Chapter 243 Go back and practice again
Everyone was surprised to see the green tennis ball hit the wall.

Tian Hua is a well-known figure in the school. Everyone knows that his tennis skills are amazing.

And everyone knows that this new male teacher has no tennis experience and is a complete beginner. The difference between the two is like clouds and mud.

But that's it, Tian Hua didn't catch the ball he served, which was impossible in the eyes of others.

But now, it really happened.

"How is this possible? Mr. Lin is too good. He actually sent a ball that Tian Hua couldn't even catch."

Originally, Lin Nan was popular with the girls present, but now he has won a goal against Tian Hua, which made the girls present even more unable to calm down.

"Ms. Lin is too handsome. I have never played tennis before, but I can beat Tian Hua. This talent is amazing."

"Miss Lin, you are so handsome, come and give us tennis lessons in the future."

"Yes, yes, come and give us tennis lessons. I want to learn from you." Tang Sisi said loudly.

"You have practiced tennis for more than ten years, is this level?" Lin Nan asked.

Amada Hua held the tennis racket tightly, with an ugly expression on his face.

For him, this is a great shame!
"Mr. Lin, I was just careless just now, and you don't need to be too complacent." Tian Hua said:
"If I had been serious, you wouldn't have had a chance."

Lin Nan shrugged and said nonchalantly:

"If you don't agree, you can try again."

"Then let's compete again, and I won't give you another chance."

Lin Nan was sure that even if he hit another ball, Tian Hua might not be able to catch it.

Compared with tennis skills, there is definitely no comparison between myself and Tian Hua.

My only advantage is strength!

By hitting the ball vigorously and increasing the speed of the tennis ball, Tian Hua has no chance to react. This is his only chance to defeat him.

Lin Nan weighed the tennis ball in his hand, looked at Tian Hua and said:

"Ready? If so, I'll serve."

Tian Hua stared at Lin Nan with a half-bowed body, as if he didn't want to give him any more chances.

But Lin Nan had figured out Tian Hua's level, and he no longer took him seriously.

Lin Nan did the same, and hit the ball with all his strength as before.

The tennis ball flew over the net, landed in bounds, and bounced back hard.

This time, Tian Hua found the right moment, and then swung his racket heavily.

But this time, Tian Hua miscalculated again.

The moment his racket hit the tennis ball, he thought he had a chance.

But in the next second, he discovered an extremely terrifying thing.

The power attached to the tennis ball is greater than what I imagined.

If I continue to slap, I don't have the ability to hit the ball back at all.

The next second, the racket dropped from his hand and fell to the ground. Tian Hua froze in place, as if he had lost his mind.

At this moment, everyone present was also stunned.

Tian Hua said that he has become serious, but the result seems to be worse than the first time.

"As far as your level is concerned, you should practice again. You can't even catch my ball. Don't say that your specialty is tennis in the future, so as not to embarrass Teacher Li."

"Don't you just have more strength? If it's technical, you're definitely not my opponent."

In any case, Tian Hua has played tennis for more than ten years, and he can tell Lin Nan's style at a glance.

If he didn't have that much strength, he would definitely be able to catch his ball, and he wouldn't be as embarrassing as he is now.

"But tennis is a combination of strength and technique, and the game is won or lost. If you can't even catch my ball, don't talk about other things."

Tian Hua's face was ugly, but he didn't know what to say, after all, he had no reason for this matter.

"Okay, let's continue with the class, there is no need to focus on me."

"Mr. Lin, you are so handsome, can you teach me how to play tennis?" Tang Sisi said with starry eyes.

"Ms. Li's skills are much better than mine. If you really want to learn, just ask him to teach you."

"But working with men and women is not tiring. If you come to teach us how to play tennis, maybe the effect will be better."

"Sisi, pay attention, your boyfriend is still nearby." A short-haired girl said.

"I didn't do much, just let Mr. Lin teach me how to play tennis. It's not too much, he can't control me."

Hearing Li Sisi's words, Guan Jie's face was a bit ugly, and then he said to Lin Nan:

"Mr. Lin, it's free time now, why don't we play basketball for a while."

Lin Nan looked at Guan Jie, "You want to play basketball with me?"

"It's okay to be idle, let's play to pass the time. Anyway, there is still half an hour before get out of class ends." Guan Jie said:
"But if you don't know how to play, forget it, and I won't force you."

A smile appeared on the corner of Lin Nan's mouth, and he looked at Guan Jie like he was looking at a fool.

I have never played tennis before, but it does not mean I have never played basketball. On the contrary, my basketball skills are still very good.

When I was in school, the physical education teacher even invited me to join the school team, but at that time, I was not interested.

But now, with the blessing of the system, my body functions have changed.

Naturally, basketball skills will also be improved to a higher level, and it is no problem to deal with people like them.

"Since you want to play, I'll play with you for a while, and you can tell me how to play." Lin Nan said.

Seeing that Lin Nan agreed, Guan Jie looked smug.

"Let's do the bullfight. Let's hit seven balls. Mr. Lin, your physical strength should be fine, right?"

The people standing next to him couldn't help laughing out loud. If you want to talk about Mai Tai Ren, Guan Jie would say that he is the second, and no one dares to say that he is the first.

"I still have some physical strength."

"Then let's get started."

Lin Yi came to the basketball court, and the girls in the gym also surrounded him.

Basketball is a sport that can stimulate male hormones, and girls also like to watch it.

Coupled with the fact that Lin Nan was on the field, they were even more excited.

Guan Jie threw the ball to Lin Nan

"Ms. Lin, let's kick off first. I'm a student, so I have to pay attention to respecting my teacher."

"That's fine."

Because of this round of tee-offs, Lin Nan didn't care that much.

Standing one meter beyond the three-point line, he threw the ball.

A swipe!
The basketball went into the net hollow, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Teacher Lin's basketball skills are really good enough.

"It's pretty lucky."

Guan Jie smiled and said, "It's up to me to take the next ball. Mr. Lin had better defend more seriously."

"Why are you talking so much nonsense when playing basketball? If you are ready, start." Lin Nan said speechlessly.

Guan Jie's complexion was not very good-looking, and he was going to show some color to Lin Nan.

Thinking of this, Guan Jie didn't make any other fancy moves, and was going to return Lin Nan with a three-pointer.

But as soon as the basketball was released, Lin Nan slapped it down. Everyone in the basketball court heard the crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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