Chapter 132: Never Forget the City 5
When we arrived at the inn, after Mo Qitian put Youran down, Yunniang ordered: "I will take care of Youran here, you guys hurry to take a shower and change your clothes, there are bloodstains on your clothes, don't scare others."

After hearing this, several people looked at the dried brown blood on their bodies, and at You Ran who was still sleeping peacefully, and reluctantly left.

It has been three days since Youran woke up. After waking up, Youran lay on the bed and looked at the roof. Tears flowed down uncontrollably. After a while, the pillow was wet from crying. When Yunniang entered the room, what she saw was After seeing this scene, he put down the tonic in his hand, went to the bed and sat down. Before Yunniang could speak, he sat up leisurely, hugged Yunniang, and cried bitterly. While crying, he said: "Master , I don’t have a grandfather anymore, what should I do? I don’t have a grandfather anymore.”

Yun Niang lightly patted Youran's back and laughed lightly: "Silly girl, who said you don't have a grandfather? Your grandfather is not dead yet! You girl, you went crazy before you figured it out, you really scared us to death."

Leisurely raised her teary eyes and said, "Master, what did you say? My grandfather is really not dead?"

"Yes, yes, is it true that Master is still lying to you?"

"Then grandpa, where is it now? I'm going to see him." Then he was about to get out of bed and go out.

Yun Niang helplessly pulled her back and said, "You girl, you are just short-tempered. Can your grandfather run away there? Look at your crying face. Wash your face first, and pass the medicine on the table to me by the way." drank"

Leisurely turned her head to look at the bowl of black medicine on the table and frowned, "Master, why don't you practice that into a pill!"

Yun Niang nodded her head leisurely and said: "This medicine is about the right time, place and people. It will take a few days to practice well. You have been lying in bed and have not woken up, so this is the only way to do it."

"Master, I'm already awake, so I don't need to drink anymore." This Youran is not afraid of anything, but afraid of taking bitter medicine, let alone such a big bowl, let's kill her!
"I don't even think about it, this medicine uses a lot of precious medicinal materials of mine! You have to drink it if you don't drink it, and I won't let you see your grandpa until you finish drinking it."

"Master, how can you do this?" After speaking, she looked at Yunniang pitifully.

Yunniang didn't even look at Youran, she pushed the medicine bowl forward, and said with a face that could not refuse: "Drink it quickly! There is no need to discuss it."

Thinking of Grandpa, and thinking that it was Master's kindness, he picked it up and drank it in one gulp as soon as he gritted his teeth.

Seeing that Yaoran drank Yaoran, Yunniang smiled with satisfaction and said, "This is the master's good apprentice."

"Then now, can Master take me to my grandfather?"

Yun Niang looked at Youran's worried and anxious face and sighed: "Youran, you have to be mentally prepared, your grandpa's heart was broken by the black robe man's palm, but fortunately your grandpa's physique is strong, so he managed to hold his breath , but now your grandfather's situation is not optimistic."

After hearing this, Youran's face changed, and he said eagerly, "Go, take me to see it first." Yunniang had no choice but to bring Youran to Jiang Nuo's room.In the room, Mo Qitian was taking Shangguan Wuya's pulse, while Jiang Nuo stood aside with a worried expression on his face, and rushed to Shangguan Wuya's bed leisurely, and after taking Shangguan Wuya's pulse, he frowned deeply. The robe man was too ruthless, if grandpa hadn't fought with the space spring before, grandpa would have gone to play chess with Hades long ago.By the way, how did they come back?Why must she have no memory at all.

(End of this chapter)

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