Chapter 522 Try and Die
"If you want to fight, then fight!"

Ao Sheng roared, his body disintegrated, the Immortal King's might spread for hundreds of millions of miles, and the terrified immortal light spread to distant and unknown places.

At the same time, in a certain star field in the Immortal Domain, a figure walked out of the place of seclusion. His mana was boundless, and his gestures actually affected the operation of the entire starry sky.

Ao Sheng's real body was dispatched, with a murderous intent.Every step he took seemed to span several universes, where the stars exploded and turned into cosmic dust.

"Who made the Immortal King furious?"

"Isn't that direction no man's land? Could it be that the mysterious existence inside was born?"

At this moment, all souls are terrified, trembling from the soul,

Just a ray of Immortal King's breath caused a large number of stars to collapse. If it was a real battle between Immortal Kings, how many creatures would suffer?

"Balance exists between all things. It's a pity that I can't stay for a long time, and I have to participate in the final liquidation. Otherwise, I really want to kill you before leaving."

The voice of the mysterious strong man was very calm and very conceited.When he opened his mouth, the sky and the earth roared, causing the river of time below to tremble.

"You can try it!"

Ao Sheng's real body hadn't arrived yet, but the voice came, the immortal sound rumbled, releasing terrifying waves of energy, and the earth rolled back layer by layer, like a broken mirror.

"Try and die."

The mysterious strong man's face was indifferent, and he saw a thunderbolt condensed in his hand, shining with a cold light, with the ultimate killing intent.


Thunderous, like an arrow from the string, pierced through the rules of the heavens, parted the veins of the avenue, and blasted towards Ao Sheng.

"The same move, An Neng can stop me!"

Ao Sheng was furious, his dharma body was defeated by this tactic, and he didn't expect that mysterious strong man to use this tactic against him, did he look down on him?

He drew out his natal sword, slashed forward, broke through all obstacles, and moved forward without hesitation.


Sparks splashed in all directions, and the ocean-like destructive force flooded the sky. It was extremely terrifying and made people tremble.

Almost all the nearby desolate star fields collapsed and were shattered.In the more distant star field, countless creatures fell limply on the ground, trembling non-stop, imprisoned by the supreme immortal power, almost bursting into pieces.

The chaos was raging, and the thunder intertwined, blurring a large area of ​​the star field.

However, a figure could be vaguely seen flying horizontally, and a long spear shining with blazing thunder was inserted into his heart, making him unable to control his figure.


After penetrating seven or eight star fields in a row, the figure barely stopped, and the spear nailed him to a huge continent.He struggled to stand up, and kept spitting blood from his mouth.

"Uh huh! That figure just now seemed to be Ao..."

"Hush! Don't die, you can also call the real name of the fairy king? Even if you are separated by hundreds of millions of miles, and separated by countless seas of stars, you will still be perceived!"

"Then Ao... the king is defeated?"

In the fairyland, countless creatures with great supernatural powers saw this incredible scene and were extremely shocked.

"Too weak."

The mysterious strong man glanced at Ao Sheng outside the endless starry sky, shook his head slightly, and stopped paying attention.Because, his time is up and he needs to leave.


He flicked lightly, and a gust of wind immediately flew towards the puppy's position wrapped around the Shenma on the gun point.

"Wow, woof!" The puppy was so frightened that he could not help barking a few times.

As the breeze blew past, all traces and aura were wiped away, and Shenma and the pup were wrapped together through the void and disappeared before their eyes.

"The future... No, it should be a reunion in ancient history."

The mysterious strong man looked at the direction in which Shen Ma was leaving, and whispered to himself.Immediately afterwards, he stepped into the long river of time without looking back, and the fragments of time flew, leading him into another world.

Vaguely, one can see there is a terrifying ocean. Among the waves ups and downs, one ancient world after another is ups and downs, some are shattered, and some are turned into nothing.

What's even more frightening is that countless powerful creatures are fighting fiercely in the sea. Their breath is not weaker than that of real immortals. Blood mist, stumps, and broken arms are scattered all over the sea, which is terrible.


The long river of time disappeared, and those terrible scenes disappeared.


Ao Sheng roared, desperately pulling out the thunder gun from his chest. Just as he was about to continue fighting, he found that the mysterious man had entered the long river of time and returned to the original world.

"Hateful! Hateful!" He was furious, and the surrounding star field was crushed into pieces by his terrifying coercion, a scene of doomsday, extremely tragic.

"Nielong, you can't run away!"

He picked up the formula and was about to find out Shen Ma to burn his ashes, but when he actually deduced it, he found that there was no trace of Shen Ma in the world, and all the breath was wiped out.

"Can you hide for a while, can you hide for a lifetime?"


"I'm not dead?!"

In the void passage, Shen Ma woke up from a coma, staring blankly at the surrounding scene with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Just wake up." The little puppy breathed a sigh of relief, obviously not recovering from the previous dreamlike encounter.

"It was you who saved me?" Shen Ma stretched his limbs, and found that all the injuries on his body were healed, and he was extremely full of divine power, and was extremely surprised.

The puppy shook his head and introduced the general situation in the most concise words.

"The giant fairy king with a spear came across the long river of time and saved us. How does this sound a bit unreal?"

Shen Ma stared at the puppy, with a look of disbelief on his face, and said again: "Is it possible that Immortal King Wu End left you behind, you don't want to be exposed, don't worry, I understand."

"Knowing your size, it's rare to tell the truth, but you don't believe it!" the puppy said angrily.

"That is to say, what you said before was all lies." Shen Ma said.

"..." The puppy was speechless for a while, and wanted to go up and bite a few times, but remembered that his cultivation base had not yet recovered, so he gave up this idea.

"Where are we going?" Shen Ma looked at the sea of ​​stars that kept flashing in front of him, feeling that he was crossing one universe after another at an incredible speed.

"I don't know..."

Before the puppy could finish speaking, a crack appeared not far away, and light leaked out.In the blink of an eye, they were sucked in.

Ahead, a road appeared, leading to a misty ancient cave, the mouth of the cave was spewing chaotic immortal energy, ethereal.

The breath here is very strange, as if out of the world, independent of the outside world, with a sense of haze.

Shenma and Xiaogouzai walked forward cautiously with doubts.But when they turned back, they found that the road behind had disappeared, leaving nothing behind.

"It's not right, I seem to have been here before!"

Shen Ma exclaimed, he is very familiar with this situation, when he left the Shrouding Universe, he had walked such a distance before.

"Have you been here?" the puppy asked in surprise.

"Well, if my guess is right, there is also a stone room in the cave, which can take people through time and space, which is very magical." Shen Ma frowned, staring at the ancient cave ahead, with a strange expression on his face.

"Traveling through time and space?!" The puppy was full of thoughts. If it was true, wouldn't it be similar to the legendary land of Tongtian?

"Land of the sky!" It had a flash of inspiration, trembling with excitement, and rushed forward.

"Are you in a hurry to reincarnate?" Shen Ma shook his head and followed closely.


As soon as they walked halfway, there were crying and howling in the cave. The crying was shrill and frightening.

The puppy and Shen Ma froze, and they all stopped, feeling a little nervous.

"It's Lei Ling!"

Shen Ma took a look into the cave and found hundreds of thunder spirits surrounding a dead body wrapped in a straw mat, heartbroken.

Lei Ling, who looks like a snake or insect, has a dragon pattern on his scales, and his whole body is surrounded by thunder.They devour Heavenly Tribulation and feed on Thunder.Once grown up, the same level is almost invincible.

"If my guess is correct, it should be Lei Di's body. The Lei Lings found the Heaven-reaching Land, and they wanted to revive him."

The puppy's voice was a little low, empathetic.Wasn't he going to Immortal Realm for the last hope of resurrecting the Endless Immortal King?If he failed, he would probably cry louder than Lei Ling.

They stepped into the ancient cave cautiously, and suddenly, the hundreds of Lei Linghuo raised their heads and looked this way.

Although the Thunder Lings didn't launch any attacks, the aura was quite frightening.

"Everyone, we just happened to come to this place, and we didn't have any malicious intentions. When Lei Di entered the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, I had a chance encounter with him. It's a pity, heaven is jealous of talents!"

The little puppy walked over with a solemn expression, earnestly paying homage to Lei Di's corpse.

Looking at this scene, the gazes of the hundreds of thunder spirits softened a little, and their aura also restrained a lot.

"The world's pride is like a crucian carp crossing the river, but how many people can have the last laugh? I don't know when I will become a corpse. Will anyone be sad for me at that time?"

Shen Ma secretly sighed in his heart, full of thoughts.He decided that he should concentrate on studying Gou Dao in the future.

After all, miracles don't always happen, and when you die, you really die.

"I have finally found the place that connects the sky, psychics, and the past and the present! Immortal King Wuending will definitely be resurrected."

The little puppy walked steadily towards the depths of the ancient cave with firm steps.

The cave is filled with a strong chaotic immortal energy, which is hazy, impenetrable, and impenetrable.The more you walk in, the more ancient and vicissitudes of the breath, giving people a strange feeling of walking towards the source of time.

In the deepest part, there is a stone room, less than a foot wide, which is empty, with only rough stone walls.The chaotic immortal energy in the room is even stronger, with inexplicable fluctuations.

"It's really this place!" Shen Ma's eyes showed strange light. Although he had guessed before, seeing this stone room again gave him a great shock.

"Fate brought me here, does it mean that I am about to leave this era?" He had mixed feelings in his heart, his thoughts were flying wildly, and he didn't know where he was going to end up.

"In the ancient times, Immortal King Infinity and Immortal King Samsara once jointly deduced this place, saying that it can understand the past and present, see the future, and possess unimaginable abilities.

I hope this place is really like the legend, and the Immortal King of Endless will be rescued. "

The puppy looked serious, and solemnly took out the drop of blood essence of the Immortal King of Infinity and a fragment of the fairy bell, and then sent them into the stone room.

However, after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

The endless essence and blood floated in the air, shining brightly, rippling with strands of immortal power, and the fragments of the dying clock shone with dim fairy light, sinking and floating together with the essence and blood.

"I don't believe it!" the puppy roared, with a hint of despair in his stubbornness.

"Just wait and see, maybe a miracle will happen." Seeing the puppy's life-or-death appearance, Shen Ma couldn't bear it, and spoke kindly to comfort him.

"The Endless Immortal King will definitely come back, and miracles will definitely happen!" the puppy said firmly.

For the next few days, Xiaogouzai and Shenma kept staring at the stone room, but unfortunately nothing happened.

Later, Shen Ma felt that it was very boring, so he found a place beside him and began to practice with his eyes closed.

He didn't know if he would leave this world when he entered the stone room?I don't know where the destiny is?
He just wants to grasp the present moment and improve his strength as much as possible, and he has not landed on the other side. Everything in front of him is just flowers in the water and the moon in the well.

Time passed bit by bit, and another hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.

"Ow! Ow!"

On this day, the little puppy wailed loudly, with an indescribable sadness.


Shen Ma was awakened, opened his eyes, and immediately understood everything.

Endless Essence and Blood lost its spirituality and turned into flames to burn in the stone chamber, while the fragments of the dead clock turned into dust and disappeared into the air with the wind.

"Master Wu Zong, you are the supreme fairy king! Why did you leave? Xiao Hei will never see you again, woo woo..." The puppy cried loudly, tears kept rolling down, moistening the ground .

"Black man, don't cry, you and Wu Zong will meet again in the future. However, it's not in this era." Shen Ma comforted.

"Don't lie to me, the last drop of the blood of the Immortal King is buried here, there is no hope of resurrection, Lord Wu Zhan has fallen forever." The little dog cub said more and more pain, tears blurred his eyes from crying, and almost fainted die past.

Shen Ma wanted to persuade him again, but suddenly the cauldron of chaos rushed out from the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, spreading mysteriously one after another, as if interweaving the past, the present and the future, covering the entire river of time.


He looked behind him, and found that a small part of his tail had inadvertently stretched into the stone room, and the Chaos Dao Cauldron revived spontaneously, and wanted to take him to another world.

"Believe it or not, I have really seen you in the future, and as for Immortal King Wuending, the future will be renamed Wushi.

Today, I have to leave too, but unfortunately I can't say goodbye to those friends.Tell Huang that he will be his younger brother for a day and his younger brother forever, and his elder brother will always be his elder brother! "

Shen Ma yelled at the puppy, at this moment he could no longer control his body, and was wrapped by Dao Ding and crashed into the stone room.

In an instant, the stone chamber is full of brilliance, with thousands of auspicious clouds, and the vicissitudes of the years are overwhelming, rushing in all directions.The Lei Lings who hadn't left were also startled, and all turned their gazes here.

The stone room trembled violently, and Shen Ma's body gradually became blurred, as if it would disappear before his eyes in the next moment.

"Old Shen!" The puppy stared wide-eyed in surprise, and the boss with a snarky face had an expression of disbelief.

"The last hope, send Lord Lei Di in, and gain a life against the sky!" Lei Ling, the leader, saw this scene and was very excited.


All the thunder spirits shouted in unison, holding up the straw mat and rushing forward, their speed was extremely fast, almost sending the straw mat into the stone room in the blink of an eye.

Coincidentally, Shen Ma's figure was blurred, and the last ray of light rippling from the Primal Chaos Cauldron shone on the straw mat, wrapped around Lei Di and disappeared in front of his eyes.



Zhong Leiling looked at the empty stone room, with an uncontrollable joy on their faces.

"Is this also possible?" The puppy beside him couldn't believe his eyes.

"Tread! Tread!"

At this moment, the sound of footsteps in twos and threes came from outside the ancient cave...

 Thanks for Kuku running back to the city and V Wangchen for their rewards, thank you big brother!

(End of this chapter)

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