Chapter 282 Negotiations
"I am, who are you?"

"Mr. Lin is like this. I am Ma Liang, the deputy general manager of Hermès Greater China. I have taken a fancy to a set of real estate in the North-South Pedestrian Street under your company. We want to rent the store and talk to you about the specific plan."

"Isn't it just renting a house? It's no big deal. It's not like you, the deputy general manager, call me."

"The thing is, we planned this a long time ago, but we have been communicating with Shenghe Group, but they disagreed. When we contacted them again yesterday, they said that we had sold the North-South Pedestrian Street to you. , so I'm calling you."

Lin Nan frowned and felt a little strange. Luxury goods like Hermès must be the ones who are not short of money, so naturally they will not make a fuss about the price.

And Shenghe Group is open for business, as long as the price is in place, they have no reason not to rent.

But now, their deputy general manager actually called him. This matter may be different from what he imagined.

"I would like to know what specific demands you have. If it is a general condition, I think Shenghe Group will not refuse."

"The thing is like this, we are going to open the largest Hermès flagship store in Asia on Nanbei Road Pedestrian Street, but there is no store that meets our requirements on the pedestrian street, so we want to rent four stores in a row."

"Then you can rent it, it's not a big problem."

"Mr. Lin, you may have misunderstood one point. We need to open up the four stores and integrate them into one, but the previous Shenghe Group has not agreed, and we have been deadlocked here. I will call you today and want to say It's the same thing."

Hearing this, Lin Nan understood what was going on.

It is not a big problem to open up four stores, but the problem is that after the opening of dead stores, the area will be very large.

If one day they stop renting, it will be difficult for anyone to take over this shop.

Because the flagship stores of other brands only occupy the area of ​​two stores at most, but they actually need four. From this point of view, it is natural for Shenghe Group to reject them.

"That said, it's a little difficult."

"Mr. Lin, don't refuse in a hurry. If possible, I hope to meet and chat with you."

Lin Nan didn't refuse in a hurry. In his opinion, it would be beneficial to have more contact with people like Ma Liang.

"All right, where do you want to meet?"

"Where is Mr. Lin's company? I'll go find you now."

In Ma Liang's view, if Lin Nan can spend 160 billion to buy the entire North-South Pedestrian Street, he must be a rich man on the list, so he said such a thing.

As everyone knows, he is just a teacher in a college.

"I'm outside now, it may not be convenient to go to our company, or I'll go find you."

"It's not good to be so much. I'm the one who troubled you to do something and asked you to come and find me."

"Small things, no problem."

Lin Nan didn't want to be so busy anymore, but the problem was that the company hadn't officially opened yet, and it wasn't suitable to invite him to discuss things there.

"Then just wait a moment, I will send you the address of the company later, just come and find me directly."


Soon, Lin Nan received a text message on his cell phone, packed up his things, came to the parking lot, and drove to Ma Liang's company.

The headquarters of Hermès in the Asia-Pacific region is located on the bank of the Huangpu River in Zhonghai. The office building is very grand. The renters in the building are all in suits and leather shoes, but they all look hurried and non-stop for work.

After parking the car, Lin Nan walked into the building, attracting the attention of many women, all of whom focused on him.

Lin Nan came to the elevator, took the elevator to the 21st floor, and came to Ma Liang's office.

When he entered the door, he was stopped by his secretary.

"Hello sir, are you here to see Mr. Ma?"

The female secretary in a black uniform and flesh-colored stockings asked in a very polite tone.

"I'm Lin Nan, and you, Mr. Ma, invited me to come here."

Knowing Lin Nan's identity, the female secretary was very surprised.

She knew that Ma Liang had made an appointment with Lin Nan, but she didn't expect that the other party was so young, judging by his age, he seemed to be only 25 or [-] years old.

"Boss Lin, follow me."

The female secretary made a gesture of invitation and took Lin Nan to Ma Liang's office.

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Lin is here."

After finishing speaking, the female secretary took a step aside and let Lin Nan out.

Ma Liang is not tall, at most 1 meters. He is in his 7s, and his figure is a bit fat, giving people a very elegant feeling.

When he saw Lin Nan, Ma Liang was also a little surprised. Like the female secretary, he didn't expect Lin Nan to be so young and have such an outstanding appearance.

Even the models hired by the company don't seem to have as good appearance as him.

But Ma Liang didn't dwell on these issues too much, instead a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He is so young, and he certainly doesn't have much experience in business. The next negotiation should be very beneficial to him.

Ma Liang came out from the desk and held Lin Nan's hand.

"Hello, Mr. Lin, I'm really sorry to trouble you, I came here personally."

"It doesn't matter, everyone is here to do business, as long as the price is in place, we can talk about anything."

"Boss Lin is right. Everyone is a businessman, which means they can discuss everything." Ma Liang said with a smile:

"The four shops we selected are No. 218, No. 220, No. 222 and No. 224, South and North Road. According to our plan, the rent of the four shops is 3500 million a year, and the cost of the shop renovation will also be paid by us. Bear it, I don't know what Mr. Lin thinks."

"I just bought the pedestrian street back. I don't know much about the situation there. I don't know the exact area. I'll check it out and get back to you."

"Don't bother me so much, Mr. Lin, I have specific information." Ma Liang said:
"The layout of the four stores is the same. Each store has three floors, and the area of ​​each floor is about 140 square meters."

"I see."

Lin Nan didn't speak, but took the mobile phone and navigated the location of the pedestrian street on it.

The locations where the four shops were found are located in the middle of the pedestrian street, which is considered the most golden area.

In addition to the area of ​​the four shops, the annual rent can reach almost 700 million to 800 million based on normal calculations, so the price offered by Ma Liang is already considered high.

But if it's just that, he can't agree yet.

"The price is a bit low. If you stop renting one day, we will not be able to rent out these four stores, and we will spend a lot of manpower and material resources on maintenance, so I cannot accept this price."

(End of this chapter)

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