Chapter 165
Shangguan Wuya knew that he was frightened by being kidnapped last time, so he nodded and said: "Don't worry, grandpa knows, you have to be careful yourself, this time they are all after you."

Leisurely smiled comfortingly: "Grandpa, don't worry! Now I am not something ordinary people can move."

Shangguan Wuya nodded in agreement, in the past five years, she watched Youran become stronger step by step, and now Youran is even better than his father, Shangguan Chong.

In the past few days, everyone in Youran Manor has entered a state of first-level alert. Although the villagers are very scared, but under the influence of Youran in the past five years, everyone can still maintain a calm state and obey without making noise. Leisurely arrangement, stay in the manor, not going out even a step.Fortunately, the food and vegetables in the manor have always been self-sufficient, so it will not disturb the normal life of the manor.

Two days later, there was a noise outside the manor, Leisurely ran out after hearing the sound, only to see Yao Jizi, who had treated Shangguan Wuya, beating his beard and staring uprightly, jumping outside the manor, disregarding his appearance He yelled: "Well, you little Youran, for the sake of Mo Qitian, this old man came to help you with good intentions, but it's really too much to block this old man out of the village." A young man dressed in a white gauze robe, this man's black hair is meticulously coiled on the top of his head, his complexion is fair, and a cinnabar is dotted on his smooth forehead. With the man's pure eyes, it is as if he has strayed into the mortal world. The fairy of the world.What's more, the man watched Yao Jizi jump and stood aside without changing his expression, he didn't come up to dissuade or help at all, as if he didn't see it.

Looking at such a pair, Lei Ran stepped forward and said with a smile: "Long time no see, Yao Jizi!"

As soon as Yao Jizi saw Youran, he immediately pulled past Youran and said, "Youran, you came just in time, tell him quickly, I am your grandfather's savior, this kid actually stopped me and wouldn't let me in."

The corner of Youran's mouth twitched slightly, the old urchin turned his head to the gatekeeper Da Zhuang and said, "Let them in!"

Da Zhuang agreed, and let the medicine machine in. The boy saw the medicine machine going in and wanted to follow, but Da Zhuang stopped him outside. After seeing it, the medicine machine hurriedly said: "Let him in quickly, he is my apprentice .”

After hearing this, Da Zhuang looked at Youran, saw Youran nodding, and opened the door again.

After Yao Jizi looked at it, he looked up at Da Zhuang arrogantly and walked over.

Arriving at Youran's villa, Yao Jizi jumped up and down like an old urchin in amazement, and said to Youran, "Youran, my apprentice and I will live here from now on."

Leisurely asked without answering, "What's the matter with you here?"

Yao Jizi patted his beard and said proudly: "The old man received a letter from Mo Qitian to help, so you should serve the old man with delicious food and drink!"

Leisurely pointed to the man who had been sitting quietly and said, "Then who is he?"

Yao Jizi rushed to Youran's side with a proud face and said, "This is my apprentice, Sunshine. How is it? It's not worse than that kid Mo Qitian, right?"

Leisurely and softly said to the medicine machine: "Is he dumb?"

At this time, a clear male voice came, "I'm not dumb!"

You Ran laughed and said, "Hehe, hello, my name is Shangguan Youran."

Qing Tian nodded lightly as a greeting, Yao Jizi pulled it over and said leisurely: "Leave him alone, he is relatively cold by nature, it would be nice if he could nod to you."

(End of this chapter)

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