Chapter 246 Full of Confidence
Lin Nan frowned slightly, "What happened, please speak slowly."

"I terminated the contract with the company, but they were unwilling to give me the copyright of the song, and then we had a big fight, and I left the company." Xu Yixian said:

"I'm afraid that the paparazzi will see my current appearance, so I want you to pick me up. Do you have time?"

"If you have time, give me your address. I'll pick you up now. Let's meet and talk."

"Thank you Brother Lin."

Lin Nan hung up the phone, and soon received Xu Yixian's WeChat location, ready to go over to see what was going on.

"Boss Lin, is something wrong?" Seeing that Lin Nan's face was not looking well, Huang An asked.

"I have a friend who is a celebrity. The copyright of her songs has been taken over by the company. Is there any relevant law that can solve this problem?"

Hearing Lin Nan's question, Huang An said without thinking:
"It depends on who owns the song copyright when they signed the contract. If the signed song copyright is in the company's hands, then the company has the right to take it back. If it is a violation of the law, even if it is a lawsuit, the judge will stand on our side."

"I don't know the specific situation, you two go with me to see if there is any other way to deal with it."

"Okay, I'll follow Mr. Lin's arrangement."

After making up their minds, the three got into the car, and Lin Nan drove towards her company according to the address Xu Yixian sent.

About four or ten minutes later, Lin Nan drove to the entrance of Yunlan Entertainment.

As one of the largest companies in the entertainment industry.

The office building of Yunlan Entertainment has a total of five floors. From the outside, the decoration is very elegant, giving people a modern and luxurious feeling.

However, Lin Nan didn't bother to pay attention to these things right now. He looked around but couldn't find Xu Yixian, so he called her.

"I've already arrived at the door of your company. Where are you? Why didn't I see you?"

"Brother Lin, if you drive further, there is a park about 200 meters away, and my car is parked here."

"Okay, wait for me there."

Soon, Lin Nan drove the car forward for more than 200 meters, and successfully found Xu Yixian's car.

Seeing Lin Nan coming, Xu Yixian got into his car.

"Brother Lin, I'm sorry to trouble you, because of my business, I made you run away."

"It's okay, it's all I should do." Lin Nan said.

At this time, Xu Yixian found that there were two people in the back seat, and felt a little nervous.

"They are called Huang An and Ning Xue. They are the heads of our company's legal department. They are here to help you deal with this matter."

Huang An and Ning Xue stretched out their hands to greet Xu Yixian.

Facing Xu Yixian, both of them were more or less surprised.

Although I have helped celebrities or rich people in the past and handled many cases, this is the first time I have seen a celebrity of Xu Yixian's level.

Mr. Lin is really not an ordinary person, he even knows celebrities of this level.

But thinking about it, it seems normal.

Lin Zong is not only handsome, but also rich, and these female stars are also ordinary people, so they naturally like to think of people like Lin Zong.

"Hello, hello."

Xu Yixian greeted each other very politely, and simply shook hands, and the two sides knew each other.

"Miss Xu, can you tell us what's going on, and then we can help you deal with it." Huang An said.

Xu Yixian nodded, and then told a few people what happened.

After listening to Xu Yixian's description, the three of them frowned slightly, and their expressions were not very good.

According to her, the copyright of the songs is in the hands of the company, and now that the two parties have terminated the contract, the company is definitely not willing to give these songs to her again.

In other words, Xu Yixian is breaking the law by singing these songs without authorization.

"I remember that before you, you specifically told me about the copyright issue, how did you get here, and something happened."

Lin Nan remembered very clearly that after she sang the song "Stubborn", Xu Yixian urged herself non-stop to settle the copyright matter as soon as possible.

I thought she would have a strong sense of copyright, but I didn't expect such a problem to occur.

"Actually, I already considered this issue when I signed the contract with the company." Xu Yixian said:

"In our contract, it's clearly stated that all the songs I write are mine, but the problem lies with my manager."

"Can he influence you?"

Lin Nan was a little curious. Now that Xu Yixian is a celebrity, the managers have to listen to them. The treatment is very different from those of the little stars. How can there be problems with the manager?

"When the two of us signed the contract, there was a very secret payment. I didn't notice it. It was my agent who had the right to use and make decisions about my songs. He secretly sold all the copyrights of my songs to company, so now I have nothing.”

"Damn it!" Lin Nan couldn't help cursing, "This is definitely your company playing tricks in the dark, and it's for you."


Lin Nan fell in love with Huang An and Ning Xue, "The situation is like this now, is there any good solution?"

Huang An was silent for a moment, "Although we don't argue, there is still a solution, but it will be a little more troublesome."

"As long as it can be handled, are you sure?"

"I'm [-]% sure, because I have fought a case like this before and won it in the end, so I have experience in handling it."

"Then I'll leave this matter to you, let's go up and have a look, and try to resolve this matter."

"No problem, just let me handle it, Mr. Lin can rest assured."

"Come on, let's go now."

"it is good!"


A middle-aged man in his 40s sat in the general manager's office of Yunlan Entertainment.

With a cigarette in his hand, his legs crossed, and a report in his right hand, he smiled from ear to ear.

The middle-aged man's name is Ma Minggang, and he is the general manager of Yunlan Entertainment.

Opposite him, there was a man in his 30s, wearing a black suit and brown leather shoes, and was very well-dressed.

The man's name was Luo Qingfeng, and he was the legal director of Yunnan Entertainment.

"Director Luo, we shouldn't have any risks in this matter."

Ma Minggang asked.

"In fact, there are risks, but they are completely negligible. Mr. Ma can rest assured."

Ma Minggang's expression changed slightly, "What do you mean by risk?"

"Because we didn't sign a copyright agreement with Xu Yixian, but bought it from her agent, so the legal binding force is not so strong." Luo Qingfeng said:

"But Mr. Ma doesn't have to worry. Even if the binding force is not strong, this is very important evidence. Even if it comes to the point of a lawsuit, our side is justified, so don't worry."

Ma Minggang nodded, "As long as there are no accidents, I will use this method to force Xu Yixian to come back."

"Mr. Ma, don't worry, as long as my teacher doesn't come, no matter which defense lawyer the opponent is, I have the confidence to win this lawsuit."

(End of this chapter)

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