Chapter 268 Adversity sees the truth

Hearing such rhetoric, the two of them felt even more desolate, and they didn't know what to do.

"Are the so-called Four Heavenly Kings really that powerful?"

Zheng Jiayi wasn't scared when she saw those little hooligans, but when she saw Li Chi and Chen Jianghe, she started to get scared.

Because the aura exuded by these two people is completely different from others.

"You can think of them as the top figures in Zhonghai's underground world. Everyone has more or less life lawsuits, which are not something we ordinary people can provoke." Duan Bo trembled while speaking, It seems that even the legs are weak.

"They actually have human life on their bodies!"

Zheng Jiayi was already dumbfounded and didn't know what to do. When she came again, she never expected that things would become such a big mess.

Had I known this was the case, I would have given them 1000 yuan.

"If they don't do it twice, it's impossible for them to be named the Four Heavenly Kings." Duan Bo said:
"If you want to blame, I will blame you. If you have something to do, don't call me. You can talk about how this matter will end." Duan Bo said in fear.

"If I knew that something like this would happen, I would have paid them 1000 yuan for protection, and what's the use of talking about it now, I have to find a way to solve the problem."

Duan Bo didn't talk to Zheng Jiayi, but looked at his second uncle and said:
"Second Uncle, what should we do now?"

Duan Jiafu's face was extremely ugly, and his condition was no better than Duan Bo's, his legs were so weak that he almost sat on the ground.

"Nephew, I think we should go. We can't handle this matter. If we stay here, maybe the two of us will be implicated."

"But Jiayi's matter hasn't been resolved yet, how can we go?"

"It's this time, you still care what she does." Duan Jiafu said with hatred:

"These things are caused by her, let him solve it by himself, and I don't suggest you, if you associate with such a woman, you will be killed by her sooner or later."

"But we've been together for a long time."

"Do you know the seriousness of the problem?" Duan Jiafu said:

"If the person he provoked was Li Detian, I could still help you with my connections, but now, your friend beat him up, and Li Detian found Li Chi and Chen Jianghe. These two people will not be with you. To be reasonable, if you stay here, you will definitely be beaten severely, and breaking an arm or leg is easy, so let's go now."

After thinking about it, Duan Bo felt that what the second uncle said made sense.

If you beat yourself to a disability, the rest of your life will be over, and it's not worth it for an outsider.

"Then let's go now."

Duan Jiafu nodded, and then said to Li Chi and Chen Jianghe not far away:

"Boss Li, Boss Chen, we have nothing else to do, we just went to the wrong place, let's go now."

After finishing speaking, Duan Jiafu pulled Duan Bo, took a step aside, pointed at Lin Nan and Zheng Jiayi and said:
"You can handle your own affairs, we have nothing to do with them."

"Yes, yes, this matter has nothing to do with us, I am not familiar with them." Duan Bo said.

Hearing this, Zheng Jiayi's face changed.

"What did you say."

"Don't you know what I said!" Duan Bo said with a cold face:
"This is something you made up yourself, just handle it yourself, don't bring me along."


"Mr. Lin!"

Originally, Li Chi and Chen Jianghe hadn't figured out what these people were here for.

But when the two of them got out of the way, Li Chi and Chen Jianghe saw Lin Nan standing behind, and their expressions immediately became respectful.

And this exclamation also confused the others, who didn't know who they were calling.

Before they could react, they saw Li Chi and Chen Jianghe walking towards Lin Nan, nodded and bowed and said:

"Mr. Lin, do you have other things to deal with? Tell me what you want to do."



Neither Duan Bo nor Duan Jiafu expected that they would talk to Lin Nan in such a tone.

Zheng Jiayi, who was standing aside, also didn't know why.

Lin Nan beat up their people, why would he speak to him in such an attitude now?

"I'm fine." Lin Nan pointed to Duan Bo and Duan Jiafu and said:

"It's mainly the two of them who don't believe me to solve the matter, and insist on bringing someone here. I'm free and have nothing to do, so I come here."

Chen Jianghe looked at Duan Jiafu and Duan Bo.

"Everything has been dealt with, what else do you need to solve?"

The two were stunned, not knowing what to say, but they still said tremblingly:
"Boss Chen, didn't this person beat your subordinates? Why..."

"What does it mean to beat my people?" Chen Jianghe said:

"Let me tell you, the entire pedestrian street belongs to Mr. Lin. It was wrong for us to collect protection fees here. Now that the matter is settled, it will be fine. I really want to know what you are going to deal with. "


Hearing this, everyone present gasped, including Xiao Jingxuan, who did not expect Chen Jianghe to say such a thing.

"Boss Chen, what are you talking about? You said the whole pedestrian street belongs to him."

"Don't you guys know about this?" Chen Jianghe doubted:

"All the properties in the entire pedestrian street belong to Mr. Lin. Otherwise, do you think he will meddle in his own business and stop us from collecting protection fees?"

Hearing this, everyone's heads buzzed.

They are well aware of the prosperity of the pedestrian street.

If he wanted to buy all the properties here, the cheapest would cost tens of billions, but he actually bought them all!
This man is too rich.

"Don't talk about these things, it makes me seem to show off."

After finishing speaking, Lin Nan looked at Zheng Jiayi, "There is nothing wrong now, can we go?"

"Yes, yes, let's go now." Zheng Jiayi said unexpectedly:

"Jingxuan, you really made a lot of money in silence, you just quietly met such a rich boyfriend."

"If I said it, wouldn't it be tantamount to showing off, so I didn't say anything about it, but I just found out that he bought the pedestrian street."

"Then talk to your boyfriend and give me a discount on the rent in the future."

"no problem."

"There's no need for a discount, the house is free for you to use." Lin Nan is not a stingy person, and he is not short of that little money, so he just treats it as making friends.

"That's what you said, I won't be polite to you."

"Don't worry, what you say is what you say, as long as you open a shop here for a day, I will never charge your rent."

"You've already said that, if I don't say anything, it would be a little wrong." Zheng Jiayi held Xiao Jingxuan's arm and said:

"Let's go, book a place for you tonight, and I'll arrange dinner."

"Then I won't be polite to you." Xiao Jingxuan said with a smile: "Let's eat hot pot tonight, I'm going to starve to death."

"Yes, yes, let's go eat hot pot to celebrate." Duan Bo echoed beside him.

(End of this chapter)

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