Chapter 199 Is This Cullinan

Lin Nan walked to the two of them, and also noticed Sun Lei standing beside Jiang Haoyuan.

"Come back this time and bring your girlfriend back?"

Jiang Haoyuan was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile:

"Her name is Sun Lei, and she is a colleague of our company. We have been together for more than half a year."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Haoyuan introduced to Sun Lei:
"Leilei, this is the boss of the dormitory that I often tell you, Lin Nan."

Sun Lei nodded as a greeting.

Seeing that the other party's interest was not high, Lin Nan didn't say much to her. Anyway, Zhang Haoyuan is the protagonist today, and she is just a dispensable one.

"Boss, what are you doing now, are you still in that import and export trading company?"

"I changed jobs and worked as an assistant in a clothing company."

Knowing Lin Nan's work, Sun Lei's expression was a bit indifferent.

There is a saying that is true, the moment you step into the school, your future life may be doomed.

They are just graduates of ordinary second universities. It is estimated that none of his classmates can do better than him.

In the future, not only will he not be able to help, but he may even be held back.

And her brother-in-law is a famous college student of 985.

After graduation, the annual salary starts at [-] yuan, and many of his classmates are also very good. These are all invisible personal connections. Looking at these ordinary college students, the difference is clear at a glance.

"Let's go first, there are a lot of people here." Lin Nan said:
"Tell me what you want to eat, let go of your stomach today, and arrange for you to have a good meal."

"I'm just talking casually on the phone. I'm not a big shot, so just eat something." Jiang Haoyuan said:

"The seafood restaurant next to our school is still not open? When I was in Yanjing, I wanted to die of their crayfish."

"The family's business is booming, and the price hasn't increased for more than a year, and it's still so affordable."

"That's a good feeling, go and taste it."

Sun Lei shook her head helplessly. Fortunately, before her, she agreed to her sister and followed them to a western restaurant to eat steak.

Otherwise, I will follow them to eat food stalls today.

These people are so low, they have no class at all.

"You guys go, I'll wait here for my sister and my brother-in-law to come over."

Lin Nan looked at Sun Lei in surprise.

"Isn't your girlfriend going with you?"

"Her family members came to pick her up, so they didn't follow her."

This behavior really made Lin Nan a little strange.

It is said that the two are boyfriend and girlfriend, and this matter should be arranged before they come back.

Unexpectedly, everyone eats their own food, his girlfriend is interesting enough.


At this moment, the three heard shouts.

It was a woman in her thirties who walked over, and beside her was a man who was about her age.

Instinctively, Lin Nan guessed that the couple who walked over were probably Sun Lei's sister and brother-in-law.

"Sister, brother-in-law, you are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Seeing the two people approaching, Sun Lei showed a smile on her face, and walked over bouncingly.

Obviously very happy.

"I've been looking for a parking space just now, and I just found it, so I came a little late."

"Yeah, my brother-in-law bought a car?" Sun Lei said excitedly, "What car did you buy?"

"The BMW five-series with the highest configuration cost nearly 60 yuan." Sun Lei's sister Sun Jing said.

"You actually bought a car worth nearly 60 yuan?"

"Your brother-in-law recently got a salary increase, and then bought this car."

"Bought such an expensive car, the monthly payment must be a lot of money."

"We didn't take out a loan, we bought it in full."

Hearing this, Sun Lei's eyes lit up even more.

I bought a car worth nearly 60 yuan with all the money, and the average family does not have such strength.

But soon, Sun Lei's expression became lonely again.

With Jiang Haoyuan's situation and his monthly salary, it is estimated that he will not be able to afford a car worth more than 60 yuan in this life.

It seems that I really can't be with him in the future, I have to find a rich family, otherwise I will be here for the rest of my life.

At the same time, Sun Jing's eyes also fell on Lin Nan and Jiang Haoyuan.

When I saw Lin Nan, I was really amazed by his appearance, and I couldn't help sneaking a few glances.

But she also knew that this handsome guy couldn't be her sister's boyfriend.

"Is he your boyfriend?"

Sun Jing looked at Jiang Haoyuan and said indifferently.

Sun Lei nodded, "He is my colleague, we have been together for more than half a year."

"More than half a year is not too short. Do you have any plans for the future? Have you considered buying a house and a car? When will you get married?"

Faced with this kind of question suddenly, Jiang Haoyuan found it difficult to respond.

He felt that he should put more energy on his career now, and didn't think too much about marriage.

But people have already asked their own heads, and it is impossible not to answer.

"Our family still has a house of more than 60 square meters, which can be used as a wedding house at that time. As for the car, I have been saving for a few years, and it should be enough to buy a car worth 10,000+. In this way, the two of us have no loans. There will be less pressure."

"10,000+ cars?"

Sun Jing's expression changed.

"Can a 10,000+ car be driven? The safety factor is not high. What if there is a danger? The most important thing is that the 10,000+ car is uncomfortable to sit in. It is better not to buy it."

Hearing Sun Jing's words, Jiang Haoyuan was a little embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

"My work has just started, and my usual expenses are relatively high, so I can afford such an expensive car for the time being."

Jiang Haoyuan's salary is more than 7000 yuan per month. If he is lucky and does some private work, he can barely reach an annual salary of [-] yuan.

But most of the money was spent by Sun Lei, so she didn't save any money during this period.

"Okay, I won't talk about the car, but you are going to marry my sister and live in the old house at home, what's the matter? Besides, the house of more than 60 square meters is so small. My child, it’s not enough to live in, don’t you ever think about buying a house in Zhonghai?”

"I've thought about this, but after a few years, I need to save more money." Jiang Haoyuan said:

"Coupled with the money my parents saved, it's barely enough to make a down payment."

"If you have to repay the loan to buy a house, with your current salary, your life may be very difficult."

Facing these aggressive questions, Jiang Haoyuan was overwhelmed and didn't know how to answer them.

Lin Nan glanced at Sun Jing and felt that the smell of green tea on this woman was too strong.

Completely looks like a gold digger.

"Okay, sister, don't talk about it for now."

Sun Lei didn't care much about this, because she had already planned that she would not marry Jiang Haoyuan in the future, so whether he was rich or poor didn't matter to her.

For now, he is just his own cash machine and has no other role.

"Let's go first, this is not a place to talk, go back and talk slowly if you have anything to do."

"Let's go."

Sun Jing and her husband didn't say anything to Jiang Haoyuan, they just walked ahead with Sun Lei's suitcase, ready to take her to dinner.

Passing through the crowd, several people came to the parking lot.

"Sister, where is your car? Let me see it quickly."

"It's right in front." Sun Jing pointed to the BMW 5 Series not far in front.

"Just behind that Cullinan, the white one."

"What kind of car is Cullinan? The name is so weird. Do you have our car?"

"Leilei, don't talk nonsense. That Cullinan is an SUV model owned by Rolls-Royce. The market price is more than 700 million. I have bought more than ten BMW [-] Series." Sun Lei's brother-in-law, Ma Guotao Said.

"No way, it sold more than 700 million yuan, no wonder it looks so majestic."

"With the price right here, it's the most expensive SUV in the world." Ma Guotao said:

"When I parked the car just now, I was very careful. If I bumped into someone else's car and sold mine, I wouldn't be able to compensate him."

The Sun sisters also didn't speak, because this is the truth.

A car with more than 700 million yuan is scratched casually, and the repair fee is sky-high, which is not affordable by ordinary people.

"Okay, let's stop talking about this, your brother-in-law has already booked a hotel, let's go now."


Ma Guotao took Sun Lei's luggage and was about to put it in the trunk, but he didn't bother Jiang Haoyuan the whole time.

Standing by the side, Lin Nan felt that the Sun family didn't take Jiang Haoyuan seriously at all.

In any case, he came by car, and he was not polite, saying that he would be given a ride. If he can't get together in the future, it would be a good thing.

If it comes to the point of talking about marriage, there will definitely be things like flying dogs and jumping around.

For ordinary people like Jiang Haoyuan, this is not a good thing.

"Boss, let's take a taxi."

"There's no need to take a taxi, I'm here by car."

Hearing this, the Sun family was a little surprised.

I didn't expect that someone like Jiang Haoyuan would have friends who drive.

Jiang Haoyuan was also surprised, because he knew Lin Nan's situation very well, and his family conditions were not very good.

Unexpectedly, he came by car.

"Thank you boss, you actually borrowed a car just to borrow me."

"Who said I borrowed the car, so I bought it myself."

Jiang Haoran's eyes widened.

"Really, boss, you bought a car? Where is it? Let me see it?"

"It's the Cullinan in front of you."

After speaking, Lin Nan pressed the car key.

(End of this chapter)

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