Chapter 535

A golden light appeared in the dark void, leading to the location of Mao, where there was a wide tree hole, full of emerald green, which looked very simple.

Shen Ma walked forward calmly. At his level, the so-called ambush and calculation did not make any sense to him.

Even Mao, who has the light of becoming an emperor in front of him, can hardly kill him in a short time.

The tree hole was empty, except for the moss, there were no tables and chairs.However, the original power of this place is extremely strong, and there are avenue symbols everywhere, which seem to be within reach.

As soon as he stepped into it, Shenma felt that the pores of his whole body were stretched, as if soaked in the fairy spring, both the soul and the body were nourished.

This is amazing!You know, he has traveled so far on the road of the Immortal King, and the ordinary longevity medicine has no effect on him.

"Longevity Brew, a fine wine brewed from ten kinds of elixir fruits, please!"

The mao swayed gently, and a thin branch protruded out. A little emptiness, a wooden table and a jug of fine wine immediately emerged, and the smell of wine was refreshing.

"It smells so good!"

Shen Ma's eyes glowed, and he could tell at a glance that this jug of fine wine was extraordinary. It contained rich fragments of the Dao, and a mortal could immediately fly to immortality with just a drop.

He stretched out his dragon claws, ready to grab the flagon.But the next moment his paws froze, and he raised his head to look behind Mao, with a surprised look on his face:
"Receive the ancient palace!"

"Have you seen it? I knocked it down in the boundary sea." Mao Bo said calmly.

"Bang Dang" sounded, and the bronze coffin behind Shenma opened, and an identical palace flew out: "I also knocked down one, dare to ask senior, have you ever been to the other end of the boundary sea?"

"Huh!" Mao looked a little surprised, it reached out a branch and touched the ancient palace of reception that Shenma took out, and after a long time, it opened its mouth and said:

"One epoch ago, I crossed the Boundary Sea and reached the edge of that dark continent, where there was also a dam.

I've met some ancient strongmen who didn't know how many epochs sat on the edge.I also saw some corpses, all giants who landed on the Dark Continent earlier, and some of them even gave birth to the light of becoming an emperor.

Alas, they are still dead.

I lingered there for a long time, and finally retreated.

Although there is no evidence, I can be sure that there must be emperors in the Dark Continent.For countless years, the great liquidation again and again originated from there.

This era is difficult! "

"Senior already has the light of becoming an emperor, and I think he will be able to step into the legendary realm soon!" Shen Ma said.

Hearing this, Mao Chang sighed, and said: "One era ago, I thought so too. But when I really moved forward, I realized how difficult this road is. Even, several times, I almost fell.

In fact, at this point, background, talent, and potential are not so important, the key is the understanding of the road. "

"Road?" Shen Ma murmured in a low voice, carefully trying to figure out the meaning.

"If Emperor Realm is the end point, then there are countless roads leading to the end point, whether horizontal or vertical, straight or curved, large or small.

Theoretically, every evolutionary path has the possibility to reach the end point, just like what the world calls 'a hundred rivers return to the sea'.

However, the end point is in a vague state, specious, virtual or real, mysterious and ethereal, just like the chaos in the eyes of ordinary people.

If you want to reach the end, or capture the end, you can only rely on the evolutionary path under your feet.Use the road as a network to capture the possibility of the impossible.The stronger the evolution path, the easier it is to approach the end..." Mao explained in detail his understanding of the Emperor Realm.

The sound of the avenue rumbles, time fragments fly, and the complicated laws and order evolve in the void, outlining the most primitive dao marks.

After a long time, the vision returned to calm.

"Thank you senior for preaching. In his year, as long as I am still alive, no matter how many eras have passed, I will definitely repay this kindness."

Shen Ma solemnly thanked him. Mao's preaching gave him a lot of inspiration like enlightenment. This is a way that a pioneer has explored for countless years, and it is priceless.

He never expected that Mao, who met by chance, would treat him like this, just like he preached to the skyhorn ants and crickets back then, which made his heart feel warm.

Mao gently shook the tree, and said: "Don't be polite, fellow Taoist. There are many kalpas in this life. As an innate creature, I have a hunch that the future may fall. All I can do is to leave as much experience as possible for those who come later. .”

"Senior, why should you be so pessimistic? The premonition may not be true. Besides, there is still a long time before the big liquidation, and there is still hope in the future!" Shen Ma persuaded.

"I hope." Mao said softly.

"My way, my method, I hope the seniors can give me some pointers..."

Next, Shen Ma began to explain his true dragon spirit, and all the ten schools he cultivated bloomed with bright colors, showing the power of the secret realm different from the practice method of this era.

"Amazing, this kind of system is almost heaven-defying! It doesn't use external objects, and focuses on developing potentials. It is the universe, the heavens and the earth, and all things in itself, and it has a sense of detachment!"

Mao was extremely shocked, the whole tree was shaking, and felt that this system was very subversive:
"If you keep going, you will probably arrive at the legendary realm!
You and I have taken different evolutionary paths, so I cannot give you any substantive advice.However, over countless years, I have collected more than a dozen kinds of cultivation systems that can reach the Immortal King Realm, which may give you some inspiration. "


A piece of bark about ten feet long fell off the surface of the body, shining in the void one by one avenue symbols, densely packed, filled with more than a dozen different auras, all left by the forerunners.

The bark flew around the void, and then lightly landed on the wooden table in the middle.

"This... is too precious!" Shen Ma was moved and shocked.He has crossed the boundary sea for 20 years, and although he has also found several cultivation systems before the epoch, they are all incomplete, and it is difficult to deduce the whole picture.

"Accept it, you also demonstrated your cultivation system." Mao said peacefully.

Shen Ma once again solemnly thank you.

Next, one dragon and one tree verified what they had learned with each other, and from time to time there was a terrifying light of the avenue bursting out from the tree hole, which was frightening.

A hundred years later, Shen Ma walked out of the tree hole with a stronger aura than before, obviously benefiting a lot.

"In this life, I must become an emperor!"

With firm belief, he once again embarked on the road of seeking the way.He had a hunch that one day, he would enter the ultimate ancient land on the other side of the boundary sea.

The primordial ancient world is extremely rich in immortality, the geniuses and geniuses emerge in endlessly, and the world is splendid and vigorous, but I don't know how long this prosperity will last.

Shenma began to appear in various dangerous places, deep mountains, abysses, and oceans, wherever there was danger, he would go wherever there was danger.

He is searching for the avenue, analyzing the most terrifying textures of heaven and earth, and also verifying what he has learned.

On this day, he came to an ancient continent, where for hundreds of millions of miles there was no grass, no water source for life, and not even an ant could be seen.

Legend has it that there is an old monster hidden here. The monks regard this place as a forbidden place, and their expressions change when they talk about it. Even the real immortals dare not set foot here.

In the center of the continent, there is a huge and boundless ancient mine, which sometimes sprays out Ruixia, and sometimes turns into a black hole, swallowing the surrounding stars.

It is as if it has life. It breathes and breathes, rises and falls together, and ripples out, carrying extremely strong coercion.

Shen Ma stood on the dome of the sky, looking down at this forbidden area, with a vague sense of familiarity.

"Ancient mine in the early days?!"

He opened his divine eyes, looking directly at the bottom of the cave through the numerous Dao lines.

Suddenly, a horrible chaotic mist gushed out of the cave, covering the sky and the sun, shaking people's minds.

"Hey, the breath of reincarnation!"

Back then, he had traveled through time and space, visited the holy ruins, and crossed the cycle of reincarnation with the Great Demon King of Chu, and he clearly remembered that breath.

"I want to see what's hidden inside!"

The ancient mine is secluded, and it seems that there is a peerless crime hidden.But Shen Ma was not afraid, and walked in with his head held high.


A black whirlwind blows from the bottom of the mine, and the rocks along the way are all turned into powder, the scene is terrifying.But when the whirlwind approached Shenma, it suddenly disappeared without a trace.

"The fairy king-level field is enough to strangle a real fairy." Shen Ma whispered, not caring, and continued to walk down.

Along the way, weird whirlwinds, void distortions, destructive beams, and some infiltrating spirits between reality and reality emerged one after another.

The more you go down, the stronger the field, and all kinds of weird visions appear one after another. There are blood rains, bones piled up, and the world is broken. They carry the terrifying power of the avenue, and they are always eroding Shenma's life. body.

"What a powerful force!" He touched the little blood overflowing from his body, and murmured in a low voice with a heavy expression:
"The texture of the field is uncanny, and it is not artificially created. Is this the place where the emperor in ancient history fell?"

"If it's true, perhaps, we can get enlightenment from it!"

The next moment, he took out the copper coffin of the third generation, drilled in directly, and then controlled the copper coffin to fall downward.

It's not that he doesn't have the guts to face the restrictions here, on the contrary, he wants to dig out some useful things in order not to destroy the texture of the field here.

"Clang clang!"

The surging and strange energy kept bombarding the copper coffin, but it could not leave even a trace on it, so it had to let the copper coffin fall.

Not long after, the copper coffin fell to the bottom of the mine, but the bottom was like the eye of a storm, full of strong winds, strange fog, and divine light, and various Taoist chains intertwined with each other, densely packed.

This kind of power is enough to strangle an Immortal King-level powerhouse.

Around the eyes of the formation, there are many bones scattered, some as big as star bones, and some with only half a leg bone left, all of which are left behind by the powerhouses above the level of true immortals.

In addition, there are many roads around, like spider webs, I don't know where they lead.

"It's such an ancient era..." Shen Ma opened the copper coffin, entered the formation with his real body, and sensed everything around him.

As soon as he walked out, blood blossomed all over his body, one can imagine how powerful the field power here is.

At this moment, a weak call came from a remote corner:
"help me…"

(End of this chapter)

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