Chapter 155 Expanding Business 10
Once back in the village, Youran quietly went to the mountains, used her mental strength to get many big trees into the space, then Youran simulated the coal production environment in an open space in the space, and then put all the big trees down, and then Through ideas, speeding up the change of time, after the big tree went through the stages of bacterial decomposition, coalification and metamorphism, the coal was finally produced leisurely.Afterwards, Youran sat paralyzed in the space, manipulating such a long time change all at once, exhausting Youran.After taking a sip of the spring water in the space, Youran left the space, and after returning to the bed, Youran fell into a deep sleep.

The next day, Chunhua saw that Youran hadn't woken up in the afternoon, so she walked into Youran's room suspiciously. It's rare for this young lady to stay up so late.

In the room, Chunhua yelled several times but did not see Youran waking up, so Chunhua hurried out and called everyone back home.Everyone was terrified when they heard that You Ran fell asleep, and even the people in the factory and the village put down their work one after another and ran to Youran's house.Yunniang and Mo Qitian took Youran's pulse carefully, but the pulse indicated that Youran was just too tired and fell asleep, and there was nothing wrong with it.Everyone breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.Then, Shangguan Wuya and the others went back to work first.

Jiang Nuo looked at You Ran, who was not sleeping well, and suddenly stood up, punching Yi Shuihan to the ground, Yi Shuihan stood up and said angrily, "Jiang Nuo, are you crazy? Why did you hit me?"

Jiang Nuo said angrily: "Say? Where did you take Youran yesterday? What did you do? Why was she so tired that she fell asleep?"

Yi Shuihan recalled what happened yesterday, and he also thought that Leisurely was caused by excessive use of spells in refining colored glaze, so he recounted what happened yesterday in a dejected manner.

Everyone looked at Yi Shuihan disapprovingly, this Yi Shuihan really felt wronged!When he came back with Youran yesterday, Youran was alive and well, who knew she would never wake up!If he had known this before, if he was killed, he wouldn't have let Youran burn that Laoshizi Liuli.

Three days later, Youran finally woke up faintly.Leisurely saw Mo Qitian fell asleep lying on the bed, but his brows were still deeply frowned, Jiang Nuo was sitting at a table not far away, dozing off with his head on his hands, while Yi Shuihan was leaning on the bed He fell asleep on the chair, his usual alluring handsome face was full of exhaustion.

Youran moved lightly, wanting to sit up, this sound woke up Mo Qitian, as soon as Mo Qitian opened his eyes, he unconsciously took Youran's hand to check his pulse, and then looked at Youran sincerely looking at him, heartbroken Xia breathed a sigh of relief, showing a warm smile and said: "You finally woke up."

"Youran asked with some doubts: "Why are you here?What is the market now. "

Jiang Nuo and Yi Shuihan immediately ran over when they heard this, and the steady Jiang Nuo even knocked over the stool behind him.After seeing Youran smiling and looking at them, they all breathed a sigh of relief.Yi Shuihan grabbed Youran's hand and said: "Little Youran, you really scared us to death, you have been asleep for three days."

Leisurely was shocked, obviously she only felt that she had slept for a while.Look at the slight wrinkles on the clothes of these three people, the sparse beards on their faces, and the deep tiredness in their eyes, which is far from the usual image of the three of them.

(End of this chapter)

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