Chapter 135 Going Home 1
"Shuihan has something to do. He is the prince. Naturally, he has a lot of things to do. Mo Ye hasn't seen him since he came back from the underground palace. He probably left." After Yunniang finished speaking, she nodded leisurely and said: " Mo Ye loves his wife so much, he probably went to find her and buried her! By the way, you haven't said how we got back? Who saved us? Why did Jiang Nuo say that we have already taken revenge? "

"It was a masked man who saved us, and helped us get back the Medicine King's Chapter, and killed the entire underground palace." After Yun Niang finished speaking, she quickly gave Mo Qi an angel a wink, signaling him not to say anything. truth.Mo Qitian hurriedly interjected: "Yes, you saw that Grandpa Shangguan was injured and passed out in a moment of excitement, so you don't know."

Leisurely nodded and continued to ask: "The man who covered his face? I want to thank him very much."

"He has already left, and he left after killing the man in black." Mo Qitian sighed secretly after finishing speaking, lying is really not easy, especially lying to a loved one, it is even more tormenting.

"Let's go, why didn't you stop them?" When You Ran heard that the savior had left, her face became anxious. This person not only saved them, but also helped them avenge their blood!

Yun Niang lightly nodded Youran's head and said, "Since I'm covering my face, I don't want you to thank me, so why did I stay?"

Leisurely nodded in agreement and said, "That's right, maybe those people offended too many people, and they created retribution."

Suddenly, Jiang Nuo walked in accompanied by Yi Shuihan, and as soon as he entered, Yi Shuihan took a sip of water and said, "It's all done, no one will know."

Leisurely and curiously said to Yi Shuihan: "Shuihan, why did you go? Why can't people know?"

Yi Shuihan was about to say something when he suddenly saw Yunniang and Mo Qitian waving their hands behind Youran and mouthing: "Don't say it, don't say it"

Yi Shuihan quickly swallowed what he just wanted to say, and changed his words: "It's nothing, we killed so many people yesterday, of course we have to go to the government to silence others, although those people intend to rebel, they really deserve to die, but you also I don’t want the imperial court to know, but you, a little village girl, did it, right?”

Leisurely thought, 'If the court knew about her, would she still have a better life?She didn't want her peaceful life to be broken again. During the time she came out, Leisurely missed the simple and natural life at home. 'Thinking of this, leisurely nodded and said, "Yes."

After Yunniang breathed a sigh of relief, she said to Youran, "Youran, you just woke up, you should go back and rest first, and even though your grandfather has repaired his heart, he still needs to rest."

Youran nodded and went back to her room. After Youran left, Yun Niang brought Mo Qitian and the three of them to Yi Shuihan's room and said, "Youran can't remember what happened in the underground palace, so we don't Let’s mention what happened in the underground palace in front of her again. This is not a good memory, let’s all forget it!” After Yunniang finished speaking, several people nodded seriously.

Youran and the others lived in Buwang City for a few more days. After making sure that Youran and Shangguan Wuya were fine, they prepared to leave for Liujia Village. Youran and Shangguan Wuya were also in a hurry. Shangguan was also at home alone, and the family But a lot of things!When Yunniang learned that Youran and his party were going back to Liujia Village, she followed her. Now she was reluctant to part with this disciple.Because he didn't wait for Mo Ye to come back, Mo Ye left a letter at the inn, so that when Mo Ye came back, he would know where they went even if they were not there.

(End of this chapter)

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