Chapter 150 Expanding Business 5
Then I taught the girls in the store the functions and usage of essential oils, and taught them a set of body massage techniques. Then, in the display cabinet in the hall, I put a few bottles of perfume and nail polish for the future. Advertise perfume shops and nail salons.

After explaining everything, Leisurely took Huarong Yuemao's account book, and followed Jiang Nuo and others to the shop Jiang Nuo mentioned before. The two shops were of moderate size, and they were close to Huarong Yuemao, only three shops apart.Leisurely was satisfied after reading it, so she made a decision.

As soon as the shop was closed, Youran non-stop looking for someone to decorate it, and went to Mrs. Zhao to buy thirty little maids and ten servants.When he was about to return to Liujia Village, he leisurely looked at Mo Qitian and Yi Shuihan, who had been following him all the time and had no intention of going back to get their luggage, and said, "Aren't you two going to get your luggage? Why don't you go?"

Mo Qitian interjected: "When you were beautiful and beautiful, we ordered the servants to send the luggage to your home." You Ran rolled her eyes helplessly, in this case, why did you follow me?
Then Yi Shuihan took out a government document from his bosom and handed it in front of Youran. When Youran saw that it was the government's document to revoke the wanted arrest in Longhuzhai, Youran said in surprise, "Shuihan, your efficiency is too high. Come on! I haven't seen you go to the county government."

Yi Shuihan said arrogantly: "Do I still need to go to such a trivial matter? Just send a message, and the county magistrate will send it to me without hesitation."

Youran put away the document and said happily: "I owe you a favor this time, just say what you want!" Hearing Youran's words, Mo Qitian and Jiang Nuo stared at Yi Shuihan with threatening faces, as if only Yi Shuihan Tell them the conditions that make them unhappy, and they will immediately rush to destroy him.

Yi Shuihan ignored the two of them directly, narrowed his peach eyes and said, "I haven't thought about it yet, I'll tell you when I think about it."

Youran was happy in her heart, she nodded and agreed without thinking, Mo Qitian and Jiang Nuo scolded in their hearts: villain.

When Youran returned home, it was already dark, so Youran ate a few mouthfuls of food and hurried back to her room.

Once in the room, Youran took out the beautiful account book and started to read it. After a while, Youran was dizzy from the account book. Youran rubbed the center of her brows tiredly, regretting secretly in her heart, she was really dizzy. Teach them to keep accounts in Arabic numerals, so it won't be so difficult.

At this time, the door of Youran's room was knocked, Youran opened the door, and saw Mo Qitian standing outside the door with a lunch box.After Mo Qitian came in, he raised the lunch box in his hand and said to Youran, "Seeing that you don't eat much at night, I made you some supper."

You Ran looked at Mo Qitian bringing out plates of delicate meals from the lunch box and said in astonishment, "You did all of this?" It can't be blamed for You Ran's astonishment. In the countryside, there is no man who can cook, let alone a young master like Mo Qitian who was born with a golden spoon in his mouth.

Mo Qitian said while laying out the food: "I learned these from my mother. When I was young, I learned the art of alchemy from my father. Sometimes I would retreat for a month. Most people would bring some dry food to deal with it. It's very serious, but I can't get used to those dry foods, and I often go hungry, so my mother couldn't bear it, so she asked me to make it myself, and slowly, it will be over."

Leisurely looked at Mo Qitian's gentle expression and said: "Your mother must also be a gentle person."

Mo Qitian smiled and said: "Okay, eat some quickly! Otherwise, it will be bad for your stomach if it gets cold." He said and handed the chopsticks to Youran.

(End of this chapter)

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