The sermon begins with the dragon and the horse

Chapter 524 Nine Lives Become Immortals

Chapter 524
In Mount Tai, Shen Ma disappeared, and the bronze coffin of the third generation was also taken away.

This ancient world is larger than expected, except for a few places illuminated by stars, there are also large star fields shrouded in darkness.Shenma decided to explore and excavate some relics of former sages to make up for his own shortcomings.

In the vast dark universe, there are no stars, no sound, deathly silence and coldness.

Shen Ma sat cross-legged on the bronze coffin of the third generation, without any goal, just kept moving forward like this.Occasionally, when he encounters a huge star, he will open his eyes and observe carefully.

Time flows, the years are ruthless, and thousands of years have passed in a flash.

During this period, he found many ancient ruins, including human bone patterns, magic tools of real immortals, and scriptures of immortal kings.

But without exception, everything seemed to have been sucked out of essence, incomplete.

He once opened a fairy king's cave, which contained the corpse of a suspected fairy king.But that corpse had a shape, but it didn't have the slightest coercion. With a slight touch, it turned into powder and dissipated in the world.

It is conceivable how terrible the catastrophe was. Even the powerhouses of the level of the Immortal King were sacrificed like ants.


Thousands of years passed by in a hurry, and Shen Ma's blood was still at its peak. Time did not leave traces on his face, but his eyes became more and more vicissitudes.

After years of exploration, he has a deeper understanding of this ancient world.

Once upon a time, this was a vast world, full of immortal spirit, countless magic medicines, monks gathered, many real immortals, and there were no fewer than ten immortal kings alone.

However, one day, an altar descended from the sky, and with the sound of sacrifice, the universe was destroyed, all spirits died, and the fairy king was also inevitable.

"In the era of the corpse emperor, only those quasi-immortal emperors at the end of the sea can easily sacrifice to a great world. This world is too dangerous, so it's better to stay on top of it. I don't know if that footprint emperor has been born yet?"

In the dark universe, a ray of light keeps advancing until it disappears at the end of nothingness.


Time flies like an arrow, and the sun and the moon fly like a shuttle. This year, Shenma is [-] years old, and he is still alive, but his blood has withered, and his scales are full of cracks, and some even fell off.

"Haha, I have traveled all the way, experienced thousands of kalpas and hardships, thought about all kinds of ways to die, but there is no death of old age.

God dares to take my life? "

Shen Ma straightened his back, raised his head and asked God, his cloudy old eyes spurted out an inextinguishable fighting spirit.

It's a pity that this world has long been incomplete, the avenues have collapsed, all spirits have perished, and even the catastrophe is gone.In the face of Shenma's questioning, there was no response at all.

"True Dragon God is grinding!"

A huge five-color god mill emerged outside his body. With the grinding of the millstone, his body began to disintegrate, and the scales, dragon horns, bones, and internal organs were broken one after another.But the god mill of the outside world still hasn't stopped, it's still running.

In the end, there was only one drop of bright dragon blood left in the god mill.

His Tao focuses on discovering one's own potential and opening up infinite particles in the body.At this time, all the original essence is concentrated in the drop of dragon blood, and new particles are created on the basis of real dragon particles.

Opening up particles in particles is equivalent to opening up a new universe in the universe. The difficulty of opening up the realm of the world and the particle within the particle is no less than the fusion of the double path fruit.

Moreover, this dilapidated ancient world lacked enough psionic substances, and Shen Ma could only condense the divine energy accumulated over the past 4 years in one point, so as to pry open that unknown door.

The danger involved can be imagined, once it fails, it is not as simple as hurting muscles and bones.

At this moment, Shen Ma was hovering between life and death. Visible to the naked eye, there was a phantom in the dragon's blood in the center of the god mill trying to break free, but every time he jumped up, his body would be covered in bruises, which was extremely miserable.

In fact, he could have chosen another gentle method to transform himself, but in the end he was rejected by himself.

He looked all over the ancient scriptures and inscriptions, combined with the method he created, and found the most suitable path for him, and it was also the most difficult path.

It's fine for him not to take this path, but future enemies won't stop fighting for it.

So, he finally took that step.

A few years later, an extremely radiant divine light pierced through the dark universe, illuminating a large area of ​​the star field, and the terrifying coercion shook the world.

Shen Ma was born again, as strong as the flesh made of fairy gold, shining with crystal luster, surging with vigorous vitality, and his energy and spirit were unprecedentedly abundant and powerful.

However, his dragon mane is still white. Back then when he saw his brother and lover die in front of him, this was a knot that was difficult to untie. It became white because of great grief. Perhaps only great joy can completely change the color.

"It's not simply to live out the second life, but to evolve..."

Shenma felt his own state, and found that the scales on his body surface had become denser and no longer so bright, as if they had accumulated traces of time, but their defense power was greatly enhanced.

Moreover, his internal organs are also stained with a trace of immortality, making them even more indestructible.

"The ninth life of the world of mortals is a fairy, which means that I need to develop the eight-layer particles, and there is a long way to go. Can my body withstand the training of the third world..."

Looking at the dark universe, Shen Ma embarked on the journey again.

For tens of thousands of years, no one communicated with him, so he could only continue to drive the bronze coffin of the third generation forward, looking for relics, so as to relieve his fatigue.

Otherwise, he was really afraid that one day he would make himself depressed.

In the third life, he entered the chaos, but he did not expect to capture a ball of chaos fire. He combined the magic of the real phoenix, bathed in the flames, burned his old body, and opened up a second layer of particles in a desperate situation, rebirth against the sky.

He succeeded and lived out the third life.

In this life, his lifespan is as long as 5 years. Adding the years of the previous two lives, he has already lived for 13 years. He feels that he can be tough and immortal without falling behind.

In the fourth life, he erected an earth-shattering and peerless formation that connected the nine immortal kings' relics. Even if they were separated by hundreds of millions of miles, they were all linked together by his formation.

Although the entire ancient world was sacrificed alive, there are still some sources of good fortune left in the Immortal King's Remains, which is enough for Shenma to transform.

He buried himself in the eyes of the formation, absorbed the essence of the immortal way, and opened up the third layer of particles, so as to live out the fourth life.

In the fifth life, he retrogradely deduced the golden runes in the stone mill of reincarnation, and transformed them into indestructible runes, named them "Indestructible Sutra", and imprinted them on the body and soul.

At the same time, the particles in his body also gave birth to strands of immortal breath, and the fourth layer of particles was naturally developed.

Then, from the sixth, seventh... until the ninth life, he used all means to travel almost the entire ancient world, digging up countless divine treasures, and opening up the particles in his body time and time again.

As the years passed and the vicissitudes of life changed, Shen Ma sat cross-legged on the bronze coffin of the third generation all the year round, watching the desolation and loneliness of the great world alone.

For 60 years, he has been working hard every day, constantly fighting against the death of the world of mortals.The whole world is silent, only he and Yilong are alive, and even he has almost forgotten his name.

There was no one he wanted to talk to, no one could understand his mood.There are no ancients in the past, and no newcomers in the future. The road to the world of mortals is very long, so long that it has obliterated his original thoughts.

"I have become a fairy, but I don't have sadness and joy in my heart. This is not what I want."

Shen Ma's eyes are full of vicissitudes, and there is also a kind of tiredness, like an old man who has seen through the world.


A flash of sword light shot out from his fingertips, slashing at his soul.With tens of thousands of years of experience, except for the understanding of Taoism, other insignificant things were all eliminated by him.

He wants to maintain a clear and pure heart and restore youthful vigor.

In the end, his primordial spirit is like crystal, ethereal and clear.

"Infinite Life Dragon!"

The Shenma people stood up, their bones cracking, their blood agitated, tearing apart the sky.

At this time, after nine generations of transformation, his appearance has changed drastically. His body has swelled to 99 feet, and his whole body is covered with a layer of scales with dim luster.

Moreover, not only the dragon blood and dragon meat, but also his entire keel was dyed with a layer of five-color divine light, which was crystal clear from the inside out.

"There is not even an immortal calamity. This ancient world will be buried sooner or later, and I should leave."

He looked up at the sky, but he didn't see a thunderbolt falling, and there was no sign of a catastrophe.

After arriving in the realm of Immortal Dao, although he has no worries about the end of his life in this realm, the order of heaven and earth here is broken, the laws are incomplete, and the avenues are disintegrated. It is too difficult to go further.

He needs to find a world with perfect avenues to speed up the progress of his cultivation.At the same time, he also wanted to know what the era he lived in was like.


Shenma descended on Mount Tai again. Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, but Mount Tai has not changed at all, and the immortal atmosphere is still strong.

"As expected of the sacred mountain of the origin of the universe, even if the heavens and the earth perish, Mount Tai remains the same."

Standing on the top of Mount Tai, Shen Ma was full of emotions. He walked down the mountain slowly, watching the flowers, plants, birds and animals, and his heart gradually returned to peace.

When he walked to the middle of the mountain, he saw that the tombstone he erected for Lei Di had been completely weathered, and the whole tomb was covered with weeds, and the original shape could hardly be seen.

"Time is like a knife, will all traces be cut off?"

He sighed, and was about to repair Lei Di's tomb, but he didn't expect a wave of life to come from the catacomb.

"Corpse psychic?"


(End of this chapter)

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