Chapter 250 Marriage 1
Suddenly Chuyi ran over in a panic and said: "Miss, my lord, the emperor and empress are here, and they brought a lot of gifts!"

Yi Shuihan interjected: "Father, Queen Mother promised to give me ten miles of red makeup, which is finally fulfilled!"

It was the second day of junior high school and came over again: "Miss, Uncle, Master Mo also came with a generous gift."

Leisurely asked strangely: "When did Grandpa Mo and the others leave the villa to prepare? Why don't we know at all?"

Mo Qitian took Youran's hand and said: "Maybe Grandpa and the others want to give us a surprise!"

After hearing this, Qingtian and Jiang Nuo were slightly disappointed. Seeing this situation, they hurriedly said: "Master Qingtian, the emperor and empress have also prepared for you."

Hearing what Chuyi said, Jiang Nuo was even more disappointed, and Qingtian's expression was neither happy nor sad, but rather weird.The enemy he hated for more than twenty years suddenly became a family member, he must have a process of adaptation!

Then the third day of junior high school also ran over. Although Jiang Nuo had nothing on his face, his clenched fists expressed the tension in his heart.

The third day of junior high school ran over, and said to Youran and the others: "Miss, Mr. Qingtian, Master Yao brought a few carts of herbs here, and said it was a gift for Mrs. Qingtian!"

When Jiang Nuo heard this, he clenched his fists even more.

Youran understood Jiang Nuo's feelings, stepped forward and took Jiang Nuo's hand and said, "You have us now!"

Jiang Nuo held Youran's hand tightly, and nodded seriously.

Qiuyue laughed and interjected: "Miss, uncle, if you want to be affectionate, you have to wait until the end of worship! The auspicious time is coming!"

Upon hearing this leisurely, she stretched out her hand to gently pinch Qiuyue and said, "You little girl, you dare to make fun of us! It seems that I have to marry you off as soon as possible."

Qiuyue grinned her teeth pretending to be in pain and said, "Miss, this servant will never dare again!"

Chunhua glanced at her younger sister and said, "Qiuyue, don't make a fuss, it will delay the auspicious time of Miss's visit, you will feel better!"

Qiuyue giggled, "Yes, yes."

Everyone came to the hall laughing and laughing. At this time, all the elders were seated in the main seats, and Da Zhu, who was the master of ceremonies, shouted loudly: "The newcomers have arrived, and the guests are quiet."

You Ran and the others slowly walked to the main seat, Dazhu said: "First worship the heaven and earth, second worship the high hall, husband and wife worship each other, and send them to the bridal chamber!"

Then Youran was supported by Chunhua Qiuyue and returned to the new house, until the room gradually became quiet, Youran still had the illusion that she was dreaming.

After about half an hour, Chunhua suddenly ran in in a panic and said, "Miss, I'm sorry, Mr. Jiang's father is here."

Leisurely surprised, "Where is it?"

"Just mix among those guests."

"Who did he come with?"

"He's the only one, and there seems to be something wrong!"

Leisurely raised her eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"Master Jiang was dressed in tatters, and it seemed like he hadn't eaten for a long time. Then my uncle went to the table to toast, and he hugged Mr. Jiang and cried loudly. He couldn't pull it away. My uncle's face was livid. .”

Leisurely nodded and said: "I can't go out now, you go and call all the stockholders over."

"Yes, miss"

After a while, the four of Jiang Nuo all came.Leisurely said: "Why don't you help me lift the hijab first, it's really uncomfortable to talk like this!"

The four of Mo Qitian nodded and said: "Okay!" After saying that, they fetched the scale beam, and each of them picked up a corner.

The leisurely, bright and moving appearance made the four of them startled, and then they smiled.

Leisurely looked at the four people in a daze and smiled, "You're all stupid!"

Yi Shuihan laughed and said, "Who made you so beautiful, Xiao Youran!"

Leisurely glanced at Yi Shuihan and said, "Be serious." Then he turned to Jiang Nuo and said, "What's the matter with your father?"


(End of this chapter)

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