Chapter 531
"Is this the strength of a giant? It's really terrifying!"

The skyhorn ants and cricket ants who were watching the battle exclaimed at the same time, both shocked and horrified, but they were unwilling to leave, because this kind of battle was rare in millions of years, and it could show them the way forward.

"The thief dragon is quite strong. It seems that it is not so easy to take revenge. Forget it, it is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge. There is always a chance." Wu Seque stared at Yuan Kong's battle, full of inner drama.


A battle that is rarely seen in ancient and modern times unfolded in the boundary sea, shaking the world, the two giants came out with all kinds of methods, and the waves of the boundary ocean hit the sky for a while, and the avenues and runes were intertwined, running through the ancient, modern and future.

"I like to fight in close quarters. Coincidentally, this seat is also the best at this!"

Shen Ma's eyes were full of blood, his muscles bulged like strong old wood, his qi and blood roared like a bell, the avenue lines on his body were bright and dazzling, and his surging fighting spirit could almost turn the world upside down.

He was so red-eyed that he fought with the seven-headed monster for nearly a thousand rounds. The world was shattered and the earth was shattered.


The same is true for the seven-headed monster. Its pupils are full of madness. One after another, creatures come out from the brows of each of its heads. They are all ancient powerhouses who have been swallowed by him. shocking.

Shen Ma retreated after being bombarded, spitting out black blood from his mouth, stronger than his indestructible body, but he was still injured.

The seven-headed monster devoured many immortal kings, among them there were many giants, whose combat power was somewhat stronger than ordinary giants, and could be called the peak of immortal kings.

"It's amazing how many people there are!"

Shen Ma was short of breath, and his chest was heaving violently. This battle consumed a lot of energy. If it was an ordinary Immortal King, he would have been crushed to pieces long ago.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the patchwork seven-headed monster would be so strong.

"Don't think that you are the only one who can call people, I can do it too!"


Shen Ma shouted loudly, and a bright sword light shot out from his fingertips, but it didn't strike at the seven-headed monster, but at himself.

There was a sound of "hissing", and a hole was opened in his forehead, and blood gushed out.

A mass of bloody flesh soared into the sky, and then turned into a real dragon in the void.

Immediately afterwards, one after another meat balls were cut out by Shen Ma, there were nine balls in total!They take shape in the void, no matter in appearance or momentum, they are exactly the same as Shenma.

They are not ordinary dharma bodies, not clones, but nine "true bodies"!
"Cut nine gates and transform nine corpses. I don't know which is stronger or weaker than his Huazizai Dafa? It's a pity that I can't cut the tenth gate. I have a hunch that this will be the road to becoming an emperor."

Shen Ma's eyes were full of divine brilliance, and his whole body was full of light, stronger than before.Moreover, every time he cut down a door, his injury would get better. It seemed that it was not the nine doors that were cut down, but the old illness.

"I bloom in the midst of slaughter, just like a flower in the dawn!" A "true body" rushed forward, and lotus flowers of the Great Dao bloomed beside it.

"Control yourself, control the enemy." The other "true body" seemed very cautious, and did not directly kill the seven-headed monster, but carved the pattern of the avenue in the void, and strangled the opponent with the help of the power of the sea.

"Guaiguai is very cute, why do you want to kill Guaiguai?" One of the "true bodies" made a daddy sound, which made people get goosebumps all over their bodies.

However, it hates it the most when it strikes, directly sacrificing most of its body's blood, covering the whole world with a layer of blood.

"All souls are mortal, and some just need a little help."


The nine "true bodies" have different personalities, some are brave and diligent, some are cautious and conscientious, and some specialize in black hands...

For a time, there were figures everywhere here, including Shenma's "true body" and the spirit body devoured by the seven-headed monster.

Shenma's body is also dispatched. At this moment, it is equivalent to ten Shenma joining forces. Who in the world can stop it?
The endless avenue of robbery light landed, smashing six heads of the seven-headed monster one after another.

"What... is this technique?!" The only remaining humanoid head trembled, even though it swallowed up the primordial spirits of the kings and learned countless peerless supernatural powers, it has lost all fighting spirit now.

Is there such a terrifying art in the world?Can transform into nine avatars with the same fighting power, with the same strength of breath, qi and blood. Once this technique is used, with the same cultivation level, who can match it?
"Decapitation technique." Shen Ma said flatly, and then asked: "Tell me, your origin."

"What can I say? Countless epochs ago, I fell into a dark cage, devouring each other's primordial spirits, wandering in it for endless years, and accidentally found a gap, and rushed out." The humanoid head said indifferently.

"Have you figured out how to die?" Shen Ma asked again.

"Darkness is eternal, and this day will come. You are strong, but you can't escape." As soon as the words fell, a blazing Dao fire burst out from the humanoid head, and its primordial spirit disintegrated and disappeared.

"Hehe, it's a beautiful idea to feign death to escape."

Shen Ma sneered, his perception was so sensitive, there was a mark hidden in the dissipated primordial fire, it was the mark of the Immortal King, and this mark would be revived after tens of thousands of years.

He raised the dragon's claws and grabbed it with a single stroke, searching for the imprint of the Immortal King in it.

"Roar!" A phantom of a seven-headed monster roared crazily, wanting to get into Shenma's sea of ​​consciousness and gain a chance of survival.

It's a pity that Shenma didn't give it this chance, and the bone tower directly took it in and integrated it into the tower body.

In situ, the whole body of the seven-headed monster is melting and disintegrating. It is not a body of flesh and blood, but a primordial spirit. As the main primordial spirit is killed, it is naturally impossible for it to survive for a long time.

"Unfortunately, there is no fairy king bone."

Shen Ma sighed secretly, turned his head and walked towards the ancient palace of Jieyin, but before he took three steps, thousands of cracks suddenly appeared on his whole body, his internal organs were also shattered, and blood gushed out .


Immediately afterwards, the nine "true bodies" disintegrated and turned into balls of blood essence, sinking and floating in the void.

"I knew it... the cost of this technique is too high... Poof!" Shen Ma spat out another big mouthful of blood, his face turned pale, his limbs went limp, and he fell directly into the boundary sea.


The nine balls of blood essence pierced through the sky and went straight into Shen Ma's body, which made his aura stronger, and he managed to take a breath back so as not to sink into the boundary sea.

In the sky, the five-color sparrow saw that the battle was over, and hurriedly drove the black ancient ship towards this side.In fact, it is not out of concern for Shenma, but because Jiehai is full of dangers, and it is difficult for it to go out without the help of strong people.

In another direction, the skyhorn ants and crickets hadn't left yet, but they didn't go forward easily, they just looked at Shenma's position quietly, wondering what they were thinking.

"You guys are wise, otherwise I don't mind killing two more to add to the fun." Shen Ma glanced at them, stopped paying attention, and then concentrated on recovering from the wounded body.


Endless Ruixia surged, and vitality gathered from all directions, enveloping him and healing his injuries.

This time, he used a taboo technique that was still in conception, cutting out nine "true bodies", but it also caused great damage to his own origin.

His whole body was covered in blood, the cracks were densely covered, and the nine doors in his body were also torn apart, which was horrible.Fortunately, the tenth door was not robbed, and he continued to absorb essence from the outside world to repair his wounds.

The avenue symbol bloomed in the void, and infinite auspicious colors flowed around Shenma, and his aura became stronger and stronger.

Three days later, all the visions disappeared, and Shen Ma coughed up a mouthful of black blood, forcing out the dark substance that had invaded his body, and his complexion became much more rosy.

However, his dao injury has not been completely repaired, and it will take time to recuperate slowly.


The Ancient Temple of Reception, which lost its rune protection, had fallen into the Boundary Sea at this time. Shen Ma stretched out his dragon claws and grabbed it lightly, then arrested it.

The Ancient Jieyin Temple is huge, like a small mountain, and its entire body is made of unknown god gold, giving off a sacred brilliance.

The original strong dark atmosphere has faded, and its original appearance has been restored. The walls are full of auspicious pictures, such as real dragons and phoenixes playing with pearls, divine cranes soaring in the sky, and nine-colored deer worshiping the sky... lifelike, Beautiful.

Shen Ma opened his five-colored eyes, stared at the interior of the ancient temple, and looked around, and found that the original thick crack of darkness had disappeared without a trace, and the legendary dark cage was no longer there.

"Jieyin..." Shen Ma murmured, trying to figure out the meaning of these two words, and then stepped out step by step with the ancient temple in hand, and boarded the black ancient boat beside him.

"You're fighting so hard for a patchwork monster. You can't do this. You need to practice hard." Seeing Shen Ma on the boat, the five-color bird walked gracefully, like a mature and prudent elder, and warned with earnestness.

"It is true that we still need to work hard." Shen Ma nodded solemnly, paused, and said again: "Then the rest of the journey depends on your escort."

"Ahem, the heavens are about to send a great mission to Silongye, and he must first suffer from his will, exhaust his muscles and bones, starve his body and skin, empty his body, chaotic what he does, and enrich what he cannot do.

Difficulties and obstacles in the journey are also a kind of tempering for you, work hard, I am optimistic about you. "Five-colored sparrow, without blushing or panting, encouraged plausibly.

"You just talk."

Shen Ma gave it a blank look. After tens of thousands of years of getting along with it, he knows this thief bird very well. His skills are all focused on speed and mouth.

"Humph, what I said is all from the bottom of my heart, but it's a pity that the dragon's heart is not old now." The five-colored bird turned around, shook its head, and walked slowly towards the ancient palace of Jieyin. It is still quite interested in this matter .

"How did it survive to the chaos of ancient times? I have deep doubts about it." Shen Ma whispered to himself, worried about the future of this thief bird. I don't know which way is fried or roasted?
Thinking of this, Shen Ma was really hungry. He looked at the back of the five-color bird, swallowed, and murmured: "Forget it, it's half a friend, let it go."

Then, he looked at the two figures standing hundreds of millions of miles away, with a hint of disappointment in his expression: "Skyhorn ants are not ants, but humanoid creatures; mantis is an insect, and there is not much meat, which is a pity."

"Maybe they have meat and wine on them." A flash of spiritual light flashed in his sea of ​​consciousness. He straightened his black robe, walked to the front of the deck, and shouted loudly:

"To meet is to be destined. Why don't you two get on the boat and have a drink together?"

The sound was rumbling and deafening, causing thousands of huge waves to surge in the calm boundary sea, which was extremely oppressive.

The sky horned ants and the crickets looked at each other, and there was a look of fear in their eyes, and they were very vigilant.

However, since they chose to stay here after the battle, isn't it just to get acquainted with the giant Shenma?After hesitating for a while, they still flew towards the ancient ship.

"The humble house is simple, I hope the two fellow Taoists will be more considerate."

Shen Ma welcomed the two of them into the central palace in the ancient palace of Jieyin. The inside is resplendent and magnificent, with carved beams and painted buildings, which is very exquisite.Moreover, all the dark aura here has been dispelled, making the entire ancient temple look more sacred and peaceful.

"Brother're welcome!" Skyhorned Ant and Gu were startled, they never expected to be able to observe this forbidden ancient temple recorded in ancient history so closely.

"It's a kind of fate that we can meet each other in the boundless world sea. I, Shen Ma, don't know how to call the two of you?" Shen Ma laughed.

"Gu Tian." Gu Tian gave the Skyhorned Ant a meaningful look, and then said calmly.

"Tiangu." The sky horned ant glanced at Gu, with a hint of unnaturalness in his expression.

"Gu, Gu Tian; Skyhorn Ant, Tian Gu..." Shen Ma immediately understood why they fought before, and it turned out that their names were too similar and they clashed.

The ten murderers are all powerful and independent. Their names are not just a symbol, but also enshrine an invincible belief. Reversing their names will be regarded as a naked provocation.

Regarding the conflict between them, Shen Ma just smiled and didn't care, because he was confident that no one would dare to be violent in this hall.

Except for himself.

In the temple, there is a huge high platform with various runes engraved on it, which is suspected to be a teleportation array, but at this time it has lost its divinity and divine power.

The five-colored sparrow is tapping on it, studying the texture on it.

Using this as a table, Shen Ma took the god-gold wall that had been shattered before, squeezed it into five huge round stools, and then unsealed Lei Daxin from the copper coffin.

"This is Lei Daxin and the five-color bird." Shen Ma introduced.

"I've seen the two seniors." The five-colored bird straightened its crest, and said respectfully with a mature and dignified appearance.

The same is true for Lei Daxin, who greeted him very politely, then he turned his head to look around, then looked at Shen Ma, and said, "Boss, is there anything delicious this time?"

He swallowed while talking, looking a little impatient.

In the past 10,000+ years, he has been unsealed by Shenma many times and tasted delicious food. There is a unicorn, one of the ten evils, a phoenix that travels in the green, and old wine that has been treasured for millions of years...

Just relying on eating alone pushed his cultivation to the Supreme Realm again, and then he was beheaded by Shenma, in the euphemistic name of casting the strongest immortal base.

However, after several twists and turns, his foundation was indeed much stronger, even stronger than when Shenma first established his foundation.

"Eat and eat, you know how to eat." Shen Ma reprimanded him righteously with a straight face, and then changed his face and said with a smile: "This time, it's the ancient and heavenly friends' treat, so I don't want to thank them!"

"Thank you two seniors!" Lei Daxin was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses and hurriedly thanked Gu Tian and Tian Gu.

"'re welcome!" The two top ten fierce masters looked very unnatural at this time, and the corners of their mouths twitched slightly, feeling like they had fallen into a pit.


(End of this chapter)

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