The sermon begins with the dragon and the horse

Chapter 537 The Road to Emperorhood

Chapter 537 The Road to Emperorhood
In the far sky, one piece after another of huge star wrecks connected together, forming an intermittent ancient path.

The cycle of reincarnation is too vast, and there is no end in sight.There was not a single creature on the entire road, there was no sound, it was as silent as death, colder and darker than the legendary Netherland.

Being in this absolutely silent world for a long time will definitely drive people crazy.

Shen Ma hangs the cauldron of Chaos Dao on his head, carries the bronze coffin of the third generation on his back, and carefully crosses one piece after another. Every time he walks a distance, he feels a sense of trance, as if he is passing through one world after another.

Along the way, from time to time, you can see broken bones and magic tools that have lost their spirituality. Some of them are from the lineage of God, and some are from strange ethnic groups. They are desolate and desolate.

He was very cautious, even if he didn't find any strange creatures, he still maintained his vigilance, and slowly sneaked towards the place where the sparks flickered in the distance.

As the distance drew closer, he finally felt an aura that made his heart palpitate.

"Probably beyond the level of the Immortal King! Is there a Dao ancestor-level creature ahead?"

He had doubts in his heart, stopped in his tracks, raised his eyes and looked into the distance, two lines of blood and tears were left in his eyes, but he couldn't see clearly what those three or two sparks were.

"If there is a Dao ancestor-level creature still alive, my snooping like this will definitely attract its attention, but I am still safe and sound. Either it is trapped, or it is just the Dao ancestor substance that has not dissipated."

Shen Ma once again summoned up his courage and continued to sneak forward.


Suddenly, there was a shrill scream from the fire in front of it, like an abyss troll wailing, the sound was deafening and ominous.

"It's that sound again, the source is actually in front!"

Shen Ma was extremely shocked, just the fluctuation of his voice caused blood to flow out of his body, and the fire of the primordial spirit was also trembling violently, as if he was going to be buried in reincarnation.

"Ancestor Dao! Definitely a Dao ancestor-level creature!" At this moment, he was both excited and terrified.

"If you don't take a look, I think Longsheng will definitely regret it in the future. Fight!"

He shrunk in size, hid in the mouth of the tripod, and manipulated the small tripod to fly among the broken walls.

After three days and three nights, he finally saw the scene of the fire.

A group of rootless fire, huge and boundless, like a cosmic sea.All kinds of avenue symbols are entangled in the flames, which are extremely dazzling.

Shen Ma was at least hundreds of millions of miles away from the fire, but he still felt that his body was extremely hot, as if he was going to burn up and return to nothingness.

"Quasi-Emperor Fire?!"

With a heavy expression on his face, he looked around the sea of ​​fire, and it was pitch black.

"No! What's that?"

He saw a feather in the sky above the sea of ​​fire, which was as big as a corner of the universe, exuding a dense dark substance, and its momentum was overwhelming.

Moreover, there is not just one, but thousands of them, the outline of which seems to be a real Kunpeng.It is huge and boundless, almost squeezing a big world.

It was terrifying, it was so big that Shenma almost thought it was a dark void.

A dark Kunpeng surpassed the level of the Immortal King, its body was stiff, and it was scorched on a sea of ​​fire.

It seems to be still alive, and it makes shrill screams from time to time, and it is unknown how long Ao has been tortured here.

Shen Ma Beng tightened his body, he didn't dare to breathe, this is definitely a Dao ancestor-level creature, and he has not died after so many years, it is really infiltrating.

"This fire... isn't it fire?!"

From the sea of ​​flames, he sensed an aura that was very different from the darkness, it was the power of the celestial realm that was blazing to the extreme.

In a daze, he seemed to see a phoenix, full of flames, breathing out real fire, burning mountains and boiling seas, overwhelming the world.

"This... are they still alive?!"

Shen Ma stared at the front intently, wanting to know the real situation.

However, this place is too extraordinary, involving Dao ancestor-level creatures, it is difficult to look directly at the essence.

"Whether you are alive or not, I will come to understand your way!"

The heavens do not see the emperor, and the emperor's dharma disappears, but here there are two quasi-emperor-level powerhouses. Although their status is unknown, their manifested Dao patterns can be understood.

Shen Ma hid in the mouth of the tripod, with divine brilliance in his eyes, staring at the fire and the Kunpeng, catching the runes of the Dao in the void, and deduced the secret of becoming an emperor.

The quasi-emperor-level dao pattern imprint contains supreme profound meaning, which is completely different from the immortal king scriptures, so it is extremely difficult to express it in words.

Even if it is as strong as him, it can only be a little bit soft and hard, and constantly imitate its shape, and then comprehend its meaning.

One year, two years...

Ten years, one hundred years...

Fast forward 10 years, and Shenma retreated here to realize Taoism. He has a deeper understanding of the emperor's pattern, and his own Taoism is also growing, and he has gained a lot.

"It's not a living creature, it's just two groups of entangled Taoist matter, which are still colliding with each other after endless years."

With the help of the comprehended emperor pattern, he received the power of time, traced back to the source, and finally discovered part of the truth.

Infinite years ago, God and Weird fought a decisive battle here. The battle was fierce and spread far and wide, ruining this cycle of reincarnation.

In the end, the two Taoist ancestors fell here.

"Just the remnants of Dao ancestor's substance make it difficult for me to advance. If it is a real Dao ancestor, wouldn't it be possible to kill me with one blow?"

Shen Ma's heart was quite uneasy, and the thoughts of becoming emperor were like the water of a big river, torrenting endlessly.

"The progress is too slow. If you continue to practice like this, when will you be able to pass that threshold?"

He didn't want to suffer here for years, even if he could become emperor in the end, it would be millions of years later.


He put away the Chaos Dao Cauldron, and strode towards the sea of ​​flames in front of him.

As the distance got closer, Shen Ma's pace became slower and slower.There is an indescribable energy in front of him, the pressure is like a mountain, like a vast sea, they are all suppressed towards him.

Not long after, he became a blood dragon with cracks all over his body, which was horrible.

This is an unimaginable thing. His way, his law, the most important thing is the physical body, and now he is scarred and scarred just by being close to two lumps of Taoist ancestor matter.

He stopped, and propped up a huge god mill on the surface of his body to receive the bone-piercing energy substance, so as to cultivate the strongest Taoist body.

Time flies, time flies, and another hundred thousand years have passed in the blink of an eye.

On the ancient road of reincarnation, blood paw prints can be seen one after another with the naked eye, which are places where Shen Ma once walked.

In these years, he was like the most devout believer. Even though his body was cut by a knife, his bones were cracked and his soul was damaged by the murderous intent of the quasi-emperor, he still moved forward unswervingly.

However, this is both a murder and a fortune.He saw the way ahead, and wisps of the light of becoming an emperor were born on his body surface, which was many times stronger than before.

At the same time, he came to the edge of the sea of ​​fire.


It was that terrifying scream again. It was said to be a sound, but it was actually a law, an order, and a symbol of the avenue.

It's not just the sound, it's accompanied by fiery sparks, colliding with each other.

In the sea of ​​flames, worlds and worlds are destroyed, the sky collapses and the earth cracks, ghosts cry and gods howl, and waves of energy invisible to the naked eye rise and fall, which can easily kill immortal king-level powerhouses.


Shen Ma gasped in pain.However, his cultivation base has made great progress in these years, and a faint light of becoming an emperor emerged from his body, barely blocking this energy storm.

"The matter of Taoist ancestors..." He stared at the sea of ​​fire and the dark Kunpeng in front of him with radiance in his eyes, feeling hot in his heart.


He lifted the dragon claw, and carefully drew a ray of emperor fire, wanting to experience its essence for himself.


In an instant, the sky seemed to be collapsing, and countless visions shot up into the sky, some innate gods fell in pieces, there was a sea of ​​blood, sweeping across the world, there was the sound of ancient sacrifices, the sky became ruins, and all kinds of pictures were intertwined , gathered into a blood-stained ancient history.


Shen Ma let out a scream, hugged his head, and quickly backed away.

I saw flames all over his body, like a fire dragon, his body surface was covered with scorched black marks, and his scales fell off in pieces.

Not only that, but the five-color God Grinding mark between his eyebrows seemed to be stained with black blood, exuding a strong dark breath.


The sea of ​​fire was touched, the flames rose, and the terrifying symbol of the avenue rippled out, intending to destroy the world.

"Go away!"

Shen Ma was frightened, the two groups of Taoist ancestors had no consciousness, only the power of destruction remained, and they wanted to completely obliterate him!


Holding the Chaos Dao Cauldron with one claw, he slammed it directly between his eyebrows, causing the black blood to dissipate in mid-air.

At the same time, his other dragon claw grabbed the copper coffin of the third generation and swept it towards the jumping sea of ​​flames. The ancient engravings branded on the copper coffin seemed to come alive. There are ancient ancestors blowing horns, and ancient fierce beasts Roaring in all directions, there are gods chanting spells...

With a sound of "哗啦", all the sparks were scattered, and Shen Ma took the opportunity to retreat to the rear, not daring to stay for a moment.

After hundreds of millions of miles away from the sea of ​​flames, Shen Ma collapsed to the ground.

Things were far worse than he had imagined. Although the flames on his body had disappeared, the raging fire was still raging inside his body, eroding his origin continuously. It seemed that his flesh and bones were about to melt, which was extremely terrifying.

Misfortunes never come singly, a wisp of dark matter invaded his primordial spirit, trying to pollute it, he felt that his will was sinking, as if he was about to fall into a dark abyss.

"Grind it for me!"

Shenma struggled to stand up, suppressed the primordial spirit with the cauldron of chaos, suppressed the flesh with the copper coffin of the third generation, and propped up a huge god mill inside and outside the body.

In the hundreds of years that followed, he never moved half a step, and coughed up blood from time to time.

His injuries were too serious, and the two Dao ancestor substances crazily wreaked havoc in his body, causing him endless pain.

All he can do is to stabilize these two forces, prevent them from rioting, and then comprehend their essence, analyze the inner laws of the emperor's way, and find a way to break them.

Time flies, tens of thousands of years in a flash.

On this day, Shen Ma woke up, opened his eyes, and his divine light soared, like the ocean was rising and falling, and his momentum was overwhelming.

In his right paw, there was a smear of black blood, swimming like a poisonous snake, but it couldn't penetrate into his body.

And in his left paw, he held a cluster of flames, the flames were soaring, as if they could burn up the heavens.

After tens of thousands of years of suffering, he finally forced out the two strands of Dao ancestor substance, and thoroughly analyzed the quasi-emperor law contained in it,

The road to becoming an emperor has gradually become a blurred outline.

"It's not enough, I need more Dao ancestor material!"

He cast his eyes on the sea of ​​flames in the far sky
(End of this chapter)

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