Chapter 207 Competition 18
Youran first gave Qingluo an anesthetic pill, and then let Qingluo lie down. After the anesthesia pill took effect, Youran began her plastic surgery, first instilling spiritual power into Qingluo's hair follicles, stimulating her After a while, Qingluo's hair and eyebrows grew at a visible speed, and she let out a sigh of relief, fortunately, it was feasible.

Then, leisurely used mental power to stimulate the growth of cartilage on Qingluo's ears, then decomposed the newly grown cartilage with mental power, moved the decomposed cartilage to Qingluo's nose, and then used mental power to reassemble it, and used the same Qingluo's nostrils and mouth were narrowed by the method.Then pull out the buck teeth, use mental power to stimulate the gums, and grow new, neat teeth.

The next step is the eyes. Leisurely first removes the fat around the eyes of Qingluo, so that the eyes will not look so swollen, and then controls the cells around the eyes to reorganize, and cuts off the eyelids that wrap around the eyes. Show the corners of the eyes and make beautiful double eyelids.

After getting the eyes done, take out a bottle of high-concentration space spring water and add it to Qingyanguo, and apply it on Qingluo's face, the pustules will disappear quickly, and the rough and dark skin on the surface will slowly fall off, revealing a white and smooth new skin .

After finishing the work on the face, You Ran let out a soft breath, wiped the sweat from her forehead, and continued with the plastic surgery on her body. You Ran first decomposed the hunchback on Qing Luo's back, and then decomposed the excess fat on Qing Luo's body to make it flow out of her body.Then stimulate the growth of chest and buttocks to make a perfect body curve.

After finishing the work, I looked left and right leisurely, and always felt that something was missing. On second thought, yes, I was missing a beautiful dress!Leisurely took out a brand new dress from the space, and after putting on Qingluo, she put on a delicate makeup for Qingluo.After waking Qingluo up, she said to the outside of the curtain, "It's done!"

As soon as the curtain was lifted, 5 minutes passed, and the audience was still silent. Qing Luo saw that everyone was staring at her as if she had seen a ghost, thinking that others would laugh at her again, tears immediately filled her eyes. The teary appearance looks even more charming, how can I still see the ugly appearance that shocked the world and weeping ghosts and gods before!

The queen was so surprised that she couldn't say a word for a long time, she leisurely jumped off the stage with Qingluo, walked up to the queen, smiled and said: "Young lady, I don't know if this counts as winning!"

"Forget" Suddenly a high-pitched female voice came from the audience, followed by "Forget" and remembered one after another.

The queen nodded resignedly and said: "For you to win, I have convinced you!"

As soon as the queen said this, the audience cheered, Yun Niang, Mo Qitian and others flew onto the stage excitedly, hugged Youran tightly, and did not let go until Youran was almost out of breath.

The emperor stepped down from the dragon chair, rubbed his nose in embarrassment and said to Youran, "From now on, I will leave the cold water to you!"

After listening to You Ran, she always felt that there was something wrong with these words, and then looked at Yi Shuihan's reddish handsome face, a sense of disobedience swept over Your Ran in an instant, and she smiled embarrassingly: "The emperor is serious!"

The emperor coughed lightly, and said a little uncomfortable: "I have offended you before, and we parents are also doing it for the good of our children! I hope you don't mind!"

As soon as Lei Ran heard that the emperor claimed to have changed from "Zhen" to "I", she knew that he also really recognized her as his daughter-in-law.You Ran knew that as Shui Han's parents, it was understandable to be good for his son, but for his son's sake, she could understand but it didn't mean she would forgive her.

(End of this chapter)

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