The sermon begins with the dragon and the horse

Chapter 503 Who Can Reverse Time and Space

Chapter 503 Who Can Reverse Time and Space
"Baked it! Look at how lonely it is!" Cao Yusheng gritted his teeth. If it wasn't for his lack of strength, he would definitely teach this puppy to be a good dog today.

"Ren Chong, do you have a place to talk here? Go and cool off." The puppy glanced at Cao Yusheng, not paying attention to him at all.

"Be safe and don't be impatient." Shi Hao gave Cao Yusheng a reassuring look, telling him not to be impulsive.

This palm-sized puppy has dark red fur all over its body, giving people a sense of vicissitudes that have gone through countless years, but there is a sense of vitality inside.

Shi Hao felt that this was an old goblin, who must have known many secrets since he lived in the distant immortal ancient times.

"This dead dog is full of nonsense, you don't really believe its nonsense, do you?" Cao Yusheng was angrily, and wanted to persuade Shi Hao to take it down.

"Hmph, if you call me a dead dog again, I'll eat you right away!" The puppy bared his teeth, his white teeth dazzled people.

"Let's talk openly and honestly, don't hide it." Shi Hao looked at the puppy and said sincerely.

"Can you tell me any valuable news?" the puppy asked, straightening his posture.

"I once saw a corner of the future in the burial place, a big black dog that became immortal, often chasing and biting a fat Taoist priest. I think you are [-]% similar to it!" Shi Hao said.

"What, did you see it?!" The puppy's voice raised eight degrees, his hair was blown up, and his eyes were very serious.

"So, you are that big black dog who came here from the future and made us mistakenly think that you came from Immortal Ancient and was buried here." Shi Hao said while staring at it.

"What!" Cao Yusheng on the side was stunned, a little unbelievable, a puppy dug out from the ground actually came from the future?
Shen Ma smiled, didn't say much, and took out a big bamboo pole by himself. It was ten feet long, the whole body was purple, and crystal clear like jade. In fact, it was a kind of spiritual plant similar to sugarcane in the mortal world. .

He discovered this by accident when he was visiting nine days and ten places. He just chewed sugar cane and listened to stories when he had nothing to do.

"Young people these days love to dream, be careful not to get carried away." The puppy shook his head.

"Isn't it?" Shi Hao said in a deep voice.

"Who can reverse time and space and come here from the future? The cause and effect involved in this is so great that even the immortal king can't bear it.

Even if someone could really do it, when they came to this time and space, they would not even dare to say much.If an action is carried out against some special characters, it will most likely overturn the ages, and oneself will inevitably be robbed. "The puppy said calmly.


As soon as the words fell, Shen Ma squirted out a mouthful of bagasse, and felt a chill behind him. He has flowed back from the era of shrouding the sky, killed a lot of dark creatures, and met many top talents in this era. Does it change history?
But he is still alive and well, except for the fact that the five great secret realms are blinded by heaven and earth, he has not felt any rejection from this time and space.

"Has Chaos Dao Ding brought me here to cancel the cause and effect for me? Or..." Shen Ma thought of another possibility, and suddenly felt creepy, and the goose bumps fell all over the place.

"Shouldn't I be just a little imprint of a supreme powerhouse in the chaotic ancient time and space? Just like the future Huangtian Emperor turned into hundreds of millions of blood rain and sprinkled in the long river of time, every time and space has his figure."

"Even the Immortal Emperor can't bear the cause and effect of reversing the chaotic years, but he can travel the holy ruins and the chaotic ancient times. Who in the dark is driving all this?"

The more he thought about it, the more frightened Shen Ma became. Along the way, all kinds of weird things happened to him frequently. He didn't think it was anything before, but now they are connected together, and he is terrified when he thinks carefully.

"What's wrong with you?" Shi Hao looked at the pale Shen Ma and asked with concern.

"It's okay, I suffered from a bit of wind and cold a few days ago, and it hasn't completely recovered." Shen Ma shook his head and said.

It was said that Shi Hao, Cao Yusheng, and the puppy all rolled their eyes, and monks would also catch the cold, how could they be fooling ghosts?
After a small episode, Shi Hao and the puppy continued to talk.

"Can you tell me about your past?" Shi Hao asked.

"In the ancient time of Immortals, I participated in the war with foreign lands. I was attacked by a spear, pierced my skull, and almost died. Later, I was buried in this land of reincarnation. Now I can still be regarded as recovering, but my morals have declined sharply. "The puppy said frankly.

"What?!" Cao Yusheng exclaimed, he had many questions in his mind.

"Don't bother me. I was attacked by someone back then, and my soul was broken. Only part of the imprint was kept, and many things were forgotten. Speaking of which, if you hadn't stolen the grave and interrupted my transformation process, how could I Born early?" The puppy said plausibly.

"Since you are a living being from the Immortal Era, why are you so restless when I mention that corner of the future?" Shi Hao asked.

"Because, not only you have seen it, but the Immortal King I follow has also deduced it and seen that corner."

The puppy said frankly that when he was in Xiangu, his whole body was black, but when he got older, his hair turned dark red.He was only a true immortal at that time, and the immortal king he followed practiced the law of time and had divination the future.

"Do you have the Immortal King Sutra?" Cao Yusheng was so excited that he almost jumped up.

Shi Hao's eyes on the side were fiery, looking at the puppy, he felt extremely pleasing to the eye.

"I've disappointed you all. I was really attacked and killed back then, and my primordial spirit was shattered. Now there are only a few parts left." The puppy sighed.

"There is no Immortal King Sutra, but the True Immortal Sutra is fine." Cao Yusheng said enthusiastically.

"It's impossible to give it to you, human pet, you just give up on it." The puppy said with his nose turned to the sky.

Next, the puppy chatted with Shi Hao for a long time, but the puppy lost many memories, and only had a vague impression of many secrets.

"Life is like a dream. When you close your eyes and open them, an era has passed, and the years are ruthless." In the end, the puppy revealed his true feelings, feeling infinitely emotional about the past.

"What kind of person are you..." Cao Yusheng whispered beside him.

"Woof!" The pup's ears were sharp, and when he heard Cao Yusheng's choreography, he bit it without saying a word.

"It hurts! It hurts! Let go!" Cao Yusheng screamed in pain, and vigorously swung his arms, trying to shake the puppy off, but there was no way.

"Stop making trouble, I'm going to leave." Shi Hao said, he just came up from the lower realm, and wanted to fully understand the movements of the dark creatures and the real situation of the Dharma-ending Era.

"I'll go with you!" Cao Yusheng didn't want to stay with this puppy even if he was beaten to death, otherwise he would suffer too much.

"I'm going too! Pets, tremble, this king will rule the land again!" the little puppy shouted.

"Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I will accompany you for a walk. It would be great if I can meet a few tough people to practice." Shen Ma said with a smile.

"Hey, brother Shen, Jin Taijun of the Jin family, Wang Changsheng of the Wang family, and the remnant immortals of the Immortal Palace are all hard stubbles. They are not only hard, but also have a very rich family background. If they can get one or two, then they will be prosperous." Cao Yusheng came over and said mysteriously.

"Well, as the saying goes, the sky is healthy, a gentleman strives for self-improvement, the terrain is good, and a gentleman carries virtue. They don't have much enmity with me, so it's not good to come and rob." Shen Ma hesitated.

"Brother Shen is confused, those families have taken action against Shi Hao before, you regard Shi Hao as a brother, and take action for your brother... Isn't it natural for you to claw?" Cao Yusheng said righteously.

"It makes sense!"


 Thank you Wenho, Qidi Tianxia,? ?Gnocchi girl?Thank you very much for your reward!

(End of this chapter)

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