Chapter 227
At first, Lin Nan didn't want to talk to Ma He.

All he wanted was to test the car on the freeway, then go home and help with the move.

But I didn't expect this guy to jump out and pretend to be aggressive, which is unbearable.

But Lin Nan didn't say anything, but rolled up the window without any response.

"Haha, he even rolled up the car window, this person is too cowardly."

The woman in the red dress curled her lips. At the beginning, she had a good impression of Lin Nan, after all, she was handsome.

But when faced with Ma He's humiliation, he rolled up the car window without saying anything, not even a rebuttal. Such a man is too cowardly.

"An Qi, look what I said." Ma He said proudly:

"A man is different from a woman. You can't just look at the appearance, but also look at the inner strength. Not to mention the driving skills and techniques, but he doesn't even have the most basic blood. In my opinion, he is not even enough to be a bad boy." grid."

"Indeed, it's a bit of a shame. It was a waste of my being so optimistic about him just now. It really didn't give me any face." An Qi pouted and said.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a fun place."

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. During the meal just now, you said that you would take me to a fun place, but you never told me. Now you can say it."

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that I have a few friends who set up a modified car club and held a competition tonight. They invited me to participate. I'll show you around now."

"Let's go, I just happen to be free."


While the two were talking, the red light ended and the green light turned on. Ma He stepped on the accelerator, ready to rush out first, humiliating Lin Nan once.

But at this moment, he unexpectedly heard the roar of the engine.

And the sound waves are extremely exaggerated!

Ma He turned his head to look, and suddenly found that the sound came from that Panamera!

It was also at this time that Lin Nan drove his Panamera and jumped out!
So that other people didn't realize what was going on.

"He seems unconvinced." The woman in the red skirt said with a smile.

"If you are not convinced, you can only endure it. With his skills, even if he practices for another 100 years, he will not be my opponent." Ma He said lightly:

"Give me five seconds, and I can easily catch up with him."

After the words fell, Ma He started the car and chased after Lin Nan.

But this time, Maher noticed something was wrong.

I had already started the car, but I didn't catch up with him!
Not only that, but the gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger!

And this scene surprised both of them.

In Mach's impression, such a thing is impossible!
"That little brother just now doesn't seem to be as bad as you said." The woman in the red skirt said with great interest:

"Five seconds have passed. Not only did you fail to catch up with him, but you were left behind by him."

Ma He squinted his eyes, and there was a trace of coldness in his eyes.

"I really underestimated him. It's really good, but I have to be serious."

It was true to say so, but March still pinched the steering wheel with two fingers.

Because my car is good, even if I win against him, it would be disgraceful.

But in the end, he found that he still couldn't catch up with him!
"Oh shit!"

Angrily, Ma He held the steering wheel with both hands, and he didn't think so much!

If it goes on like this, he will really be thrown away by him!
Boom boom boom...

The deafening sound of the engine resounded on the street. Mach controlled his car and increased the speed as much as possible.

It quickly reached 90 miles!
"The gap between you has not decreased, but is still increasing. His speed may be faster than you imagined."

"It's not a big deal. There are few cars on the road, and they are basically straight lines. When I encounter a curve, my advantages will be fully utilized."

"But the question is, what do you do if he keeps driving in a straight line?"

"This is better. What I just said is just my advantage." Maher said:
"The performance of my car is ten blocks ahead of him. It's just a matter of time before I want to catch up with him!"

"Then I'll wait and see."

Ma He didn't respond, he stepped up the accelerator again, and chased after Lin Yi!
Soon, the speed was increased to 130 miles!
In an environment like the urban area, it is already very scary to be able to drive at this speed!

But what is even more frightening is, whether the two of them have any intention of stopping, they are still chasing after each other!

The speed is being further improved!
"My God, are these two cars crazy? They are driving so fast!"

"It's dangerous, but it's really cool!"

"A Panamera and a BMW M5 are exciting to look at, and rich people really know how to play."

"Damn it, call the police. If something happens, it will be a car crash."

The drag racing battle between the two attracted countless people to watch, and some people even recorded the video and posted it on the Internet.

"I've been to this place once, and there's construction ahead, so it's a dead end." The woman in the red dress in the car said:

"You can slow down properly and enter the corner."

"I think you are a very qualified navigator."

"I still understand this common sense." The woman named An Qi said with a smile.

"I reckon that silly boy doesn't know that there is a dead end in front of him. If he drives at this speed, he will definitely get into a car accident." Ma He gloated.

"Can't he know the road conditions and turn ahead?"

"Impossible." Ma He said firmly:

"The roads are all right-angle bends, not arc bends in the competition. With the performance of my car and my technology, I can reach the net at 120 at most. Now, the speed of both of us has reached 140, plus His car is just a broken Panamera, if the cornering speed exceeds 90, it will definitely overturn, just wait, there will be a good show later.”

Hearing what Ma He said, An Qi seemed to understand what was going on.

As she said, the road conditions here are not comparable to those in the arena.

Moreover, his car looked like it hadn't been modified, so it couldn't be the same as Ma He's car.

Looking at it this way, there might really be a good show to watch later.


At this moment, both of them heard a piercing voice!

Suddenly, he found that the Panamera in front of him was flying into the corner at a speed of 140 mph!

And the vehicle itself, without any tilt!

Looking at the scene, both of them were dumbfounded, and they didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

"Didn't you say that if he goes over 90 degrees and enters the corner, the car will roll over? It doesn't seem to be the case now."

"Human and car in one!"

Ma He acted like a fool, and said loudly: "This is the legendary combination of man and car!"

Ma He's expression was extremely excited, as if he had seen something incredible!
"It's really amazing that someone can reach this level! I must find him!"

With that said, Ma He also tried to follow!

Now, he no longer wants to compete with Lin Nan, because he is simply no match for him.

A person who can achieve the unity of human and car, how can he be compared with himself!
Now he just wants to catch up and ask the other party how to achieve the state of human and car integration!
Even if he can only learn a little bit, he will be invincible in the professional arena.

Although not as coquettish as Lin Nan's entering the corner, Ma He's state is not bad, and he hopes to catch up with him.

But not far after turning the corner, he unexpectedly saw Lin Nan's car parked on the side of the road.

There were two traffic policemen beside him, talking to him with their heads down.

"It's too bad luck to run into a traffic policeman," Maher said.

"You two drove so fast, it's normal to be reported." An Qi said:
"But don't worry, if the two of you are arrested together, your wish will be fulfilled."

"That's right," said March:
"Anyway, if you are caught, you will be fined some money. I will clear up the relationship and don't need to be detained. It is indeed a good idea."

While the two were waiting for Lin Nan to be taken away, they were surprised to see that two traffic policemen let him go!
Seeing this scene, the two were stunned.

No matter what the purpose is, it cannot be released.

At the same time, the traffic police walked towards Maher and knocked on the car window.

"You're not a coward. In broad daylight, you dare to drive a car on the road. Come with us."

"Comrade policeman, I want to ask, the Panamera was also racing just now, why did you let him go?"

The traffic policeman's face was not very good-looking, and he also thought that Ma He would ask this question.

"You want to know why?"


"He wasn't drag racing, he was on a special mission, so I didn't stop him, understand now?"

(End of this chapter)

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