Chapter 220 Is It Surprised To See Me?

Seeing that Lin Nan took the initiative to roll his name and was going to the business department of shared bicycles, both Wang Lei and Chen Wan felt that something was wrong.

"Mr. Lin, do you have any thoughts on the existence of the shared bicycle business department? If you have any, you can tell us first." Wang Lei said with a smile.

"You don't need to be too nervous. I just went to have a look. After all, this year is the first year to release shared bicycles. There is a lot of external competition pressure, so you still have to pay attention to this aspect."

Hearing this, Wang Lei and Chen Wan heaved a sigh of relief. As long as there were no rectification opinions, other problems would not be serious.

Afterwards, Wang Lei gave the other executives behind him a look, and asked them to quietly inform the people in the bike-sharing business department to make preparations to welcome Lin Nan's arrival.

At the same time, the shared bicycle business department located on the 17th floor is busy.

At this time, Liu Gang was sitting in the office, smoking with their deputy director, Cao Ning.

The two are somewhat kinship, although not close, but not very far.

In addition, Liu Gang is very good at being a man. Every time he has some gray income, he will take the initiative to distribute some to Cao Ning. This also makes Cao Ning attach great importance to him. He also smokes and eats with him from time to time, and the relationship is very close.

"What's the matter? Did you win the lottery? You actually bought me a pack of Su cigarettes?" Cao Ning looked at the cigarettes on the table, "This one is not cheap, at least five or six hundred yuan, right?"

"It has nothing to do with the lottery. It's mainly because I met a man on the road and broke our company's car. I fined him 1000 yuan." Liu Gang said with a smile:
"Without you, I couldn't come here to work, and I didn't know what to buy for you, so I got a cigarette."

Liu Gang is a very thieves person. He obviously stole nearly 3 yuan from Lin Nan, but now he said that there was only 1000, and the rest was all in his own pocket, otherwise he would have to spend at least [-] yuan to honor Cao Ning.

Cao Ning nodded in satisfaction, cheated 1000 yuan, and then bought himself a pair of Su Yan, and he kept a small head. This kind of performance is not bad, and he is quite a man.

"You don't need to do this next time, just keep your big head. After all, it's not easy to be outside in the wind and sun." Cao Ning said, crossing his legs.

"Then how can I do it? Without Brother Ning's help, I wouldn't be where I am today. As long as Brother Ning doesn't dislike me."

Cao Ning smiled, flicked the cigarette ash and said:
"You've been doing this cheating business for a while. I remember that usually, it's just a few hundred yuan, and it's not a few times when it exceeds 500. Why did you get so much today?"

"Actually, I was also a little surprised. I guess God opened his eyes and wanted me to make more money." Liu Gang said:
"I was at the parking spot at the University of Finance and Economics, and saw a female student riding a shared bicycle collided with a Mercedes-Benz. After the female student's brother came, he lost 5000 yuan without saying a word. I Seeing that he is so generous, he must be a rich man, so even if he asked for 1000, the other party didn't dare to say anything, so he paid it directly."

"Is that person a fool?" Cao Ning said, "He lost money so quickly."

"Who says no? I also feel that his brain is a little abnormal." Liu Gang said with a smile:
"After asking for the money, I thought he would bargain with me and set the compensation amount at 500 yuan. I didn't expect that the other party didn't say anything and just paid the compensation. It's cool to think about it. I guess it's a brain The master who is not easy to use, let me be scared when I am scared."

"It's true." Cao Ning said:
"These people nowadays are all bullying. If you talk to them in a pleasant manner, you will definitely be moaning and unwilling to pay. When you encounter such a thing, you will be tougher. Maybe you can ask for more compensation. "

"Thank you, Brother Ning, for your advice. I'm sure you won't be so kind next time."

bell bell -

While the two were talking, Cao Ning's cell phone rang.

"Manager Li."

The manager Li he was talking about was called Li Donghua, and he was the director of the bicycle sharing business department.

"Okay, I understand, let's go now."

Without saying a few words, Cao Ning hung up the phone, hurriedly took out his suit, and put it on, looking a lot more formal.

"Brother Ning, is something wrong?" Liu Gang asked.

"Li Donghua called me and said that the major shareholder of the company is inspecting our bike-sharing business department. He will be at the door soon. Let me go out and greet him."

"The major shareholder is coming?" Liu Gang's eyes lit up, and he didn't want to let go of this opportunity to show his face.

"Brother Ning, can you show me the world?"

Cao Ning thought about it, but did not refuse.

"It's okay to take you there, but remember not to talk nonsense, just watch by my side. The people who come here are all big shots, and you are not qualified to intervene."

"Yes, yes, I know, I still understand this rule." Liu Gang said with a smile.

He didn't think he could get much chance in this incident.

But being able to get acquainted in front of the leader is definitely good for his own development in the company.

The two simply arranged their clothes, then walked out of the office, and stood at the door of the elevator with Li Donghua.

Not long after, the elevator door opened, Wang Lei made a gesture of invitation, and invited Lin Nan out.

However, the moment he saw Lin Nan, Liu Gang was stunned.

Isn't this the person who was scammed by himself for 3 yuan just now!
How could he be here!
Liu Gang's head was buzzing. Although he didn't know the identity of this person, but he was able to stand with the president, which showed that his identity was not simple!
At least it's not something you can provoke.

A group of people came out of the elevator, Wang Lei said:
"Let me introduce to you, this is Mr. Lin Nan, who is also the largest shareholder of our company. Come here today to see the situation of your shared bicycle business department."

"Big shareholder!"

Liu Gang was completely dumbfounded, his face was pale, like a terminally ill patient!
He never dreamed that this man turned out to be the largest shareholder of the group!
And I cheated him nearly 3 yuan!

Isn't this kind of behavior courting death!

No wonder he just said that the consequences are not something he can bear.

Looking at it this way, it really is.

"Welcome Mr. Lin to visit our shared bicycle business department to guide our work. On behalf of all the employees in the business department, I would like to extend my welcome to you." Li Donghua said politely.

Lin Nan nodded in response. At the same time, he also saw Liu Gang standing behind Cao Ning.

This time I came here just to talk to him, but I didn't expect to appear in front of him.

I don't know how he will feel.

"It's a coincidence that you are here too." Lin Nan said with a smile:
"You shouldn't have thought that you would meet me here, would you?"

(End of this chapter)

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