Chapter 216 Hitting Someone's Car

"Go away in your car?" Feng Xiaoqing looked at Lin Nan in surprise, "When did you buy a car? It shouldn't be long since you first came to the company, right?"

"What's this called? Can't I be the car I bought before?"

"When you first came to the company, Sister Wang told me about your situation. She said that the family conditions were very average. It should be difficult to buy a car."

"You're looking down on me a bit now. Cars are not too expensive now, so it's okay to buy one." Lin Nan raised his head, "Let's go, go eat, I'm a little hungry."

"Let's go, anyway, there is no need to take a taxi."

"Xiaoqing, why are you doing this?" Chen Bin said:
"You know the situation of your colleague. Even if you buy a car, it may be a domestic car worth 10,000+ yuan. It is incomparable to my Cayenne in terms of performance and comfort. As you Lower your value."

Feng Xiaoqing raised his head proudly and looked at Chen Bin, "I think taking your car is a form of self-deprecation."

Chen Bin narrowed his eyes, but instead of being angry with Feng Xiaoqing, he turned his anger on Lin Nan.

I waited for her here for more than two hours, and it took a lot of effort to break her car. I thought I would have a chance to let her sit in my car, but I didn't expect such a person in the way. All his plans were ruined by him!
"Boy, I advise you to be self-aware and drive a broken domestic car, so you don't come out and show yourself!"

"Who told you that my car is a domestic car?"

"You are a small employee of Golden Harvest Group. Can you still afford imported or joint venture cars? Just stop kidding, okay?"

"I think you are the one who is joking." Lin Nan took out the car keys from his pocket, "Have you ever seen a domestic car worth more than 4000 million?"

"More than 4000 million? Are you bragging? It's a broken BYD, how can you pretend to be like a Bentley?" Chen Bin laughed loudly:

"And let me tell you, even Bentley doesn't have a car worth more than 4000 million yuan, and it can't even brag. It's a fool."

"I think the person with the wire hanging should be you, and the one with the letter B is not necessarily BYD or Bentley, or Bugatti Veyron."

"Bugatti Veyron!"

Hearing this, both of them widened their eyes.

Feng Xiaoqing doesn't know much about cars, but he still has the most basic common sense.

She knew that the Bugatti brand was a super sports car, and the cheapest ones seemed to be tens of millions.

How could Lin Nan afford such a car?
Chen Bin was also shocked, because he saw Lin Nan's car key clearly, it was really not BYD!

At the same time, Lin Nan pressed the car key, and the lights of the Bugatti Veyron parked not far away turned on, as well as the pair of exaggerated scissor doors.

The two hurried over and saw the Bugatti Veyron, which was exaggerated in appearance and full of fighting power.

Chen Bin stood where he was, his heart was pounding, facing such a scene, he didn't know what to say.

"I heard Xiaoqing say that you are a partner of a start-up company, and it seems to be only tens of millions. I don't know if you have all your net worth, can you afford this car?"

Chen Bin was so embarrassed that he wished he could find a place to sneak in.

"Xiaoqing, I have something to do, so I'll leave first. Let's talk about the meal another day."

After saying a word, Chen Bin drove away in disgrace, like a bereaved dog.

Facing the situation in front of him, Feng Xiaoqing didn't have the heart to talk to Chen Bin at all, and stared at Lin Nan with a pair of beautiful eyes.

"Can you tell me about this car, what's going on?"

"What else is going on, this is my car." Lin Nan said.

"But isn't your family's condition very poor? And you haven't been in the company for long, how can you afford such a car..."

But soon, Feng Xiaoqing suddenly stopped talking and looked at Lin Nan with ambiguous eyes.

"You and Mr. Xiao have developed that relationship, right?"

"Okay, why did you bring her into it?"

"I feel that Mr. Xiao should have bought this car for you."

Lin Yi looked at Feng Xiaoqing speechlessly, "She herself drives a car worth more than 100 million yuan. How could she buy me a car worth more than 4000 million yuan? Besides, if it was you, I haven't known you for a long time, so I will give you Does your boyfriend buy a car worth more than 4000 million?"

When Lin Nan said this, Feng Xiaoqing felt that what he said made sense.

"Is it really your car?"

"Let's stop talking about this, I'm going to starve to death."

"Okay, okay, get in the car first and I'll take you to dinner."

Feng Xiaoqing didn't continue to ask this question, but he was always curious.

Soon, under Feng Xiaoqing's command, Lin Nan drove the car to a food stall.

There are many people in the food stalls, and they are very lively, and you can hear the hustle and bustle.

This is Lin Nan's favorite place.

Feng Xiaoqing was familiar with the road, and found a barbecue restaurant. There were many people outside, and the boss and the proprietress were very busy, so they needed to move the tables and chairs by themselves.

But for those who like barbecue food stalls, this is nothing.

I don't think you're poor, don't think I'm low.

There is generally such a relationship between customers and bosses.

The serving speed of the barbecue restaurant was very fast. In twenty minutes, everything ordered by the two of them was served.

Feng Xiaoqing picked up a string of mutton skewers and ate them gracefully.

"About Carlos, have you thought about how to deal with it?"

"Why do you still worry about this? Isn't this what Xiao Jingxuan should care about?"

"I think you are really confused." Feng Xiaoqing said:

"This matter has already fallen on me. Although Mr. Xiao is working hard, I can't just ignore everything."

"The current situation should be different from before. Xiao Jingxuan's control over the company is increasing day by day, so there is no need for you to bear it anymore."

"Because since Mr. Xiao took office, I have been following her steadfastly. Maybe it's because I don't feel relieved to hand it over to others, so let me continue to be responsible."

"I haven't taken this matter to heart." Lin Nan said:
"That old man seems to have reached an agreement with Xiao Wenqiang and Du Botao. It seems unrealistic to persuade him to design clothes for us."

"Because of this reason, it has not been settled, and Mr. Xiao and I have been worrying about getting angry." Feng Xiaoqing said:

"Bigger designers are not willing to come to Golden Harvest Group at all, and less famous ones, even if they invite them, it's useless."

"Calm your mind." Lin Nan said:
"This kind of thing can't be forced."

"If all the entrepreneurs had your mentality, the company would probably be ruined by now." Feng Xiaoqing said:

"If everything is based on the principle of letting nature take its course, then nothing can be done well, because many projects are won by fighting for one point, and one point has a chance."

"But the problem is with Carlos, there's no chance at all."

"That's why we need to try our best. Maybe if we work hard, one day the opportunity will fall into our hands." Feng Xiaoqing insisted:
"The relationship between you and Mr. Xiao is ambiguous now. If you can help her solve her problems and settle Carlos' matter, maybe the relationship between you two will be even better in the future."

"Forget it, I'll conquer her with my personality charm."

"Just brag about it." Feng Xiaoqing rolled her beautiful eyes and said, "Mr. Xiao is not only good-looking, but also excellent. If she can fall in love with you, it will definitely be your blessing."

Lin Nan couldn't help laughing. It seems that Xiao Jingxuan is not only the goddess in the hearts of male employees of Golden Harvest Group, but also many female employees.

"Okay, it's private time now, we can't talk about work, and she won't give us both a raise."

"Okay, it's really not wise to talk about these issues with a fishing player like you."

"So, it's better for us to drink some wine and eat some skewers."

After talking about work matters, the two started chatting.

Lin Nan found that Feng Xiaoqing was very good at drinking, at least much better than Xiao Jingxuan. After drinking five or six bottles of beer, he still didn't feel anything.

After drinking until after ten o'clock in the evening, the two ended the drinking session.

Because they were all drunk, they couldn't drive, and Lin Nan's car was a two-seater, so he couldn't pay the price, so he threw the car on the side of the street next to the food stall, and then took a taxi to send Feng Xiaoqing back.

"So your home is here?"

"What's the matter, where have you been? Your family is not here, is it?" Feng Xiaoqing asked curiously:
"More than 4000 million cars have been driven. If you still live in such an old and dilapidated community, it is too unworthy of your worth."

"My house is not here, but my second uncle's house is nearby, and it seems to be about three kilometers away from you."

"Hey, I thought your family was here. I thought I would go to your place for a meal when I was free. It turns out that your second uncle and aunt live here."

After finishing speaking, Feng Xiaoqing waved his hand, "I'll go first, see you tomorrow."

Lin Nan also waved his hand. Originally, his idea was to send Feng Xiaoqing back, and then call a substitute driver to drive the car back to Yunshan Villa.

But they didn't expect that their house was so close to the second uncle's house, so they simply didn't plan to pick up the car. They went back to sleep for a night, and came back tomorrow to deal with the transfer of equity by the way.

After returning home, it was still the same as usual, the lights in the living room were still on, and Wang Shumin was sitting on the sofa, playing with her mobile phone, and looking at the stock chart.

Seeing Lin Nan coming back, he scolded him again, saying that it was not safe outside, and let him go home early in the future.

Lin Nan is used to this kind of conversation, because every time she comes back late, she always talks like this.

But every time it was her, as long as she didn't come back, she wouldn't go to sleep.

Early the next morning, Lin Nan got up with Lin Jianye and Wang Shumin, and went out together after breakfast.

Lin Nan beckoned for a car, and was going to pick up the car from the food stall where he had dinner yesterday, and then went to Didi headquarters.

But not long after getting in the car, the phone rang, and it was Lin Xi calling.

Before Lin Nan could speak, he heard Lin Xi's cry.

"What happened, don't cry, tell brother."

"Brother, I wanted to go to the bookstore to buy books, but I bumped into someone else's car, can you come here?"

"How are you? Are you injured?" Lin Nan asked hurriedly.

"I'm fine, but I touched someone's car, and the paint is peeling off in some places."

"As long as you are fine, send me the address, and I will go find you now."

"I know bro."

Soon, Lin Nan's mobile phone received a location from Lin Xi.

Not far from their school, almost one kilometer away.

"Master, turn your head down, let's go to China Overseas University of Finance and Economics." Lin Nan said.


After about four or 10 minutes, the taxi arrived at Zhonghai University of Finance and Economics, and then drove forward for about one kilometer, and found a large group of people, Lin Xi's figure was looming, and there was a white car beside him, Lin Nan drifted a glance , seems to be Mercedes-Benz.

But looking at the size, it should be a Mercedes-Benz C-Class, with a price between 35 and 40.

At the destination, Lin Nan paid and got off the car.

"elder brother!"

Seeing Lin Nan approaching, Lin Xi burst into tears as if he had found his backbone.

"I got into trouble."

"Is this still a problem, as long as people are fine." Lin Nan touched Lin Xi's head and said with a smile:
"Tell me, exactly, what's going on."

Lin Xi rubbed his tears, "I rented a bicycle and was going to buy some review materials, and then when I was riding to this street corner, I accidentally bumped into their car."

Lin Nan nodded, and then saw the shared bicycles on the ground, and couldn't help but feel amused.

It turned out to be Didi’s shared bicycle.

Immediately, Lin Nan looked at the hit Mercedes-Benz C-Class again.

But judging from the degree of damage, it is not serious, and the paint is peeled off in a place almost the size of a fingernail.

There are scratches in other places, and it can be seen from the traces of the accident that Xiaoxi is indeed solely responsible, and there is nothing to wash about this matter.

"Brother, what's going on now?"

"With me here, what are you afraid of, it's okay."

"Stop making sarcastic remarks there, and give me an explanation quickly."

The one who spoke was a woman in a skirt, in her thirties, with a good appearance and figure.

Standard young women's dress.

Lin Nan could tell that he should be the wife of the male car owner.

"Say a few words." The male car owner stepped forward and said:

"Brother, my wife has a bit of a temper. Don't take it to heart. No one wants to have an accident. Let's solve it slowly."

"I understand. Look at your car. There are still red strings on the wheels. I guess you haven't bought it for long."

"It's true that I haven't bought it for a long time, it's only been more than half a month." The owner said in embarrassment, "Now it's the first collision, hey..."

"What are you talking about, hurry up and think of a solution." The owner's wife said.

"Didn't we discuss this, please stop arguing."

"I'm just angry." The owner's wife said:

"The car I just bought has become like this. Even if I go to a 4S shop to repair it, it can't be restored to its original state."

"Sister, calm down first, no one wants this kind of thing to happen, just settle it slowly." Lin Nan said.

"But if we solve it slowly, can our car be restored to its original state, and can we not need to touch up the paint?" The wife of the car owner said angrily:

"We have saved money for a long time before we bought this car. It was hit by your sister in less than a month."


Lin Xi rubbed his tears, feeling a little scared, and adding that it was his fault, he didn't know what to do.

"Why are you crying, I'm here."

Consoling, Lin Nan looked at the owner's wife, "Don't be too pessimistic, maybe there is a way."

"Any way, just send it to a 4S store, it won't solve this problem."

"The 4S store can't solve it, but I can."

"Huh? How do you want to solve it?"

The people standing on the sidelines were also a little curious.

When something like this happened, how would this man in front of him restore the car to its original state?
"How much did you pay for this car? I will pay you the original price."

Hearing Lin Nan's words, everyone present was stunned. No one thought that he would use such a method to solve the problem. It was really simple and rude.

The car owner and his wife were also stunned, and the male car owner asked:
"What are you talking about, buddy? You want to pay us the original price?"

"Yes." Lin Nan nodded, "Give me the invoice, I'll see how much it cost, and then I'll transfer the money to you, but I'm going to drive this car away, and then you can buy a new one .”


All the people present were shocked by Lin Nan's arrogance. Even if a piece of paint was scraped off, he would give someone a new one. This must be too rich.

Now it was the turn of the car owner and his wife to be a little embarrassed, and they stood together to discuss for a long time.

"Brother, it's fine with your attitude." The male car owner said:

"Before you came, I had already called the 4S store, and they quoted the price to me, which was about 2000 yuan. Just pay me at this price."

"Farewell, don't quarrel because of this trivial matter. You two go back and quarrel. It won't make sense, and the fault is on us. We have to find a way to solve this problem for you. After all, it is a new car, and everyone feels sorry for it. .”

"No, no, no need." The owner's wife also became kind, "You are so generous, we can't be too stingy, just like my husband said, the main thing is to have an attitude, you can say that, we I also feel comfortable in my heart, just pay 2000 yuan."

"Well, I'll give you 5000, and this will be considered a satisfactory solution."

After talking to this point, the male car owner didn't say anything more. He took out his mobile phone and called up the QR code of WeChat. Lin Nan took advantage of the opportunity to scan 5000 yuan in the past, and the matter was perfectly resolved.

"Brother, I'm sorry, I caused you trouble." Lin Xi said aggrievedly.

"It's nothing, it's not much money." Lin Nan said with a smile:

"You are not going to buy books, I will accompany you, let's go."


"and many more."

Just when the two were about to leave, they suddenly heard voices behind them.

"Who was riding this car just now?"

Lin Nan looked back and found that the speaker was wearing a blue vest with the words Didi Chuxing on his body.

Not surprisingly, it should be the staff of Didi.

The onlookers hadn't dispersed yet, and they were a little surprised to see this sudden appearance. They didn't know what he was doing here, and it didn't seem to have anything to do with him.

"My sister rode it, what's the matter?" Lin Nan said:
"Your sister broke our car, and you need to pay for it."

"I took a look just now, and it doesn't seem to be a problem. Do I still need compensation? If you don't believe me, check it yourself." Lin Nan said.

"Do you think it's okay if you say it's okay?" Didi's staff said:

"Maybe there are problems with the internal structure and procedures. According to the relevant regulations of Didi, if the vehicle is damaged artificially, the compensation will be three times the price. The cost of our car is 9800. You need to compensate 29400."

(End of this chapter)

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