Chapter 264 Sign Up!
Hearing the people present, addressing the middle-aged man, Lin Nan knew his identity, and he should be the boss of these people.

As Lin Nan expected, the middle-aged man's name is Li Detian, and he is the boss of this area.

He is responsible for collecting the protection fee for the entire pedestrian street.

It's just that such a big piece of fat doesn't mean that he can take it off if he wants to. There are big people on top of him, otherwise he won't be able to restrain those greedy people.

"What are you making so much noise about?"

While talking, Li Detian saw Tian Long and Tian Hu, "What's the matter with you two, you were beaten like this."

Afterwards, the two narrated the matter to Li Detian. After hearing the whole story, Li Detian's expression changed slightly, and his eyes fell on Lin Nan.

"Boy, what do you mean, want to break the rules?"

"Ha ha……"

Lin Nan sneered, "It's really interesting for you to say this, I want to know what rules you have!"

"What rules?" Li Detian said:

"The protection fee for this pedestrian street is the money that must be paid every month. You don't even know about it, so you dare to meddle in this matter. You don't want to live, do you?"

"I'm here today, just for this matter." Lin Yi said:
"I don't care about the past, but starting today, you are not allowed to collect protection fees, or you will bear the consequences!"

Li Detian narrowed his eyes, "Are you threatening me?"

"You can understand it this way. In short, I have finished telling you. I don't want this to happen again in the future."

"Boy, you are quite interesting." Li Detian said:

"I've been in the pedestrian street for so many years, and this is the first time I've seen a businessman dare to talk to me like that. I'll give you a chance to kneel down and apologize, otherwise you might not be able to leave my billiard hall."

"Really, do you still want to do it?"

"Oh, I do have this idea."

With that said, Li Detian greeted, "You guys handle it yourself, teach him what the rules are."

"Got it, Brother Tian!"

With Li Detian's consent, the bald man responded, and then said:

"Brothers, it's been a long time since I saw him. He's so stupefied, let's give him some color today, let's do it!"

After finishing speaking, the bald man rushed towards Lin Nan with someone.

And Lin Nan didn't shout, and kicked the bald man.

Shout out!
The bald man was kicked flying, hit the billiard case behind him, and even spat out a mouthful of blood, he was very embarrassed.

"And this scene also shocked the others. I didn't expect Lin Nan to be so good at fighting!"

"What are you still doing in a daze, waiting to watch the show, hurry up!"

Li Detian greeted, and his twenty or so subordinates rushed towards Lin Nan in one go!

Although aggressive, in Lin Nan's eyes, these people moved too slowly.

Lin Nan didn't stay idle either, and rushed straight into the crowd!
Facing these low-level hooligans, hit them all with one punch!

In less than 5 minutes, they were all lying on the ground.

Humming and chirping, none of them could stand up.

"This, how is this possible..."

Li Detian, who was full of confidence, was dumbfounded. He thought that with more than [-] people under him, it would be easy to deal with this tender-skinned kid.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he was knocked down by him!

After knocking down everyone in front of him, Lin Nan walked towards Li Detian step by step, while the latter retreated subconsciously, trying to distance himself from Lin Yi.

"Is there anyone else under my command? Let's call them out together." Lin Nan said:
"I'm here to solve the problem, so naturally I have to solve it thoroughly."

"You, what are you going to do, let me tell you, although I am collecting the protection fee for the pedestrian street, only part of it falls into my hands. If you dare to stop us from collecting the protection fee, it will violate the interests of many people, be careful The big man behind me will make you unable to eat and walk around!"

Lin Nan had already thought of this point.

There are so many merchants on the pedestrian street, and the monthly protection fee is not a small income.

With Li Detian's ability, it is impossible for him to monopolize the money.

So behind him, there must be other people supporting him.

No matter what, you have to reach Chen Jianghe's level.

Lin Nan pulled a chair and sat on it calmly.

"I'll give you a chance. Call the big brother behind you and ask him to bring someone over. I'll talk to him."

"Are you sure?" Li Detian hesitated.

"What's so uncertain about it?" Lin Nan asked back:

"Do you think I'll finish laughing with you on this kind of thing?"

"Okay, you wait, I'll call my elder brother now."

Li Detian hurriedly took out his mobile phone and said:

"Brother Chi, where are you? Something happened, and someone came to find fault, and said that we will not be allowed to collect protection fees in the pedestrian street in the future."

"It's in my billiard hall. All the people under me have been defeated by him."

"Okay, let me ask."

In response, Li Detian said:
"What's your name, where did you hang out, and sign up."

"Lin Nan, but I'm different from you, don't associate me with you hooligans."

Li Detian didn't answer Lin Nan, but said to the phone:

"Brother Chi, the other party's name is Lin Nan, and he doesn't seem to be on the road."

"Okay, I'll wait for you here."

After finishing speaking, Li Detian hung up the phone, then looked at Lin Nan and said:

"Boy, if you are awesome, just wait here. My elder brother is in the nearby bathing center and will be there soon."

"Don't worry, I won't leave."

From the very beginning, Lin Nan planned to deal with this matter thoroughly.

After all, the pedestrian street is now considered its own property.

If these problems are not resolved, the business environment will become worse and worse in the future, which will also have a major impact on one's own income.

Even now, he thinks it is worth wasting some time to deal with this matter.


Taohuayuan Bathing Center is located at the end of the pedestrian street.

It is a relatively famous bathing center in Zhonghai.

And places like bath centers also have their own attributes.

In a place like Peach Blossom Spring, most of the people who come here are hooligans.

As long as you come here, you can feel the strong atmosphere of the rivers and lakes.

At this time, in box 408 on the fourth floor, there were two men lying down, enjoying a technical massage.

Both of them have scars and dense tattoos on their bodies. Just by looking at them, you can tell that they are not good people.

And one of them, Lin Nan also knew, was Chen Jianghe who had been taught by him before.

The man next to Chen Jianghe, named Li Chi, is also a well-known person in Zhonghai. Like Chen Jianghe, he is one of the four heavenly kings of Zhonghai.

"Old Chen, don't press it yet, go out with me to do something." Li Chi said.

(End of this chapter)

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