Chapter 194 Competition 4
"What's wrong with the man? You Ran has become the second richest man in just five years, second only to our Jiang family. Is this something a man can do? It's our Jiang family, and this prestigious status has been accumulated over generations. .And the skin care products, cosmetics, and jewelry you use now are all made by Youran."

"But, but, cousin, how can a woman marry so many husbands at once?"

Jiang Nuo smiled and said, "We are willing."

Jiang Nuo's words made Jiang Qing speechless for a while, and his round face turned red with anxiety.

At this moment, leisurely came over, touched Jiang Nuo's hand, and said to Jiang Qing: "I promise you, I really love your cousin. And I want to tell you that when close relatives get married, children will be stupid of."

"Karma?" Jiang Qing didn't turn the corner all of a sudden.

Leisurely smiled and said: "The two of you are related by blood, and the children born in the future have a high probability of being stupid."

Jiang Qing puffed up his baby-fat face, and turned his head arrogantly: "I don't understand what you're talking about? If you want me, just let me give you my cousin, it's impossible. You're dead. Take it easy! Cousin is mine." After Jiang Qing finished speaking, she made a grimace at You Ran, and ran over to grab Jiang Nuo's other arm.

Leisurely smiled and shook her head, after all, she is still a child!

Jiang Nuo looked at Youran helplessly, pulled out the arm that was being pulled by Jiang Qing, and said to her, "Qing'er, I only think of you as my sister."

When Jiang Qing heard this, he immediately made a small mouth.

Smiling leisurely and comfortingly at Jiang Nuo, she took Jiang Qing's hand and said, "Why do you have to marry your cousin?"

Jiang Qing broke away from Youran's hand, and said as a matter of course: "Because my cousin is very handsome and powerful, isn't this what you should look for when looking for a husband?"

"Qing'er, that's not love, it's just pure admiration. Besides, love requires mutual consent to be happy, do you understand?"

"Hmph, if not, how could my cousin not like me? Also, don't call me Qing'er, I don't know you well!"

Jiang Nuo immediately said coldly when he heard this: "Qing'er, don't be rude."

Leisurely shook her head at Jiang Nuo and said, "She's still a child."

"You don't need to be hypocritical, I'm already 14 years old, I'm already an adult, not a child."

You Ran smiled and shook her head, "You and your cousin grew up together, if he would like you, he would have liked you a long time ago, and there would be nothing wrong with me."

When Jiang Qing heard this, his round eyes immediately filled with tears, and he pouted and said, "You are lying, my cousin likes me." After speaking, he pushed Youran away, and ran away crying.

Youran was catching up, but Jiang Nuo grabbed Youran and said, "She's just a child with a temper, she'll be fine in a while."

Leisurely said worriedly: "She's just a child, isn't it a little dangerous to run out like this?"

"Don't worry, there are hidden guards around her to protect her, and she will be fine."

Leisurely lowering her eyelids, she said to Jiang Nuo, "Jiang Nuo, maybe I really don't deserve this."

Jiang Nuo hugged Youran and said, "Youran, don't say that, we have the final say on whether it's worth it or not."

Embracing Jiang Nuo leisurely and moved, Jiang Nuo felt sweet in his heart, feeling the soft jade in his bosom, and inadvertently swayed.

Jiang Nuo raised one hand, gently cupped Youran's face, and slowly approached.Youran closed her eyes shyly, waited for a long time but did not get Jiang Nuo's kiss, opened her eyes with some doubts, looked in front of her, Jiang Nuo was staring at her with eyes full of smiles, couldn't help feeling a little annoyed, and struggled to leave Jiang Nuo. Nuo's arms.

(End of this chapter)

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