white wolf suddenly appeared and stood in front of Youran. The snowflake hit the white wolf's body with the sound of metal clashing, but the snowflake didn't hurt the white wolf at all.

"Xiaobai? Why are you here? Where is your master?" Suddenly the owner of the valley collected the snowflakes, and threw himself towards the white wolf out of control.

The white wolf shook off the owner of the valley, and grinned at the owner of the valley, "This human is really annoying, just bullied the owner, and now it has messed up its beautiful fur, so I need to give her a warning." After Xiaobao finished warning, he turned his face and changed into an excited face, shaking his head and tail at Youran, and even arched Youran's ankle in a fawning manner.

Leisurely looked at the excited wolf in his eyes and was a little dazed.

At this time, Jiang Nuo and Yi Shuihan had already dealt with all the girls and they came to Youran, one of them held Youran back a few steps, and stood in front of Youran.He glared at Xiaobao with hostility.

Xiaobao glanced at Youran with grievances, then bared his teeth and yelled at Jiang Nuo, "Hmph!These two hateful humans actually prevented it from getting close to its master.What a disgusting wolf. Youran hurriedly pulled the two away and said, "This is my pet, although I don't know why it grew so big all of a sudden!"

(End of this chapter)

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