Chapter 223
As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately refused to obey, and began to yell, "Why, we all came here early in the morning to line up!"

"We have money, why not let us in?"

Lan Yuan smiled and said: "Everyone be quiet, we have our rules, we don't accept guests who like to make trouble. If anyone doesn't line up and makes a lot of noise, we will add her to Die Bian's blacklist. Customers on the blacklist will never be accepted."

As soon as everyone heard this, they immediately quieted down, got their numbers, and those who were in the top [-] happily lined up on the right, and those who were not in the top [-] were disappointed but did not make trouble, and stood quietly outside the butterfly change, unwilling to leave .

Those who have not received their numbers all quietly line up on the left side to get their numbers.

Lan Yuan watched the outside calm down, and then led customer No. [-] to the room where Youran was.

Seeing Lan Yuan coming in, she leisurely took the form filled out by customer No. [-]. The customer's name and the place she wanted to fix were written on the form.After reading it leisurely, she smiled lightly at the client named Zhu Jie.Looking at Zhu Jie, who was a little stiff and unconfident, he said leisurely: "Miss Zhu, don't be nervous. There won't be any pain during the plastic surgery!"

Zhu Jie pinched the corner of her clothes and said, "Will I really be pretty?"

Nodding leisurely, "Yes! Our aim is to make every guest break out of a cocoon and become a butterfly."

"So, will others recognize the original me?"

After hearing this, Lei Ran understood, "Don't worry, Ms. Zhu, we will keep your information absolutely confidential. When you have a butterfly transformation, as long as you don't tell me that you have plastic surgery, no one else will know about it!"

Upon hearing this, Zhu Jie said happily, "Okay, let's start now! I want to have a full-body plastic surgery. Can you make me look like you?"

The corner of your mouth twitched when you heard this: "This is not good, we only make you beautiful based on your original appearance, but if you want to copy someone else's appearance, it is absolutely not acceptable, it will cause chaos in the world, and you don't want to go out in the future Just see people who look exactly like you everywhere!"

When Zhu Jie heard it, she thought it was true, so she stopped talking.Leisurely nodded, and said to Lan Yuan who was on the side: "Look at the side, and study hard!"

Lan Yuan nodded seriously.The whole cosmetic surgery went very smoothly afterwards.

Zhu Jie looked at her delicate face in the mirror, tears came out of excitement, and said a little out of control: "Thank you, thank you, now let's see who dares to make fun of me! Who dares to make fun of me!"

After sending Zhu Jie away, Lan Yuan said excitedly: "Miss, my mental strength seems to have improved!"


"Yes, just now when the lady was undergoing surgery, I also used my mental power secretly. I found that my spiritual power improved very fast by the lady's side!"

After leisurely listening, her eyes lit up immediately. It seemed that when she was using her spiritual power, the air around her would be filled with her spiritual power, and when Lan Yuan practiced beside her, she could absorb part of her scattered spirit. force.In this way, it is very simple for a few girls to learn how to use plastic surgery.

"I will be with you when you practice in the future, so that you can improve faster!"

Upon hearing this, Lan Yuan immediately said excitedly: "Thank you, miss!"

After a busy day, You Ran rubbed her somewhat empty head, looking at the boxes of silver, You Ran still narrowed her eyes with a smile.

Back at the villa, as soon as Youran returned to her room, Shangguan Wuya and Yun Niang knocked on the door of Youran's room.

Leisurely smiled at the two of them: "Grandpa, Master, Diebian made a lot of money today!"

(End of this chapter)

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