Chapter 261 Pack up and get out
Hearing this, Lin Nan was a little confused.

"what are you saying?"

"Don't you understand me?"

Huang Yanyan's face was cold, her attitude was not as kind as before, she looked at Lin Nan and said:

"This is the parking lot of our Shenghe Group. Foreign vehicles are not allowed to enter, so now, please go out."

As the old saying goes, love breeds hate.

Although Huang Yanyan hasn't reached that level yet, she still has that meaning.

Because what annoys her the most is that others say she is old, which is her taboo, even if Lin Nan is handsome.

Lin Nan looked at the arrogant Huang Yanyan and said:
"You are just a small employee, you are not qualified to manage these things."

"If you say that, you're making a big mistake." Huang Yanyan sneered, and then said on her badge, "I'm the deputy director of the logistics department, and I happen to be in charge of these things, so now, I invite you, an outsider, to There is no problem with the vehicle going out, and I hope you are a little self-aware and don't waste our time."

Seeing Huang Yanyan's arrogant expression, Lin Nan laughed.

"Are you sure you want to let me go?"

"Of course, is it possible that you still want to stay here?"

"That's not the case. I just want to tell you that it's okay for me to leave, but you will bear the consequences at your own risk. As long as you can bear the relevant responsibilities, that's fine."

"Are you threatening me?" Huang Yanyan said arrogantly:
"Or do you think it's great to drive a Panamera yourself? Let me tell you that this is Zhonghai, and cars like yours are all over the street, so don't pretend to be rich in front of me. It's not shameful enough. It's in sight."

"That's fine, I'll leave now, and the consequences will be at your own risk."

Lin Nan didn't say anything else, and was about to leave.

According to the regulations of the system, if you do not take the reward within 24 hours, it will be regarded as an automatic waiver.

Naturally, Shenghe Group couldn't get the money.

They should be the ones panicking.

Seeing that Lin Nan was intimidated, Huang Yanyan folded her arms around her chest, very proud.

This is what happens when he looks down on people!
"Boss Lin!"

At this moment, a shout came. Lin Nan looked back and found a middle-aged man trotting over from the building.

Not surprisingly, this person should be Ma Weidong who handed over to him.

If you think that way, seeing Ma Weidong coming out, people passing by along the way greeted him one after another.

The same is true for Huang Yanyan.

"Mr. Lin is really sorry to keep you waiting, we can go through the handover procedures now, please come inside."

"Normally speaking, I can go through the formalities, but your employees won't let me park here, so I'm going to leave. As for this project, let's talk about it later."

Hearing this, Ma Weidong was stunned, not quite understanding what was going on.

But his instinct was telling him that the matter in front of him might have something to do with Huang Yanyan.

Huang Yanyan, who was standing aside, was even more confused.

From the way Manager Ma spoke to this man, he knew that his identity was not simple, and that he might have caused a catastrophe invisibly.

And the other spectators at the scene also realized that something was wrong. The man in front of him seemed to be more than just handsome.

His identity may be more powerful than he imagined.

"Boss Lin, can you tell me what's going on?" Ma Weidong asked tentatively.

Lin Nan looked at Huang Yanyan, "It's not complicated, but I parked the car downstairs of your group, and he said that outsiders can't park here casually, and drove me away, so I'm going to leave."

"President Ma, I have no other intentions..." Huang Yanyan quickly explained:
"Now is the peak season for parking, that's why I made such a thing, and I also made such a thing from the perspective of the company's interests."

"What you said is grand-sounding." Lin Nan said with a smile:

"Why in my memory, you did such a thing because you failed to strike up a conversation."

Huang Yanyan panicked, and quickly said, "Manager Ma, listen to my explanation..."

Without talking nonsense, she slapped Huang Yanyan across the face.

"How the hell are you going to explain it to me?" Ma Weidong just scolded Huang Yanyan's nose:

"Don't piss, just take care of yourself. Let me tell you, the group just negotiated a 160 billion project with Mr. Lin. If this matter falls through, I'll fuck you to death."

160 billion items!

Hearing this, everyone present gasped.

They never dreamed that the young man in front of them would be so rich!
Huang Yanyan was stunned after being slapped.

160 billion is an astronomical figure for her, which is completely unimaginable.

And just now, I actually pointed fingers at such a rich man!
At this moment, even Huang Yanyan herself felt like a mentally retarded person!
"From now on, you will be fired, take off your badge, report to the personnel department, and don't let me see you again."

"Mr. Ma, I was also confused for a moment just now. I will apologize to Mr. Lin now."

"Go away, it's too late to apologize now." Ma Weidong didn't give Huang Yanyan a chance.

The latter had a mournful face, and his expression was uglier than that of the dead at home.

"Mr. Lin, this incident is definitely an accident. I hope you don't take it to heart. After all, we have already negotiated this project. If the project fails because of such a trivial matter, it will be of no benefit to both of us."

Lin Nan nodded, not thinking too much about it.

As Ma Weidong said, this matter has nothing to do with him, after all, there are fuckers everywhere, as long as the matter is dealt with in time, it will be fine.

Seeing that Lin Nan's attitude eased, Ma Weidong made a gesture of please.

"Mr. Lin, let's go upstairs now, our vice president, Mr. Jack, is waiting for you to go up."

"Let's go."

Soon, under the leadership of Ma Weidong, the two came to the 23rd floor of Shenghe Group.

When he came to the meeting room, Lin Nan saw a blond foreign man.

"Mr. Lin, this is what Jack, the vice president of our group, introduced. Regarding the procedures, he will hand over to you."

"it is good."

"Mr. Lin, welcome to Shenghe Group."

Seeing Lin Nan, Jack was very enthusiastic.

Because he is the vice president of sales of Shenghe Group, if Lin Nan didn't buy the entire commercial street, he would have to pack up and leave.

It can even be said that it was Lin Yi who saved Jack, otherwise he would have to prepare a new resume now.

In addition to these reasons, Lin Nan's own energy is also the reason why Jack is afraid.

A person who can spend 160 billion to buy a commercial street, this kind of person's financial resources are definitely not comparable to myself, and it is my honor to be in contact with such a person today.

"Let's gossip less, let's deal with the relevant formalities."

"Okay, okay, I'm ready, as long as you sign on it."

In the next ten minutes, Lin Nan added his name to more than a dozen contracts.

At this point, the entire commercial street is his own.

It just so happens that I'm fine now, I can go and have a look later.

(End of this chapter)

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