Chapter 146 Expanding Business 1
This scene stunned everyone, especially Jiang Nuo, the eagerness in his eyes could melt people.Leisurely raised the bottle in her hand and said: "This is called perfume. It can replace the incense on clothes. From now on, just sprinkle a little on it when you go out, and the fragrance won't dissipate for a while."

When the girls of Chunhua heard this, they immediately ran to Youran excitedly and said, "Miss, can we take a look?"

Seeing leisurely nodding, several people cheered and each picked up the perfume bottle and began to look at it.

After a while, Chunhua said in surprise: "Miss, the scent of this bottle in my hand is different from the bottle you just had, this one is sweet."

Leisurely smiled and said: "The bottle I just had smelled like nothing, but it lingered on the tip of my nose all the time, so it was called 'Missing', and the bottle in your hand has a sweet taste, but it is not greasy, just like first love. taste, so it is called 'first love'”

After listening to Youran's words, Qiuyue quickly raised the bottle in her hand and said, "Then what about my bottle?"

Leisurely smelling Qiuyue's perfume, she said: "Your bottle has a strong smell. As the saying goes, when the love is strong, it is shallow and deep, so it is called 'hot love'." Then leisurely picked up the bottle in Xia Yu's hand and said: "This bottle has a bland taste. What a special taste, but it can give people a feeling of peace of mind. I want to return to an ordinary life after a passionate love. There is no passion, but it makes people feel warm, so this bottle is called 'Growing Old Together', and the bottle of Dong Xue's injury is called 'Broken Love' 'The scent of this perfume will smell slightly bitter and cool, just like the bitter tears left behind when you lose your lover, and the cold and empty heart."

After listening to Youran's words, Yunniang actually shed tears. Seeing such a scene, Youran hurriedly picked up the nail polish on the side and continued to introduce: "This is called nail polish, just like Koudan, it is for nail coloring, but this There are more colors of nail polish, and you can draw various patterns." After finishing speaking, You Ran took Yun Niang's hand and said, "Master, you can be my model!"

Yun Niang quickly wiped away the tears from her eyes and said, "What model?"

"I'm the one who demonstrates on your nails for them to see."

Yunniang looked at Youran's concerned gaze, nodded her head, and then Youran took out a makeup brush and painted it on Yunniang. In her previous life, because she didn't have time to go to the nail salon to get her nails done, Youran often made her nails by herself. I do it at home, so the simple patterns are easy to grasp.

After leisurely finished painting, Yuniang raised her hand and exclaimed: "It turns out that you can also paint on your nails, it's so beautiful." When Chunhua and the other girls heard this, they hurriedly surrounded her, watching Yunniang recover. Only then did Youran feel relieved.

"Youran, I want to talk to you, I will wait for you at the back mountain at night" Jiang Nuo said quietly in Youran's ear and left.

Leisurely looked at Jiang Nuo's back in a strange way, and thought: What can't be said at home, I have to go to the mountain to say it.

In the evening, I leisurely walked around in the dark in the dark, already scolding Jiang Nuo in my heart, saying that the blood is coming, I asked someone to meet, but didn't say where, I really don't know if it is testing my patience or what!
Just when You Ran was depressed, there was a whimpering flute sound, and You Ran followed the sound and walked over. From a distance, she could see Jiang Nuo leaning against a tree in purple clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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