Chapter 240
"Because the purpose of this recruitment is to replace the teacher who left before. Now that you are here, you have to take his class." Wu Chunqiang said.

"I understand what you mean, but the problem is that it's my first day as a physical education teacher, and I don't quite understand the process in this area, and I don't know how to teach them."

"I understand what you mean." Wu Chunqiang said:

"Other teachers also have classes in the morning. You can go and follow the two classes to see how other teachers do it, and then learn from experience."

"Okay, I see." Lin Nan said with a smile.

"By the way, there are several other forms, don't forget to fill them out."

"it is good."

Lin Nan picked up the form and glanced at it. There was nothing special about it, and all he needed to fill in was his basic information.

But there was a column in it that made Lin Nan a little uncertain, so he asked in a low voice:
"Mr. Zhao, I would like to ask, what do the second specialty and the third specialty mean?"

"It's the other sports you know besides sprinting." Zhao Bingyu said enthusiastically:

"Because we sometimes ask for leave, but we can't be left behind in class. At this time, we will find other people to take over the class. For example, I teach aerobics, and it happens that your second or third specialty is aerobics. Then I can arrange for you to substitute for me, now I should understand what that means."

"Understood, thank you Teacher Zhao."

"It's okay, you can ask me if you don't understand in the future."

"Then trouble Teacher Zhao."

"They're all my own people, so why not be polite."

After a few simple and polite words, the two of them went about their own affairs and didn't say anything else.

Lin Nan took the form and thought about it. The second specialty and the third specialty are really not easy to fill out.

The national first-level athlete certificate in his hand was given to him by the system.

Outperforming Zhang Chao on the playground is because the system gave me the ultimate fighting skills, which changed my body function, so that I can outperform him without any training.

So I don't have any second specialties at all, so it's not easy to fill in.

Soon, Lin Nan's eyes lit up, as if he had thought of something.

There are taekwondo classes in the university, and coupled with the extreme fighting skills rewarded by the system, it is definitely no problem to cope with the taekwondo class in the university.

Thinking of this, without hesitation, Lin Nan wrote the word Taekwondo in the option of the second specialty.

As for the third specialty, Lin Nan did not hesitate to fill in the word basketball.

Because when he was in college, he liked playing basketball very much, and his skills were not bad, so it would be no problem to teach these college students casually and fool them a little bit.

After filling out the forms, Lin Nan sent them to Wu Chunqiang, and then returned to her seat.

"Ms. Lin, what are your second and third strengths filled in?"

Another female teacher with short hair asked curiously.

His name is Li Na, and he is the tennis teacher in the school.

"Taekwondo and basketball."

Hearing this, the teachers in the office were a little surprised.

"The second specialty is Taekwondo. I really didn't realize that Mr. Lin is good at this."

For these physical education teachers, the second specialty and the third specialty in their mouths are not superficially understood by ordinary people, but very professional.

Therefore, when I learned that Lin Nan's second specialty was taekwondo, I was very surprised.

Because of Lin Nan's figure and appearance, they didn't think about that.

"Isn't it a bit unexpected?" Lin Nan said with a smile.

"It's really not like practicing Taekwondo." Li Na said with a smile:

"Based on Mr. Lin's temperament, you should learn some elegant sports, such as tennis."

"It's nothing, after all, no one thought I was practicing sprinting at the beginning."

"It's true." Li Na said:
"Mr. Lin, didn't you just say that you have no teaching experience? It just so happens that I have a class in the second quarter in the morning. You can come with me."

"Hey, what do you mean?" Zhao Bingyu, who was sitting opposite Lin Nan, quit, "I also have class in the second period in the morning, and I want to invite Teacher Lin over, so don't try to cut me off."

"I'm sorry, it's too late. I invited Teacher Lin first." Li Na said proudly.

Zhao Bingyu also knew that he was at a disadvantage for not saying this in advance, so he looked at Lin Nan with a smile and said:

"Ms. Lin, you can choose whether to take aerobics class with me or tennis class with her."


In fact, this question is easy to choose. Lin Nan really wants to take tennis lessons, because the nature of this kind of lessons is very neutral, and there are both men and women.

But the aerobics class is different. Basically, girls choose this class. Even if there are boys, they will be dismissed. It is not interesting to go to the class by yourself.

But Zhao Bingyu was sitting opposite her, and the two of them bowed their heads and didn't see each other when they looked up. It would be bad if they refused her.

"Mr. Zhao, I really want to go with you, but I'm a big man, so it's not good to go to aerobics class."

"Just because you are a man, you should go over." Zhao Bingyu looked at Lin Nan with a smile and said in a low voice:

"Let me tell you, you should know the quality of girls at the Foreign Studies University. If you don't go, you will lose the opportunity to feast your eyes."

Originally, Lin Nan hadn't noticed this matter, but when he heard Zhao Bingyu say this, he suddenly felt a little emotional.

It is indeed a very tempting thing.

"Ms. Zhao, how about doing this first? I will go to class with Mr. Li today to learn from experience. I will go with you in the next class. What do you think?"

"It's fine, I won't argue with her anymore." Zhao Bingyu said a little arrogantly.

Soon, the bell rang for the end of the first get out of class. Li Na stood up, took her equipment, and greeted her.

"Mr. Lin, let's go."

"it is good."

"Wait for me for a while, I also have class in the second period, let's go together."

Zhao Bingyu's aerobics class and Li Na's tennis class are both held in the gymnasium, so they will walk together during class.

After a brief preparation, the three of them walked out of the office.

"Ms. Lin, have you played tennis before?"

On the way to the gymnasium, Li Na asked.

Lin Nan shook his head, "I really haven't touched it, but I have played badminton before, so the two of them should have something in common."

"Mr. Lin, stop joking. The only thing they have in common is that they all need to use a racket, but they are very different in terms of skills." Li Na said with a smile:

"Tennis pays more attention to the combination of strength and skill, so it is very difficult, but it doesn't matter. If Mr. Lin wants to play in the future, please call me anytime, and I will teach you."

"Then thank you Teacher Li."

"Mr. Lin, don't be fooled by her. What's so good about tennis, you should learn aerobics from me. It can not only lose weight but also shape your body, which is good for your body." Zhao Bingyu said.

"What kind of mentality do you have?" Li Na said:
"Ms. Lin is a big man, you actually let him learn aerobics, it's not good."

"I can teach Teacher Lin to dance other things. I'm not only good at aerobics." Zhao Bingyu said:

"And my project is more aesthetic than tennis. After all, my sister has a better figure than you, right."

"It's too much. Without someone like you, you actually engage in personal attacks."

"I'm not telling you, don't practice any tennis in the future, but come and learn aerobics with my sister, and manage your body well. This is the top priority."

"Cut, I'm not interested in learning."

Along the way, the two chattered and bickered for a while, Lin Nan watched the excitement relaxedly, and then came to the gymnasium together.

In the buffer room of the gymnasium, many girls were changing their shoes. When they saw Lin Nan, they immediately turned their attention to him.

"Look, this little brother is so handsome, which courtyard does he belong to?"

"What school? Didn't you see that he came with Mr. Li and Mr. Zhao? Maybe it's a teacher from the school."

"Are you kidding, how could there be such a handsome teacher."

"It's impossible. Look at his temperament, which is different from the boys in our school. He is so calm."

"I still don't think it's possible. If he is really a teacher at the school, I'll confess to him, haha..."

(End of this chapter)

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