Chapter 222 Lose Money

"Are you fucking kidding me? If you can drive a sports car, how about running Didi?" The man on the opposite side said very rudely:
"I saw a person like you, who just bought a car. The road conditions are a little bit bad, and he is reluctant to drive. I think you are like this, so don't come out to run Didi, you should go back and confess it."

"If you are not satisfied, you can cancel the order. Anyway, I don't care, or I can cancel."

"If you dare to cancel the order, I'll complain to you. I'll let you drive in today. You're driving a fucking sports car. Just dream. If the chassis is scratched, I'll pay for it. If you don't pick me up at the door, today will be a problem." !"

"You pay?"

With a smile on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth, he turned on the recording function, "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure, I'm going to treat you people today. You are obviously lazy and don't want to drive in, but you have come up with such a reason, can you save so much gas and make a fortune!"

"Okay, I won't be afraid if you say that! Now go and pick you up."

"Don't you dare to come!"

The person opposite hung up the phone politely, Lin Nan smiled, then started the car and drove slowly towards the gate.


At a distance of more than ten meters, the sound of bricks scraping against the chassis could be clearly heard.

But Lin Nan didn't care much. Anyway, someone repaired it for him and recorded it, so these can be used as evidence.

After entering the gate, Lin Nan glanced at the map and drove towards the detailed location.

At the same time, under Building No. 30 in the community, there stood a couple in their [-]s.

The man is not tall, a bit fat, and wears black glasses.

The woman had long hair and kept looking around, as if waiting for a car to come.

"What's wrong, why are you so angry." The woman said.

"Didn't I call a Didi? The stupid driver said that the road conditions at the entrance of the community are not good, and his car chassis is too low to drive. Let us go out."

"Are you kidding me? There are so many cars every day, and I don't see anyone talking about hanging the chassis when they come in and out."

"That's what I said too, but people said that his car is a sports car, so the chassis is low, I'm going to make him laugh." The man with glasses said.

"I think he doesn't want to drive in just to save some gas money. Many people are like this now. I also encountered this kind of thing when I took a taxi last time. It's a pity that I took a taxi, so I can't complain to them."

"When he comes over in a while, I will definitely argue with him. If the order is not waived for me, I will complain to him, and his loss will be even greater then."

Just as the two were talking, they suddenly heard a burst of exclamation.

"Look, a sports car is coming!"

"My God, this car is so handsome, it must be worth a lot of money."

"Not to mention other things, the appearance alone is worth a lot of money. I feel that this car is worth at least 500 million."

Seeing Lin Nan's Bugatti Veyron, the couple also widened their eyes.

They are just an old and rundown community, and there are no rich people.

If you can see a Mercedes-Benz or a BMW here, an Audi is already considered a luxury car. I didn't expect to see a supercar today.

"Honey, look at that car, it's really handsome. It's estimated to cost several million." The long-haired woman said excitedly, and took out her mobile phone, ready to take some photos.

"You really have long hair but short knowledge." The man with glasses said complacently:
"Let me tell you, that car is called Bugatti Veyron, and the price is 4600 million, and there seems to be only one in China. It is definitely an eye-opener to see it here today."

"It actually sells for 4600 million. How much does it cost to afford such a car?"

"It must be the top rich man in China, because the ordinary rich second generation can't afford such a car." The man with glasses said:

"But you don't have to envy others. I will buy one for you when I make money in the future."


Just when the two were envious, they saw Lin Nan unexpectedly, and the car stopped in front of them.

Both of them were a little surprised. They thought they would pass by each other, but they didn't expect to have the opportunity to observe closely.

This made the long-haired woman couldn't help but take a few more photos.

But the two backed away in a tacit understanding, thinking that the owner of the car should come to visit relatives in this unit, and didn't want to block his way.

Lin Nan rolled down the car window and looked at the two of them.

"Are you Mr. Zhang with the tail number 0703? I'm the driver of Didi, and you should be the one who asked me to drive the car in, right?"

Hearing this, both of them were dumbfounded.

"You, what are you talking about? Are you the driver of Didi special car?"

"That's right." Lin Nan said:
"From Xingfu Garden Community to Wanda Plaza, isn't this one yours?"

"Yes, yes, it's ours."

There was ecstasy in the eyes of the two of them. They didn't expect that they would drive a sports car after randomly calling a Didi. Could it be that there was some event, did they win the lottery?

"Daughter-in-law, I've never been in such a good car in my life, so I'm wronging you to take another car to go there. I'll go up and experience it first."

After finishing speaking, the man with glasses opened the door to get in the car, but was stopped by Lin Nan in time.

"Aren't you the driver of Didi? Why don't you let me get in the car?"

"The car will definitely let you get in, but before getting in the car, there are some other things that we need to settle."

The man with eyes was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Lin Nan meant.

"I don't quite understand what you mean? We don't know each other either. Is there anything else that needs to be resolved?"

"If you haven't lost your memory, you probably haven't forgotten the content of the call just now." Lin Nan said:
"You said let me bring the car in. If the chassis is scratched, you will be charged for the maintenance. Can we settle this part of the cost first?"

Hearing this, the man with eyes was dumbfounded and froze on the spot, oozing from his forehead, extremely nervous.

This car is a Bugatti Veyron that sells for 4600 million.

If the chassis is scratched, the maintenance fee will be at least 200 million or more.

Even if you sell yourself, you can't afford it!
"Don't frame people, when did I say that, you drove here voluntarily."

"I knew you wouldn't admit it, so I recorded it in advance."

Lin Nan released the pre-recorded call log, which made the man in glasses even more embarrassed. He never expected him to do such a thing.

"The maintenance fee for this car is about 250 million, cash or credit card?" Lin Nan said:
"Give you one day to prepare the money, or I will call the police."

The man with glasses sat down on the ground, "Don't think you can scare me with this method, I think you clearly want to extort money."

"I extorted money?" Lin Nan smiled, "I have driven more than 4000 million cars, and I still owe you this money? Anyway, I have already explained it clearly to you, and you don't need to find a reason, I There is a recording here, which can be used as evidence, even if the police come, they will stand by my side, so hurry up and collect money."

(End of this chapter)

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